Japan’s Biggest Mistake


Sep 23, 2010
Just to show how peaceful Islam is Obama handed Iran nuclear weapons that would only be used for peaceful purposes.

“We’re out there saying Islam is the religion of peace, and they’ve read their Quran and they know it’s not the religion of peace,” Nehlen told host Susan Knowles on Monday’s episode of “Stand for Truth Radio.” “They know it’s the religion of submission; it is the religion of subjugating others. And so we’re essentially saying to Muslims, ‘You don’t know what your religion is.'”​

Taking apart the 'Islam is religion of peace' claim
Posted By Paul Bremmer On 04/20/2017 @ 10:23 pm

Taking apart the ‘Islam is religion of peace’ claim

After 9-11-2001 the global government crowd insisted that enemy combatants were criminals. That excuse did not sit well with Americans who knew that Islam sure as hell was NOT a religion of peace long before the second Tower hit the ground.

In the years that followed 9-11 the America-haters insisted that Muslims doing the killing were radical fundamentalists hated by every peace-loving Muslim.

The next step in the evolution of preventing a declaration of war delivered to Islam found Democrats saying that fighting back was the best recruiting tool Muslims had to fight the war that was not a war at all. Had the Japanese military not declared war the day they bombed Pearl Harbor they might have won WWII.

NOTE: Muslims killed more Americans on 9-11-2001 than the Japs killed on December 7, 1941. In that sense there is not a whole lot of difference between carrier-based dive bombers and commercial jets:

Somewhere along the way Muslims killing non-Muslims in the West became lone wolfs acting on their own.

Now comes the latest media definition of soldiers:


Good news. All Muslim terrorists are actually mentally ill. There really are no Muslim terrorists per se. Just mentally ill people who occasionally shout, Allahu Akbar, while killing people in the name of some imaginary Islamic State.

That's the position the media is taking. So you won't be surprised at all that the party line on the latest Paris Jihadist is


Irreligious petty criminal​

Latest Muslim terrorist also mentally ill … like all the others
By Daniel Greenfield
April 23, 2017

Latest Muslim terrorist also mentally ill … like all the others

If the Nut Case Definition is accepted every Muslim lone wolf criminal captured after an attack can plead insanity in a criminal court.

Finally, at no point in Islam’s phylogenesis did anybody with a public voice ever call Islam a political movement —— which it is. In short: Throughout history Islam has been defined as a religion —— which it is not.

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