Jason Chaffetz asks DOJ IG to investigate Comey firing

Sure it can, they can come up with alternative facts for everything. Hell, ... they must.
Do ya think maybe Chaffetz (Utah) is looking for a job in the Hatch (Utah) administration when the Orange One and Pence are kicked to the curb for their malfeasance, misfeasance and assorted high crimes?
Leave it to the GOP. And I liked Jason. How many times have the Dems called for a fair, open, bipartisan investigation into any alleged wrongdoing by Hillary or Obama?

ZILTCH. No matter. Won't go anywhere other than to waste more taxpayer money and tie up Trump's Administration for a while.
Leave it to the GOP. And I liked Jason. How many times have the Dems called for a fair, open, bipartisan investigation into any alleged wrongdoing by Hillary or Obama?

ZILTCH. No matter. Won't go anywhere other than to waste more taxpayer money and tie up Trump's Administration for a while.

So you don't want an investigation because Dems didnt? That's a laugh riot!
Jason Chaffetz has asked the DOJ IG to expand his probe of the FBI to include Comey's firing as head of the House Oversight Committee. This is significant because Chaffetz has been a supporter of Trump. This cannot be spun by Trump Davidians as those mean nasty liberals trying to get Trump.

Chaffetz requests DOJ IG expands probe to include Comey firing

IMHO Chaffetz is just looking to get the IG's stamp of approval on Comey's firing,look at the focus of the original "probe".... . "looking into the FBI's behavior in the run-up to the 2016 election", it would appear that the Congress Critter from Utah was already looking for dirt on Comey prior to his firing and now he just wants to get an IG justification for Trump firing him.
Do ya think maybe Chaffetz (Utah) is looking for a job in the Hatch (Utah) administration when the Orange One and Pence are kicked to the curb for their malfeasance, misfeasance and assorted high crimes?

Nonsense. The dons predecessor, brown buffoon was never kicked to the curb for his high crimes.
Who is POTUS NOW LBT? Try to keep up with the news!
Leave it to the GOP. And I liked Jason. How many times have the Dems called for a fair, open, bipartisan investigation into any alleged wrongdoing by Hillary or Obama?

ZILTCH. No matter. Won't go anywhere other than to waste more taxpayer money and tie up Trump's Administration for a while.
How does one tie up a clusterfuck operation?
Jason Chaffetz has asked the DOJ IG to expand his probe of the FBI to include Comey's firing as head of the House Oversight Committee. This is significant because Chaffetz has been a supporter of Trump. This cannot be spun by Trump Davidians as those mean nasty liberals trying to get Trump.

Chaffetz requests DOJ IG expands probe to include Comey firing

Looks like a dog and pony show. Nothing to investigate. Trump can hire or fire whoever he wants in his administration.

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