Jared Fogle has his ass handed to him in prison

Pedo's are the lowest rung of the prison heirarchy.
He's gonna be getting the five dollar foot long every night.

Beating up on Pedos makes the "Ordinary Decent Criminals" feel like they are doing something right for once in their lives.

That being said, while I have no sympathy for the kid toucher, the Prison staff has a responsibility to keep him from getting his ass kicked.
That's my take as well. Nobody likes pedophiles, but prisons have the responsibility to protect even them. If they deserve punishment beyond what is meted out by the corrections system, let God tend to it.
Even Jesus in the Bible says that anyone who harms children should have a millstone (large rock) tied around their neck and thrown into the sea to drown. ....... :cool:
It's amazing how so many misinterpret that passage. Jesus said "little ones" and he was referring to his followers. He certainly wasn't teaching vigilante justice.
The first of many beatings to come.

Pedophile sandwich pitchman Jared Fogle was pummeled by a fellow inmate in a prison smackdown, according to a report.

The former Subway hawker, who is serving a 16-year sentence at Colorado’s Englewood FCI, was tackled and punched in the face by a 60-year-old armed robber, TMZ reported.
Steven Nigg, who is serving time on gun charges, left Fogle with a bloody nose, swollen face and scratches on his neck after the recreation yard beatdown on Jan. 29, the site reported.

Nigg, who suffered a small cut on his hand, unleashed his barrage after reaching his boiling point over the number of child sex predators housed in the low-security facility, his relatives told TMZ.

Jared Fogle beaten up by ‘vigilante’ in prison | New York Post

Trying to find some sympathy for him. On my desk? Nope. In one of my drawers? Nope. In my jacket pocket? Not there either.....
He took my sympathy with him to prison.

I'll send a care package. A card some lubricant and a tutu.
I'd refer to it as a failure in the management and supervision of the prison system.
That's correct only that is also part of the justice system, and it's failing at protecting him, which he has a right to, believe it or not...
They have to take him out of gen pop if he's in danger. Prisons have come a long way in cracking down on inmate violence in the last 2 decades.
It seems to me that this kind of nonsense shouldn't be allowed in a prison.

And it's always interesting how the moral standard by which these knuckle draggers are allowed to beat up the kiddie fiddlers seems to be justified even if it is delivered by violent rapists or murdering scumbags. It only helps underscore what an unjust gulag the corporate American prison has become.
I'd refer to it as a failure in the management and supervision of the prison system.
That's correct only that is also part of the justice system, and it's failing at protecting him, which he has a right to, believe it or not...
I do believe he is entitled to protection.

I also understand prison justice.
hey paint, a pedophile is the lowest form of puke that exists in society. The fkn worse. ANd why murders and thieves beat the living crap out of them in the facilities. It is even beneath them and they know it.
All that can be true and our prisons still have a responsibility to protect them. Legislation and juries prescribe death for certain crimes, not vigilante thugs.
It seems to me that this kind of nonsense shouldn't be allowed in a prison.

And it's always interesting how the moral standard by which these knuckle draggers are allowed to beat up the kiddie fiddlers seems to be justified even if it is delivered by violent rapists or murdering scumbags. It only helps underscore what an unjust gulag the corporate American prison has become.
Well said. Many men in prison are there because they destroyed lives. They may think they're better than someone who downloaded kiddie porn, but they're not.
Pedo's are the lowest rung of the prison heirarchy.
He's gonna be getting the five dollar foot long every night.

Beating up on Pedos makes the "Ordinary Decent Criminals" feel like they are doing something right for once in their lives.

That being said, while I have no sympathy for the kid toucher, the Prison staff has a responsibility to keep him from getting his ass kicked.
The staff was too busy scrutinizing the staff, keeping the paraphernalia and drugs from being smuggled in.
Great, only that is not our justice system.

He's being judged by his 'peers'.
That has already happened and his punishment is being in prison, alive and well.

He was tried by honest people, and sent to prison.

Now he is being tried by his 'peers'.

Some COs will do their best to stop it.

Some will look the other way.
None should look the other way. That is not our system.
You nailed it! This is the entire system.
Too many looking away.
BOO HOO. Americans love to tempt the law. For whatever reason. Poor black males taunting cops. Hispanic illegal aliens . Weirdo's with illegal fetishes. But when it comes to living with the consequences? Never their fault. Never.
It's amazing how so many misinterpret that passage. Jesus said "little ones" and he was referring to his followers. He certainly wasn't teaching vigilante justice.
Incorrect Poindexter.

Read the book of Matthew .....starting with chapter 18 verse 1

It states that Jesus sat a child on his lap......and then gives the discourse about the consequences of anyone hurting children.......and that believers should be more like them

It's always fun to teach christians about their bible. ....... :cool:
It's amazing how so many misinterpret that passage. Jesus said "little ones" and he was referring to his followers. He certainly wasn't teaching vigilante justice.
Incorrect Poindexter.

Read the book of Matthew .....starting with chapter 18 verse 1

It states that Jesus sat a child on his lap......and then gives the discourse about the consequences of anyone hurting children.......and that believers should be more like them

It's always fun to teach christians about their bible. ....... :cool:
He told his followers to be like children and then gave his teaching on the millstone in reference to his "little ones". It fits perfectly with other teachings he gave on God avenging speedily those who call on him. And he NEVER taught vigilante justice.
You really need to read your Bible before you post. ..... :cool:

Luke 19:27 "But those enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them--bring them here and kill them in front of me.'"


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