Japanese abandon six nuclear reactors


Gold Member
May 30, 2008
Six abandoned reactors...four with partial meltdowns and three with spent fuel rods and no containment vessel. This is a disaster of the first magnitude for the people of Japan.

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Leaving it with active fires is not a good sign. They know they can't stop it. And as the luck of the Japanese has been lately, the winds are from the NE, of course.
All workers have been evacuated from the stricken Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan due to the threat of radiation, with fears the containment vessel around the No. 3 reactor may have been damaged.

Television images earlier showed white smoke, now thought to be steam, drifting from the nuclear plant, crippled by last week's devastating earthquake and ensuing tsunami.

Chief government spokesman Yukio Edano says the containment vessel at the No. 3 reactor may have suffered damage.

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Closeup of #4 today. Is the rubble to the left is what is left of #3 outer building?

I don't know.

But reactors 4, 5, and 6 contain spent fuel rods with NO containment vessel.

They will release caesium-137 if they burn...just like Chernobyl.
I don't know.

But reactors 4, 5, and 6 contain spent fuel rods with NO containment vessel.

They will release caesium-137 if they burn...just like Chernobyl.

There have been rumors that cesium has already been measured, and looking at #4, it wouldn't be a surprise. I'm trying to watch the live feed but they are only showing the plant intermittently. Looks to me like the smoke is already increasing.
They are discussing that photo now. The rubble to the left IS the damage to #3.
Where are all the idiots who said the press was overblowing this disaster?
Twitter is now abuzz that the plant was NOT evacuated.....

I heard the guy say it in the press conference?!?

All of the MSM networks are reporting "operations suspended" and workers have left.

Smoke appears to be coming from #3 or #4, most are saying #3.
Latest Minute by minute update @ Reuter`s International News :
Asked if fuel rods were partially melting in the No. 1 reactor, Edano said: "There is that possibility. We cannot confirm this because it is in the reactor. But we are dealing with it under that assumption."
He said fuel rods may have partially deformed at the No. 3 reactor but a meltdown was unlikely to have occurred.
"The use of seawater means they have run out of options," said David Lochbaum, director of the Union of Concerned Scientists Nuclear Safety Project, according to Reuters.
Radiation Levels Up, 'No Immediate Threat'
A Japanese official said there were 190 people within a 10-kilometer radius of the nuclear plant when radiation levels rose and 22 people have been confirmed to have suffered contamination. Workers in protective clothing were scanning people arriving at evacuation centers for radioactive exposure.
TEPCO said radiation levels around the Fukushima Daiichi plant had risen above the safety limit but that it did not mean an "immediate threat" to human health.
Edano said there was a risk of an explosion at the building housing the No. 3 reactor, but that it was unlikely to affect the reactor core container.

And the "Radiation clouds that "threaten Tokyo", does not matter who You quote and where You look is 9 to 10 times "Higher than normal background radiation"

Radiation Hazard at Aircraft Altitudes

"Normal Background Radiation" @ sea level and Solar Max Sunspot activity=
0.0401 (uSv/h)
at 40 000 feet (normal cruis altitude for airliners....:
6.78 (uSv/h)= ~ 170 times "Normal"
@ 50 000 feet=
9.71 (uSv/h) = ~ 240 times "Normal"

So jump in Your nuclear shelter and stay down there

Just make sure it`s well vented, because North American basements can have radiation levels way higher than what all these idiotic News papers that are being quoted here "report"...I won`t quote any "average" Radon Gas levels, like some dumb ass "climatologist" quoting "world average temperatures"...but if You want to freak out over that or "climate change" that`s Your own business.
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Latest Minute by minute update @ Reuter`s International News :
Asked if fuel rods were partially melting in the No. 1 reactor, Edano said: "There is that possibility. We cannot confirm this because it is in the reactor. But we are dealing with it under that assumption."
He said fuel rods may have partially deformed at the No. 3 reactor but a meltdown was unlikely to have occurred.
"The use of seawater means they have run out of options," said David Lochbaum, director of the Union of Concerned Scientists Nuclear Safety Project, according to Reuters.
Radiation Levels Up, 'No Immediate Threat'
A Japanese official said there were 190 people within a 10-kilometer radius of the nuclear plant when radiation levels rose and 22 people have been confirmed to have suffered contamination. Workers in protective clothing were scanning people arriving at evacuation centers for radioactive exposure.
TEPCO said radiation levels around the Fukushima Daiichi plant had risen above the safety limit but that it did not mean an "immediate threat" to human health.
Edano said there was a risk of an explosion at the building housing the No. 3 reactor, but that it was unlikely to affect the reactor core container.

And the "Radiation clouds that "threaten Tokyo", does not matter who You quote and where You look is 9 to 10 times "Higher than normal background radiation"

Radiation Hazard at Aircraft Altitudes

"Normal Background Radiation" @ sea level and Solar Max Sunspot activity=
0.0401 (uSv/h)
at 40 000 feet (normal cruis altitude for airliners....:
6.78 (uSv/h)= ~ 170 times "Normal"
@ 50 000 feet=
9.71 (uSv/h) = ~ 240 times "Normal"

So jump in Your nuclear shelter and stay down there

Where have you been?!?!?

You heard any confirmation on whether they evacuated or not? At the press conference, they said they had, now there is confusion.

See the wind? Right back on them :(
All workers were briefly evacuated from the stricken Fukushima nuclear plant

I briefly considered stuffing your gonads down your throat.

If a real evacuation of all 6 reactors occurs please post a thread about it.

Meanwhile stop being an alarmist pest.
Twitter is now abuzz that the plant was NOT evacuated.....

I heard the guy say it in the press conference?!?

All of the MSM networks are reporting "operations suspended" and workers have left.

Smoke appears to be coming from #3 or #4, most are saying #3.

So far this is news but not bad news.

Tell Chris to get a life.
All workers were briefly evacuated from the stricken Fukushima nuclear plant

I briefly considered stuffing your gonads down your throat.

If a real evacuation of all 6 reactors occurs please post a thread about it.

Meanwhile stop being an alarmist pest.

Where did you get that skeptic?

BBC saying it is empty, NYT saying it is not, ALL networks saying it is empty, Japanese official at press conference said "operation suspended."


I don't think anyone who isn't there knows for sure. This is ridiculous.
You would have loved the press conference....official said "1000 millisv" and the reporters all shit. He QUICKLY caught his error :)
All workers were briefly evacuated from the stricken Fukushima nuclear plant

I briefly considered stuffing your gonads down your throat.

If a real evacuation of all 6 reactors occurs please post a thread about it.

Meanwhile stop being an alarmist pest.

Where did you get that skeptic?

BBC saying it is empty, NYT saying it is not, ALL networks saying it is empty, Japanese official at press conference said "operation suspended."


I don't think anyone who isn't there knows for sure. This is ridiculous.

I got it from Chris's alarmist OP. I don't watch tv so I have no idea what you are seeing.

But there have been several serious radiation spikes since the first explosion and all of them were extremely short lived. Of course you have to pull your crew back when radiation exceeds deadly levels even momentarily. But you hasten them back in to continue cooling ops once the levels subside.
I got it from Chris's alarmist OP. I don't watch tv so I have no idea what you are seeing.

But there have been several serious radiation spikes since the first explosion and all of them were extremely short lived. Of course you have to pull your crew back when radiation exceeds deadly levels even momentarily. But you hasten them back in to continue cooling ops once the levels subside.

NHK now reporting they are going back in.

I don't believe any of it anymore. Just show me a picture and don't say a word. This is ridiculous.

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