Jared Fogle has his ass handed to him in prison

You really need to read your Bible before you post. ..... :cool:

Luke 19:27 "But those enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them--bring them here and kill them in front of me.'"
A parable foretelling the betrayal of the Jews. Tell you what, why don't you leave the whole Christian thing to us who are real Christians. You're embarrassing yourself.
A parable foretelling the betrayal of the Jews. Tell you what, why don't you leave the whole Christian thing to us who are real Christians. You're embarrassing yourself.
The only person who is being embarrassed for their lack of biblical knowledge is you. ..... :lol: :lol:
no he will be judged by robbers...dealers and the like....who have kids.....that is what fucks him up..even the pretty hard core tend to protect the wee ones...hell they can justify beating your wife...etc..they can understand why you had to kill your boss..but fucking kids...not so much

Prison Guards taking financial bets on how long he will last.

Shadow 355
Prison justice isn't justice...

I can see the argument for and against - but yes, sometimes it is.

Justice by the courts - I can see the argument for it and against it ( Vigilante justice ). For the most part, I believe justice is a responsibility for the legal system......BUT THE Legal system is not perfect ; such as making ten million dollars on dumping or storing toxic chemicals and only being fined $25,000 dollars after being caught.

A guy bombs a school, community center and goes to prison. Gets killed. Right or wrong - I wont shed a tear.

Iranian male walks into a shopping mall in Texas and kills a bunch of people. Gets sentenced to Prison because he got caught.....and decided to cooperate with Investigators and the US Attorneys Office to avoid the death penalty; EVEN THOUGH he killed twenty men, fourteen women and nine kids.....wounding twenty-seven more. He goes to Prison and in seventy-two hours a Mongols Motorcycle member whom is incarcerated kills him. You wont see me shed a tear.

Just like society. Sometimes justice from the public, is the best justice that there is - and a tower of justice beyond reach.... that no court can pass down or give. Rules let the "really" bad or heinous person off, or punishment was a slap on the wrist due to laws or some legal technicality. Worse is the snickering and smiling broadly in the courtroom.

Nope - You wont see me shed a tear or speak a word.

Shadow 355
I'd refer to it as a failure in the management and supervision of the prison system.
That's correct only that is also part of the justice system, and it's failing at protecting him, which he has a right to, believe it or not...
They have to take him out of gen pop if he's in danger. Prisons have come a long way in cracking down on inmate violence in the last 2 decades.

Or suffer legal consequences by inmates or family.

Shadow 355
I'd refer to it as a failure in the management and supervision of the prison system.
That's correct only that is also part of the justice system, and it's failing at protecting him, which he has a right to, believe it or not...
I do believe he is entitled to protection.

I also understand prison justice.
Prison justice isn't justice...
It is to some people. Does the guy deserve to be beaten to death? No, but whatever beating it is that he did receive, I have very little sympathy for him if any especially if he has no remorse for what he did to his victim(s).

God bless you and them always!!!

Pedo's are the lowest rung of the prison heirarchy.
He's gonna be getting the five dollar foot long every night.

Beating up on Pedos makes the "Ordinary Decent Criminals" feel like they are doing something right for once in their lives.

That being said, while I have no sympathy for the kid toucher, the Prison staff has a responsibility to keep him from getting his ass kicked.
The staff was too busy scrutinizing the staff, keeping the paraphernalia and drugs from being smuggled in.

His ass has to be kept in segregated confinement, probably for his entire sentence.

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