Japan marks 76th anniversary of Hiroshima and Nagasaki nuclear bombings

You watch too many cartoons.
As I pointed out earlier libs who never heard of Bushido seem to think that japanese war leaders were rational men and many were not

in the case of this guy he also has a nasty disposition along with some insecurity when people disagree with him
My question pertained specifically to Dresden.

Dresden was a direct result to the Germans raids on London.

I don't agree with it but I understand the mindset

Here's the real deal, deliver a knockout punch and if you don't? Expect the worse

Why don't you address the topic?

This is a good time to point out that I understand how difficult it is for people to address the ugly truth of these horrendous acts.

I see people struggling to defend the indefensible, and in the process becoming unwitting - and unintentional - apologists for terrorism of ALL kinds.

For my part, I don't care who commits horrendous acts like this; such acts are ALWAYS wrong.

Whether committed by Hitler, Hirohito, Truman or bin Laden; Johnson or Nixon or Pol Pot or Mao.

ALWAYS wrong.

But I understand how deeply indoctrinated people are, and to face the reality that the *Good War* was one pocked with terrorist acts like this is a painful and difficult matter to grapple with.

I wish all here well in the intellectual and moral challenge that any serious conversation about this topic entails, whether solitary/internal or involving many voices.

You called out Americans specifically and called out a specific act.

Why don't you condemn, directly, Pearl Harbor? You have yet to say Pearl Harbor was wrong. All you say is you condemn horrendous acts by various people. You are using different wording for each act. Why is that? You didn't say "I condemn horrendous acts done by Truman." You said that AMERICANS incinerating Japanese was horrendous. Why?
Some argue that Truman is the most monstrous war criminal of all time, as Japan was prepared to surrender with only one condition - a condition met after the two acts of unspeakable terror.

Ike opposed the bombing, Einstein opposed it, and I'm guessing Jesus would have opposed it too.
Japan was run by batshit crazy racist zealots that believed their Emperor was God and they couldn’t be defeated. They were allies to the Nazis too. When the first bomb was dropped, they shrugged it off and said it was just a bomb.

Fun fact, more Japs died in the Tokyo fire bombings than the nuclear bombs.
Japan fucked around and found out.

Even their very smart Admiral, Yamamoto, knew it was a mistake to attack the Americans.
You called out Americans specifically and called out a specific act.

Why don't you condemn, directly, Pearl Harbor? You have yet to say Pearl Harbor was wrong. All you say is you condemn horrendous acts by various people. You are using different wording for each act. Why is that? You didn't say "I condemn horrendous acts done by Truman." You said that AMERICANS incinerating Japanese was horrendous. Why?

It doesn't fit the narrative of the left. They'll never let America live down Hiroshima or Nagasaki, but they will never blame the Japanese for starting the damn war in the first place.
Just chalk it off to the indoctrination diploma they received from one of our fine universities.
Did you even bother to read the article? The Japanese were only offering to return places that they had either already lost, or were totally cut off from. And they knew that allied policy was unconditional surrender. FDR couldn't accept anything less without the approval of Churchill and Stalin and Stalin was the author of the unconditional surrender policy for both Germany and Japan.
If you search long enough you can usually fond a crackpot or two that support your position

in this case you found a leftist south korean professor

besides I have already agreed that in spite of potsdam, US policy by Aug 1945 was to keep the russians out of japan

which was a throughly sensible idea

Actually, it's the consensus of historians that the Japanese surrendered because of the Soviets entering the war.

I don't know if it was "Sensible" or not. Hirohito should have been held accountable for his part in war crimes. In fact, a lot of Japanese and German officials got a pass for what they did in the war because we needed them for the Cold War.

Ike knew it, and this is just one reason he opposed the bombs.

Yeah, but did he? Ike said he opposed the bombs years later, as did a lot of other officials.

Again, this was after nuclear War became this existential threat to humanity, and no one wanted to claim any part in setting the stage for it

In 1945, atom bombs were just another weapon. I don't think anyone gave it any thought beyond, "We have this weapon. let's use it."
Japan was run by batshit crazy racist zealots that believed their Emperor was God and they couldn’t be defeated. They were allies to the Nazis too. When the first bomb was dropped, they shrugged it off and said it was just a bomb.

Wow... so much racist stupidity in this one. So Much.

The Japanese considered the Emperor a Kami.... a divine spirit, not exactly a "God".
Yes, they threw in with the Nazis, but Japan was more or less a functioning democracy in the 1940's. Tojo was not a dictator in the sense Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini were. In fact, he was sacked from his position as Prime Minister when the war wasn't going well.
The bombs aren't what encouraged Japan to surrender, Soviet entry into the Pacific War did. And the US folding on the issue of Hirohito's status.

Japan fucked around and found out.

Even their very smart Admiral, Yamamoto, knew it was a mistake to attack the Americans.

Actually, Yamamoto's plans were not very smart. He realized that the US had superior industrial capacity and that Japan had to established superiority by 1943, which he failed to do, mostly because he kept flopping around on what his objectives were.
Wow... so much racist stupidity in this one. So Much.

The Japanese considered the Emperor a Kami.... a divine spirit, not exactly a "God".
Yes, they threw in with the Nazis, but Japan was more or less a functioning democracy in the 1940's. Tojo was not a dictator in the sense Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini were. In fact, he was sacked from his position as Prime Minister when the war wasn't going well.
The bombs aren't what encouraged Japan to surrender, Soviet entry into the Pacific War did. And the US folding on the issue of Hirohito's status.

Actually, Yamamoto's plans were not very smart. He realized that the US had superior industrial capacity and that Japan had to established superiority by 1943, which he failed to do, mostly because he kept flopping around on what his objectives were.
LOL, of course a little anti-American shill like you would revere Tojo. Look at you making every excuse for him. Yamamoto spent time in America before the war and knew it was a mistake to attack because of the vast resources we had.

The Japs were complete racist nuts that believed in their own superiority over whites and all other Asians, you’re an uneducated nutcase if you believe otherwise. And yes I know what a kami is and they believed the Emperor was divine.

There is a word the Japanese have for you, it’s “baka”.
LOL, of course a little anti-American shill like you would revere Tojo. Look at you making every excuse for him. Yamamoto spent time in America before the war and knew it was a mistake to attack because of the vast resources we had.

Pointing out he was more a conventional politician is "revering him"? Really?

Yamamoto might have thought it was a mistake, but he still planned and executed Pearl Harbor. If anything, he made matters worse by really pissing us off.

The Japs were complete racist nuts that believed in their own superiority over whites and all other Asians, you’re an uneducated nutcase if you believe otherwise. And yes I know what a kami is and they believed the Emperor was divine.

SOunds to me like they learned some bad habits from white people, like Imperialism.. I find it funny that we talk about how awful the Japanese were but ignore how awful we were in the Philippines, Vietnam, Iraq.



Nope - they wanted to surrender with one condition which was met AFTER our unspeakable acts of terror.


Irrelevant; incinerating people is wrong.

But Japan was prepared to surrender with one condition.

Horrendous terrorist war crimes.

Formally, but their one condition was granted.

Ruling them?

You first. :)
Be VERY SPECIFIC and link to a surrender offer by Japan prior to the bombs drop.
Actually, it's the consensus of historians that the Japanese surrendered because of the Soviets entering the war.
No it isnt

or at least not a majority of historians who are alive at the time

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