Japan say's 'hell no' to refugees

They have it right.
I bet there are some European nations that wish they could go back several decades and had similiar policies like Japan has when it comes to outsiders.

Japan, wary of outsiders, keeps doors closed to refugees
Ever wary toward outsiders, Japan keeps doors closed to refugees despite pledges to do more

TOKYO (AP) -- For Mohammed, the perils of staying in Damascus crystalized when a sniper's bullet whizzed past his head while he and his cousins were on his rooftop, watching the Syrian air force bomb rebel forces.

The same roof where Mohammed and his lifelong friend Jamal used to sit in a tent and play video games. Now, instead of studying for a law degree, Mohammed is working as a fitness instructor in Tokyo, trying to squeeze in some language study and hoping that like Jamal, he'll beat the odds and win official status as a refugee in Japan.

The odds aren't good.

Out of the 7,533 people who applied for refugee status in 2014, or appealed earlier refusals, only 11 were approved. That includes Jamal, his mother and sister, whose approvals came after a year-and-a-half wait.

For most, the approval never comes: In the past five years, the proportion of applicants granted refugee status in Japan has dropped to below 1 percent — in 2014 it was just 0.2 percent. In contrast, Germany has accepted nearly 40,000 Syrian asylum-seekers since 2013, while the U.S. has pledged to accept 10,000 Syrian refugees and has resettled 2,234 since 2010.

Japan, wary of outsiders, keeps doors closed to refugees

The Japanese are correct, there are many of us in Europa who share the same view.

Not enough apparently, since Europe seems to be bent on destroying it's identity.
Liberals: Does this mean Japan is racist? A simple yes or no will be fine. But an explanation would be even better.

Japan is notorious for being closed to outsiders immigrating there. Now this.

Doesn't this make Japanese people way more racist than anyone else?

Japanese people are very ethnocentric. And if you aren't Japanese, you are considered to be an outsider. One of the few negative traits I experienced while living there.


Unlike white liberals, the people of other cultures and ethnicities, are proud of who they are and feel who they are is worth preserving.
Liberals: Does this mean Japan is racist? A simple yes or no will be fine. But an explanation would be even better.

Japan is notorious for being closed to outsiders immigrating there. Now this.

Doesn't this make Japanese people way more racist than anyone else?

Japanese people are very ethnocentric. And if you aren't Japanese, you are considered to be an outsider. One of the few negative traits I experienced while living there.


Unlike white liberals, the people of other cultures and ethnicities, are proud of who they are and feel who they are is worth preserving.

Fuck off. This will be a brown nation by the time your great grandkids are becoming parents. Outr kids are a beautiful mixture of my Italian-Irish genes and their mother's Japanese ones. I've got blue eyes and brown hair.....but none of them do. You know why that is, chief?

The American culture is as great as it is EXACTLY BECAUSE we mix it up. Your kind is dying off. Sayonara, bitch.
Liberals: Does this mean Japan is racist? A simple yes or no will be fine. But an explanation would be even better.

Japan is notorious for being closed to outsiders immigrating there. Now this.

Doesn't this make Japanese people way more racist than anyone else?

Japanese people are very ethnocentric. And if you aren't Japanese, you are considered to be an outsider. One of the few negative traits I experienced while living there.


Unlike white liberals, the people of other cultures and ethnicities, are proud of who they are and feel who they are is worth preserving.

Fuck off. This will be a brown nation by the time your great grandkids are becoming parents. Outr kids are a beautiful mixture of my Italian-Irish genes and their mother's Japanese ones. I've got blue eyes and brown hair.....but none of them do. You know why that is, chief?

The American culture is as great as it is EXACTLY BECAUSE we mix it up. Your kind is dying off. Sayonara, bitch.

I didn't say America wouldn't be brown, obviously so. I know you'll be happy then Uncle Tommy.
Japan is unaffected with the liberal PC disease, and does not yield to threats of being called "islamophobic bigots". Their government seems to actually put its country's people ahead of everything else. I almost forgot what that felt like, such a breath of fresh air!
As soon as Obama is kicked out of our White House and the proper president is elected, we will gain back our unique American identity. president Trump will kick any Syrian out of the country that Obama allowed in.
And Japan does not have the failed diversity experiment America does. What we have done is essentially reparations. Give the Blacks a free pass on everything under the sun.


This is what it is, a "social experiment" which has failed miserably. Traitors like Merkel and Juncker here in Europa want to do the same "social experiment", however we're going to ensure that their disgraceful plan fails miserably also.
I have a feeling we will be at war again with Germany, except it won't be the Aryan race we're fighting, it will be the German Muslims.

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