JD Vance’s Debate Performance Shows This Guy Is a Conservative Superstar

One thing is clear – after Tuesday, JD Vance is the Republican Taylor Swift, except he’s not mediocre, insufferable, or incapable of maintaining a long-term relationship.

But does that matter for November? They say that vice presidential debates don’t mean anything and that’s usually true.

Still, this one conclusively demonstrated that JD Vance is an outstanding speaker – calm, cool, capable, and in charge of the facts.

Let’s be objective about his opponent. Tim Walz was not terrible. In some ways, he was effective. Vance did not totally destroy him, though he could have if he chose to.

Walz was competent but overshadowed by a giant 20 years his junior.

Walz spewed Democrat talking points and did it while wearing his centrist suit.

Except it is an ill-fitting suit.

He’s no centrist.

He’s a straight-up commie weirdo all on-board with the left’s bizarre, perverted agenda. He’s all in with the Democrat Party on everything from abortions up to puberty and trans idiocy to redistributing the wealth and confiscating the guns. But on Tuesday, he managed to present himself as innocuous, like an annoying neighbor you look out your door for before leaving to make sure he’s not in the yard so you don’t have to talk to him.

It’s now beyond any serious dispute that JD Vance was a terrific choice for vice president.

He’s very smart and he’s adaptable. He knows how to connect with an audience. Sure, there were a hundred things I would’ve liked him to say to counter the arguments made by Walz and his two other opponents, the generic CBS crones who were moderating. They tried to get uppity, but their awkward fact checking failed. They behaved themselves after JD Vance cracked the whip and imposed his iron discipline upon them. Except for some passive aggressive catty comments, they pretty much behaved after that. It was a nice display of power.

BJ -

Nice commentary

Vance will parlay his 4 years as VP into a dynamic 8 years as President.
Of course Vance is a rising superstar in the gop. Anyone whom lies as much as Trump is bound to be.
Lying and making up shit is a prerequisite in the gop clan rise to power.
Pence is a warmongering neocon elitist asshole. No one in the know likes that cocksucker.

Not that Vance is any better.

I bet you NOW love the Cheney’s, but you hated them not long ago. Whichever way the wind blows…..Are you one of those who dutifully abides by whatever government controlled media tells you?
still dislike D Cheney, Vance is a slick con man, and a real fast talker.
Good looking so that will get him a few extra votes.
HE kind of reminds me of that other DEM good looking fast talker, Edwards. but he got found out & was dumped.
Vance showed the difference between the admissions process at Yale Law School versus Bob's School of General Stuff and Radiator Repair. It was a debate between an intelligent, articulate, knowledgeable Senator, and an average guy who happens to be a closet socialist.

Walz provided nothing but memorized talking points, with no substance. Most bothersome, he reinforced the Democrat theme of abortion "rights," which is totally false, as neither Congress nor the President has any power to set national abortion policy. Making it even worse, he portrayed abortion as "wimmin's healthcare," which only makes sense if you are an idiot female.

But we on the Right are not acknowledging Vance's poor response to questions relating to January 6th, which is inexcusable. It would be simple to provide 60 seconds on the irregularities of the 2020 election, and the contrast between January 6th and the BLM riots, when Walz was twiddling his thumbs and telling the police to "stand down."
Vance showed the difference between the admissions process at Yale Law School versus Bob's School of General Stuff and Radiator Repair. It was a debate between an intelligent, articulate, knowledgeable Senator, and an average guy who happens to be a closet socialist.

Walz provided nothing but memorized talking points, with no substance. Most bothersome, he reinforced the Democrat theme of abortion "rights," which is totally false, as neither Congress nor the President has any power to set national abortion policy. Making it even worse, he portrayed abortion as "wimmin's healthcare," which only makes sense if you are an idiot female.

But we on the Right are not acknowledging Vance's poor response to questions relating to January 6th, which is inexcusable. It would be simple to provide 60 seconds on the irregularities of the 2020 election, and the contrast between January 6th and the BLM riots, when Walz was twiddling his thumbs and telling the police to "stand down."
Vance is just slick liar. Trump is a gross liar. They’re both liars. Trump is a convicted criminal…..I guess that makes Vance a better candidate. At least he won’t be in jail.

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