Japan marks 76th anniversary of Hiroshima and Nagasaki nuclear bombings

And how would killing more women and children have made up for that?

You are always confused about things like this, aren't you?

To stop the sonofabitches from doing it. To make them surrender.

Killing their women and children is a great way to get the attention of the asshole military leaders that are too dense to figure it out otherwise.

If the Japs didn't want their women and children killed then they shouldn't have killed (or threatened to kill) other women and children.
And of course noting Japan was not going to surrender is a bigoted response RIGHT?

Except... Japan did surrender. They did not fight to the last old man and little boy like the Germans did.

The only question is why?

Because we dropped some low-grade nukes on them?
Because the USSR had a whole case of whoop-ass for them
Or because their leaders came to their senses and realized the war was lost?

Probably all three, but the bombs were never as important as we like to think they are when we try to assuage our consciences for using them to start with.
You are always confused about things like this, aren't you?

To stop the sonofabitches from doing it. To make them surrender.

Killing their women and children is a great way to get the attention of the asshole military leaders that are too dense to figure it out otherwise.

If the Japs didn't want their women and children killed then they shouldn't have killed (or threatened to kill) other women and children.

YOu are God's own retard, aren't you?
YOu are God's own retard, aren't you?

You have difficulty understanding moral clarity, don't you? Typical for a stupid uneducated Moon Bat. You don't know any more about Ethics than you know about Biology, Climate Science, History, Economics or the Constitution.

How about this Moon Bat. Lets see what your real convictions are.

The filthy ass Union Army killed 100,000 Southern civilians in their War of Aggression.

Let me see you condemn the sonofabitches.
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As I pointed out earlier libs who never heard of Bushido seem to think that japanese war leaders were rational men and many were not

in the case of this guy he also has a nasty disposition along with some insecurity when people disagree with him
Nothing excuses what we did.
You called out Americans specifically and called out a specific act.
I addressed the topic.
Why don't you condemn, directly, Pearl Harbor?
Not the topic.

Why don't you condemn OJ's crimes? :)
You have yet to say Pearl Harbor was wrong.
Not the topic.
All you say is you condemn horrendous acts by various people.
Not all I say, no.
You are using different wording for each act.
Bizarre comment.
Why is that?
See above.
You didn't say "I condemn horrendous acts done by Truman."
I do condemn Truman as an horrendous war criminal who should have been executed; read the thread.
You said that AMERICANS incinerating Japanese was horrendous.
Something like this, yes.
Because it was and is.
Japan was run by batshit crazy racist zealots that believed their Emperor was God and they couldn’t be defeated.
This is the myth used to excuse our horrendous terrorism, yes.
They were allies to the Nazis too.
When the first bomb was dropped, they shrugged it off and said it was just a bomb.
Fun fact, more Japs died in the Tokyo fire bombings than the nuclear bombs.
Not fun - terrorism.
It doesn't fit the narrative of the left. They'll never let America live down Hiroshima or Nagasaki, but they will never blame the Japanese for starting the damn war in the first place.
Just chalk it off to the indoctrination diploma they received from one of our fine universities.
Irrelevant fallacious derailing ad hominem.
Yeah, but did he? Ike said he opposed the bombs years later, as did a lot of other officials.

Again, this was after nuclear War became this existential threat to humanity, and no one wanted to claim any part in setting the stage for it

In 1945, atom bombs were just another weapon. I don't think anyone gave it any thought beyond, "We have this weapon. let's use it."
Some good points.
Actually, it's more like I have an understanding of Japanese History...

Okay, going give you the short version because of your learning disability.

Japan tried to isolate itself during the period of the Tokugawa Shoganate, (1603-1854) because they didn't want to end up like the Philippines, Vietnam, India, etc. and be dominated by the western powers.

That was all fine until Commodore Perry brought his warships into Tokyo Bay in 1854, and forced the Japanese to sign treaties ending their isolation. This lead to the Meiji Restoration and the militarization of Japan, where they decided the best way to protect themselves was through industrialization and having a strong military. The British were too happy to help, building ships, providing technical know-how and elevating them into a modern state that would act as an enforcer for British interest.

After WWI, the US and Britain treated Japan like a second class nation at the Washington Naval Conference, which further inflamed their nationalism. Kind of like the kid who tries to be cool and never gets to sit at the cool kid's table.

Also, with industrialization comes a hunger for resources...and like the Europeans, the Japanese just decided they were entitled to someone else's. Except, of course, the US and UK wanted to exploit those resources themselves...

That's when the Japanese threw in with the Nazis.
Yawn, thanks for your boring and limited story telling of Japanese history. I guarantee I’ve read more Japanese history and literature than you. You’re little narrative fails to explain how they thought of themselves as superior to the Koreans and Chinese. When they handily beat the Russians in a war they got it into their heads they could defeat anyone, including America.

Oh, but, but, but, the whites that made fun of them while they were in America made them do all that.
Be VERY SPECIFIC and link to a surrender offer by Japan prior to the bombs drop.
Explore the history of this ultimately irrelevant sub-topic when you're ready, but remember that the REAL issue is that not only did we commit two HORRENDOUS acts of terrorism, we did it to a country on its knees and desperate to surrender.
Explore the history of this ultimately irrelevant sub-topic when you're ready, but remember that the REAL issue is that not only did we commit two HORRENDOUS acts of terrorism, we did it to a country on its knees and desperate to surrender.
So desperate that after the first Atomic bomb they made 4 demands,,,,, yup you lot are beyond stupid.

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