Jason Chaffetz: Dear Republican Trump haters – What did you get for your trade?


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Elections have consequences. Americans voted accordingly in a free, democratic election and thus no one should complain about what they KNEW the policies were going to be.

I sip my tea with a head shake and a shrug as the old, predictable Neo-Cons and their pals remember how much effort they applied to ensure Trump lost. It seems to me open borders and foreign oil is cool as long as there is a 15% chance they can continue wars in a desert somewhere. Some in the Senate (we all know who the anti-Trumpers are) are now shocked of the outcome in Afghanistan, Jokes on you Jack!

Many supported Trumps policies while acknowledging that he wasn't the most diplomatic. They understood the risk/reward continuum. It seems that to cut through the B.S and efforts of those who did NOT want America First, he needed to be a wildcard. His policies were working for America.

Heads up to the U.S intel agencies, keep an eye on India. I'm sensing a disturbance in the Force simply by watching their media and citizens comments. With the fear of Pakistans growing influence, they may become more their interest again rather than China. Which means, they might consider getting closer to Russia and their coalition in order to protect their own security. The rapid collapse of a country in their region by a radical Islamic, funded by their enemies, will often do that to a country.

I'm not even suggesting the same outcome wouldn't have happened if Trump was in power, but I have to think the Taliban would not have been nearly as bold. Trump struck fear in ally and enemy alike because he was unpredictable. We saw his use of MOABs.

A little less than a year ago, a significant number of independent and Republican voters decided to trade bad tweets for bad policy. Today, your Twitter feed is void of President Trump's tweets. But the price was high.

Gone are the good policies that drove the Trump economy and made the world a safer place. In their place are policies antithetical to prosperity, freedom and security.

You traded energy efficiency for dependency on the Middle East. Whereas a year ago you enjoyed inexpensive gas, high paying energy jobs, and fewer incentives to entangle ourselves in Middle Eastern politics, today President Biden is begging OPEC to produce more oil. Apparently, his climate agenda can handle more oil production as long as Americans aren't the ones profiting from it.
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Elections have consequences. Americans voted accordingly in a free, democratic election and thus no one should complain about what they KNEW the policies were going to be.

I sip my tea with a head shake and a shrug as the old, predictable Neo-Cons and their pals remember how much effort they applied to ensure Trump lost. It seems to me open borders and foreign oil is cool as long as there is a 15% chance they can continue wars in a desert somewhere. Some in the Senate (we all know who the anti-Trumpers are) are now shocked of the outcome in Afghanistan, Jokes on you Jack!

Many supported Trumps policies while acknowledging that he wasn't the most diplomatic. They understood the risk/reward continuum. It seems that to cut through the B.S and efforts of those who did NOT want America First, he needed to be a wildcard. His policies were working for America.

Heads up to the U.S intel agencies, keep an eye on India. I'm sensing a disturbance in the Force simply by watching their media and citizens comments. With the fear of Pakistans growing influence, they may become more their interest again rather than China. Which means, they might consider getting closer to Russia and their coalition in order to protect their own security. The rapid collapse of a country in their region by a radical Islamic, funded by their enemies, will often do that to a country.

I'm not even suggesting the same outcome wouldn't have happened if Trump was in power, but I have to think the Taliban would not have been nearly as bold. Trump struck fear in ally and enemy alike because he was unpredictable. We saw his use of MOABs.

A little less than a year ago, a significant number of independent and Republican voters decided to trade bad tweets for bad policy. Today, your Twitter feed is void of President Trump's tweets. But the price was high.

Gone are the good policies that drove the Trump economy and made the world a safer place. In their place are policies antithetical to prosperity, freedom and security.

You traded energy efficiency for dependency on the Middle East. Whereas a year ago you enjoyed inexpensive gas, high paying energy jobs, and fewer incentives to entangle ourselves in Middle Eastern politics, today President Biden is begging OPEC to produce more oil. Apparently, his climate agenda can handle more oil production as long as Americans aren't the ones profiting from it.
He is absolutely right in the statement that the outcome in Afghanistan wouldnt likely had been any different if Trump were president. Trump initiated the leave and even criticize Biden for waiting so long to get the troops out. I dont know what rock Jason has been hiding under but COVID hit during Trumps reign and caused an economic disaster. Gas prices, supply chain issues, employment issues all were created during that time when Trump was still leader. To imply that conditions would be back to where they were in 2019 is just absurd. Jason is a kook anyways. Just looking for media buzz from trumps base since he quit public service to be a Fox News talking head. Yawn.
The only thing I saw Republican Trump haters get was maybe a little more dirty money from lobbying or insider deals. Without Trump, the R party won't survive but a handful of neocon crooks might get a little richer.
He lost because his policies, mouth, and callous actions didn't make Americans safe or safer, in this pandemic.

That's the bottom line.

The pandemic which has killed millions around the world. That's the problem, as I said from day one, the blame should have and should still remain on China. Instead it was politicized and I warned Americans, and Canadians who did the same, "you are going to regret doing this, it is a virus".

Now, is the U.S out of the woods after a year without Trump? Did Trump blocking flights from China and pushing for the vaccine help the world or not?

I remain astonished at the lack of logical analysis in the world today. Trumps policies were very good for America. They are largely depleted now. Don't focus on mean words or insensitive comments, focus on policies and if they work or not. That's the situation the world is in, at war with China, we aren't in peacetime.

It is what it is, I'm just a foreigner with no vote. Don't say you weren't warned though. Biden and his administration weren't shy about where America was going. Many of the Establishment GOP are just as at fault as they watch your southern border become the potential new landing ground for Taliban...
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He lost because his policies, mouth, and callous actions didn't make Americans safe or safer, in this pandemic.

That's the bottom line.
You must be kidding...are you watching the news?....Joe hasn't been right about anything in over 50 years of public service....and you voted for him....you are not very smart.....
The only thing I saw Republican Trump haters get was maybe a little more dirty money from lobbying or insider deals. Without Trump, the R party won't survive but a handful of neocon crooks might get a little richer.
Trump killed the Republican Party. Didn’t you notice who they went from running the house and senate and executive to nothing in 4 years? Doesn’t that tell you something?
Trump killed the Republican Party. Didn’t you notice who they went from a super majority to nothing in 4 years? Doesn’t that tell you something?
Bullshit...the GOP committed suicide by caring what the anti America media says....a very long time ago....Trump was a product of that suicide.....
The only thing I saw Republican Trump haters get was maybe a little more dirty money from lobbying or insider deals. Without Trump, the R party won't survive but a handful of neocon crooks might get a little richer.
Without Trump, the R party won't survive

Didn't do badly before Trump, won't do badly after he's out of the picture.
Trump killed the Republican Party. Didn’t you notice who they went from running the house and senate and executive to nothing in 4 years? Doesn’t that tell you something?

When he ran they won the House, Senate AND W.H. What more do you want from an outsider new to politics?

They dropped the ball by RESISTING. especially that Benedict Arnold named Paul Ryan and (RIP) John McCain.

Don't blame Trump for the failure of a Party to evolve and change to an obviously different world and concerned generation watching their dreams shipped off to a Communist country.
Trump killed the Republican Party. Didn’t you notice who they went from running the house and senate and executive to nothing in 4 years? Doesn’t that tell you something?
Geewillikers. You morons were saying that wayyy back when hmm. Nixon resigned, Ford, Bush Sr. and McStain lost. But guess what happened instead?
He may have been… but the product was a poison pill
Trump did a good job while up against a rabid anti Trump swamp....look at what we are up against today...not even a year has passed and Joe has completely fucked up....and he fucked up by doing what the swamp wanted not what Trump wanted...Joe undid the good things Trump did....so get off the orange man bad crap...its over you lose.....
When he ran they won the House, Senate AND W.H. What more do you want from an outsider new to politics?

They dropped the ball by RESISTING. especially that Benedict Arnold named Paul Ryan and (RIP) John McCain.

Don't blame Trump for the failure of a Party to evolve and change to an obviously different world and concerned generation watching their dreams shipped off to a Communist country.
Running as a first timer and winning shows that he was good at talking. Losing the house, senate, and Whitehouse in 4 years shows that he couldn't back up the talk. Most of us knew from the start that he was a con man full of empty promises and an ineptitude to lead. Thats the reality that played out.
Geewillikers. You morons were saying that wayyy back when hmm. Nixon resigned, Ford, Bush Sr. and McStain lost. But guess what happened instead?
We are unfortunately in a two party system, one faction loses and the other takes power and then the minority reemerges in another form. My only hope is that the Republicans reform in a respectable way and not by doubling down on Trumps stupidity
Trump did a good job while up against a rabid anti Trump swamp....look at what we are up against today...not even a year has passed and Joe has completely fucked up....and he fucked up by doing what the swamp wanted not what Trump wanted...Joe undid the good things Trump did....so get off the orange man bad crap...its over you lose.....
No, Trump did a horrible job. His ego and thin skin couldn't handle his opposition and he wasted most of his time fighting against them and giving them fuel instead of forging coalitions and unity and getting meaningful things done for our country.

Joe is slow walking ahead, I'm not a fan of several things that he is doing but he is far far far better than Trump.
He is absolutely right in the statement that the outcome in Afghanistan wouldnt likely had been any different if Trump were president. Trump initiated the leave and even criticize Biden for waiting so long to get the troops out. I dont know what rock Jason has been hiding under but COVID hit during Trumps reign and caused an economic disaster. Gas prices, supply chain issues, employment issues all were created during that time when Trump was still leader. To imply that conditions would be back to where they were in 2019 is just absurd. Jason is a kook anyways. Just looking for media buzz from trumps base since he quit public service to be a Fox News talking head. Yawn.
to say it would have been exactly the same is bullshit.

but then again, of what you say is bullshit, so there is that.

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