Japan say's 'hell no' to refugees

And Japan does not have the failed diversity experiment America does. What we have done is essentially reparations. Give the Blacks a free pass on everything under the sun.

Liberals: Does this mean Japan is racist? A simple yes or no will be fine. But an explanation would be even better.

Japan is notorious for being closed to outsiders immigrating there. Now this.

Doesn't this make Japanese people way more racist than anyone else?

Japanese people are very ethnocentric. And if you aren't Japanese, you are considered to be an outsider. One of the few negative traits I experienced while living there.


So they're racist? Aren't blacks and hispanics very ethnocentric also?? So that's a bad thing too right?

You retarded?
They have it right.
I bet there are some European nations that wish they could go back several decades and had similiar policies like Japan has when it comes to outsiders.

Japan, wary of outsiders, keeps doors closed to refugees
Ever wary toward outsiders, Japan keeps doors closed to refugees despite pledges to do more

TOKYO (AP) -- For Mohammed, the perils of staying in Damascus crystalized when a sniper's bullet whizzed past his head while he and his cousins were on his rooftop, watching the Syrian air force bomb rebel forces.

The same roof where Mohammed and his lifelong friend Jamal used to sit in a tent and play video games. Now, instead of studying for a law degree, Mohammed is working as a fitness instructor in Tokyo, trying to squeeze in some language study and hoping that like Jamal, he'll beat the odds and win official status as a refugee in Japan.

The odds aren't good.

Out of the 7,533 people who applied for refugee status in 2014, or appealed earlier refusals, only 11 were approved. That includes Jamal, his mother and sister, whose approvals came after a year-and-a-half wait.

For most, the approval never comes: In the past five years, the proportion of applicants granted refugee status in Japan has dropped to below 1 percent — in 2014 it was just 0.2 percent. In contrast, Germany has accepted nearly 40,000 Syrian asylum-seekers since 2013, while the U.S. has pledged to accept 10,000 Syrian refugees and has resettled 2,234 since 2010.

Japan, wary of outsiders, keeps doors closed to refugees

The Japanese are correct, there are many of us in Europa who share the same view.
And Japan does not have the failed diversity experiment America does. What we have done is essentially reparations. Give the Blacks a free pass on everything under the sun.


This is what it is, a "social experiment" which has failed miserably. Traitors like Merkel and Juncker here in Europa want to do the same "social experiment", however we're going to ensure that their disgraceful plan fails miserably also.
Liberals: Does this mean Japan is racist? A simple yes or no will be fine. But an explanation would be even better.

Japan is notorious for being closed to outsiders immigrating there. Now this.

Doesn't this make Japanese people way more racist than anyone else?

I think is shows just how SMART Japan is


No....it's racist!

Whats wrong that? Racist at times make solid and smart choices to protect their way of life. Immigrants are suppose to come legally, then assimilate to be like us, yet not expect us to become like them


Uuggh......bro....you obviously haven't been educated on tolerance and diversity. Japan is racist mmkay? You either open your borders to EVERYONE who wants to come....or....it's racist bro.

But those in Japan worked hard to create the identity they have since Pearl Harbor. The accept no risk in returning to the media limelight, Can't have their culture change from is core foundation. To accomplish such, they need to control just who they let into the party. It only makes sense, geez, why do we check ID's at the bar and have bouncers at the door?

Currently, Muslims can't pass the litmus test


The Leftists hate any sort of National Identity, they also hate any sort of National Culture....they want NO Identity and NO Culture, they want One World Government and One People....they are borderline insane essentially.
This is from our history. Muslims should be denied entry until they police their own


1798 Naturalization Act (An act supplementary to and to amend the act, intituled "An act to establish an uniform rule of naturalization, and to repeal the act heretofore passed on that subject")

Sess II, Chap. 54; 1 stat 566.

5th Congress; June 17, 1798.

You can find the full text of this law as a PDF here.


Section 1 required applicants for citizenship to have declared intention to becoming a citizen five years prior to applicatoin, and lived in the United States 14 years when the application was admitted. This act was to be implemented on all new aliens providing they were no longer subjects of any nation the U.S. was at war with at the time of application.

(Summary by Shelby Englund and Eric Svoboda)

1798 Alien Enemies Act (An act respecting alien enemies)

Sess. II Chap. 66; 1 Stat. 570

5th Congress; July 6, 1798

You can find the full text of this law here or download the PDF.


This act had the following prerequisites to take effect: The United States had to be in a declared war with a foreign nation or government, or have experienced an invasion or predatory incursion attempted by any foreign nation or government, and such action must have been acknowledged by the President of the United States.

If such actions took place, then any male citizens aged fourteen or older of the hostile nation or government that had not been naturalized were subject to deportation or imprisonment. They would be regarded as alien enemies. If they were not charged with any violations of public safety, they would be given a certain amount of time to leave the country.

U.S. Immigration Legislation: 1798 Naturalization Act and Alien Laws
1798 Alien Friends Act (An act concerning aliens)

Sess II, Chap. 58; 1 Stat. 577

5th Congress; June 25, 1798

You can find the full text of this law as a PDF here.


This act allowed the President at any time to order any aliens he deemed dangerous to be deported. This included suspicion of treason or spying. If the alien stayed in the country, they could be imprisoned for three years, and never be allowed to become a citizen of the USA. The President could also issue a license to such an alien, granting them temporary residency in the USA. This act also required the declaration by ships entering US ports of any aliens they might have on board. This act was approved for two years from its passing date.

U.S. Immigration Legislation: 1798 Naturalization Act and Alien Laws
Unlike Europe, Japan wishes to preserve as much of their identity as possible.

WE want to preserve our National Identities, it's actually something that many are prepared to die to defend.

More likely......you are prepared to see others die.

You have begun to insult others, I see. That didn't take long.

You think your national identity is white, don't you?
Nice to know at least the leaders of one country have their heads on straight.

To bad the douchbag leaders in America and Europe aren't as smart.

Muslims want to rule the world and take it back to the seventh century.

What better way to do that then to flood Europe and America with Muslim refugees??

Now you tell me who's ignorant??
1798 Alien Friends Act (An act concerning aliens)

Sess II, Chap. 58; 1 Stat. 577

5th Congress; June 25, 1798

You can find the full text of this law as a PDF here.


This act allowed the President at any time to order any aliens he deemed dangerous to be deported. This included suspicion of treason or spying. If the alien stayed in the country, they could be imprisoned for three years, and never be allowed to become a citizen of the USA. The President could also issue a license to such an alien, granting them temporary residency in the USA. This act also required the declaration by ships entering US ports of any aliens they might have on board. This act was approved for two years from its passing date.

U.S. Immigration Legislation: 1798 Naturalization Act and Alien Laws

Like Obama actually cares about either the US Constitution or any US Laws....Obama makes up his own laws and ignores as many established laws as he likes....and nobody stops him.

This is what happens when you have a group of Cuckservatives and pretty much a Uni-Party.
Unlike Europe, Japan wishes to preserve as much of their identity as possible.

WE want to preserve our National Identities, it's actually something that many are prepared to die to defend.

More likely......you are prepared to see others die.

You have begun to insult others, I see. That didn't take long.

You think your national identity is white, don't you?

If I insulted it was mild, compared to the insults I've read that have been directed at others.
Unlike Europe, Japan wishes to preserve as much of their identity as possible.

WE want to preserve our National Identities, it's actually something that many are prepared to die to defend.

More likely......you are prepared to see others die.

You have begun to insult others, I see. That didn't take long.

You think your national identity is white, don't you?

If I insulted it was mild, compared to the insults I've read that have been directed at others.

Whatever helps you get through the day.
Unlike Europe, Japan wishes to preserve as much of their identity as possible.

WE want to preserve our National Identities, it's actually something that many are prepared to die to defend.

More likely......you are prepared to see others die.

You have begun to insult others, I see. That didn't take long.

You think your national identity is white, don't you?

If I insulted it was mild, compared to the insults I've read that have been directed at others.

Whatever helps you get through the day.

Today's question:
Some years past I was visiting Japan for the first time.
I forget to pick up my expensive Pentax SLR camera when I boarded a train. I had left it on a bench.
The next day I went back to the train station and my camera was still sitting on the bench.
How many here think if Japan was awash in young muslim rag heads back then my camera would have not been stolen?
Recently I was on the border of a muslim enclave AKA fucking filthy shithole ghetto in a city in France. You literally did not dare carry a fucking shopping bag without it getting ripped out of your hands by fucking 'young muslim men' marauding the streets. Walking alone was out of the question. They steal anything they can then run across the street marking their muslim ghetto. The fucking cops just stand on the other side of the street and do nothing. They don't dare go into muslim held ground.
There are businesses that you can phone: "Hello, I'd like an escort to go shopping today. OK I'll be waiting at my hotel at 1:AM." For $100 US dollars you can hire a HUGE bodyguard for the day. The fucking 'young muslim men' leave you alone then.
My bodyguard told me if he gets his hands on any rag head who is threatening him he blinds them.
Today's question:
Some years past I was visiting Japan for the first time.
I forget to pick up my expensive Pentax SLR camera when I boarded a train. I had left it on a bench.
The next day I went back to the train station and my camera was still sitting on the bench.
How many here think if Japan was awash in young muslim rag heads back then my camera would have not been stolen?
Recently I was on the border of a muslim enclave AKA fucking filthy shithole ghetto in a city in France. You literally did not dare carry a fucking shopping bag without it getting ripped out of your hands by fucking 'young muslim men' marauding the streets. Walking alone was out of the question. They steal anything they can then run across the street marking their muslim ghetto. The fucking cops just stand on the other side of the street and do nothing. They don't dare go into muslim held ground.
There are businesses that you can phone: "Hello, I'd like an escort to go shopping today. OK I'll be waiting at my hotel at 1:AM." For $100 US dollars you can hire a HUGE bodyguard for the day. The fucking 'young muslim men' leave you alone then.
My bodyguard told me if he gets his hands on any rag head who is threatening him he blinds them.

The same in Austria and Germany, the majority of us would either hand your camera into the desk at the train station or leave it where you left it, the majority of us wouldn't steal your camera, like the Japanese.

We all share similar traits, order, discipline, good manners and basic honesty and trust-worthiness.
Japan is not alone. Zeman, Czech president and over 70% support. PC is no big deal here:

The Czech president used his Christmas address to denounce an 'organised invasion' of refugees

Don't forget Hungary and Viktor Orban....actually the whole of Eastern Europa, including Lithuania and Latvia. It's only certain leaders of Western Europa who've turned Traitor to the people.
That's because they are fucking Socialists who see a potential vote for Socialism with every rag head they let into the country.
Bonobo is trying the same bullshit in the US.
Japan is a clever country. It has no tolerance towards muslims. As far as I know they do not tolerate mosques, this religion is forbidden or nearly so. Good turn.

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