Jean-Marie Le Pen to Face Sanhedrin for Questioning the Importance of the Alleged Jew Holocaust


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Jul 22, 2015
Jean-Marie Le Pen to Face Sanhedrin for Questioning the Importance of the Alleged Jew Holocaust


Old Man Le Pen

So Holocaust denial is illegal in Western Europe.

We all know this.

What we didn’t know – or at least I didn’t – is that it is also illegal to deny the relative importance of the Holocaust.

Jean-Marie Le Pen is being put on trial for just that. Though the old man knew better than to outright deny, he did dismiss it as not the most important thing which has ever happened ever in history, and for that, he must pay, apparently.

Gas Chambers Were Just A Detail Far-Right French Politician Jean-Marie Le Pen To Be Prosecuted Under Holocaust Denial Law
Jean-Marie Le Pen, founder and former leader of France’s far-right National Front party, will appear before a judge for saying that gas chambers in concentration camps were a minor detail of World War II.

In France, it is illegal to deny the Holocaust or any of the established facts surrounding Nazi crimes against humanity. Failure to comply with the law can carry a penalty of huge fines and even jail time. Le Pen’s comments have caused a rift in his party and sparked broader conversations about the tradition of free speech in France.

In response to the charges brought against him, Le Pen defended his comments by saying “I didn’t talk about the number of deaths. I talked about a system. I said it was a detail in the history of the war.”

But that’s the actual and obvious truth of the matter.

So how can he be charged with something he obviously – objectively – did not do?

Well, it looks like they are looking to set a new precedent, where even claiming that Jewish lives are of equal value to non-Jewish lives is a criminal act.

Debates over the limits of free speech have been raging in the country since terrorist attacks on satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo claimed the lives of 12 people in January. However, the law under which Le Pen will be prosecuted, the Gayssot Act, is 15 years old.

The law was passed in 1990, and it makes it illegal to deny the Holocaust or to deny any of the details as they are described under the London Charter of 1945. From the moment the law was passed, it has been highly contested by many in France, a nation whose motto, “Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité (Liberty, Equality, Fraternity), has often served as an international rallying cry for freedom.

In Democracy, each man is divinely endowed with the freedom to be crucified for questioning Jews.

Le Pen told Agence France-Presse Friday that he did not “for one moment” regret his remarks.

Good on him.

It will be very interesting to see how this all plays out.


My response: He didn't "deny," he simply implied goyim lives are of equal value to Jews.

Crucify him ?
Who gives a fuck

You obviously do. Would you rather news like this be covered up in Europe as well as in America?

Here is a question for you.

Why is the Jew so aggressive? What do these creatures have to hide?

Is it because their father is Satan? The Holy Scriptures are clear.
I only give a fuck that anyone in the civilized world could be so ignorant. You ever read the fucking Bible? If you did you must have been on opium at the time.
The zionist Juden want the truth about the Holocaust myth hidden from the public.

Which is why they have pressured European government's to criminalize questioning anything about the alleged event. ...... :cool:
No. The European governments criminalized it because they had seen it happen and they wanted to make sure ignorant people couldn't be lead astray by Nazi liars.

Only a fool would deny the Holocaust. The evidence that it happened is far beyond proof. It was a horrific atrocity and it will happen again wherever the evil deceive the ignorant.
The Holohoax is a fabricated story that's linked to the world's biggest ponzi scheme.

Only gullible goyim believe in this zionist fantasy. ...... :cool:
The Holohoax is a fabricated story that's linked to the world's biggest ponzi scheme.
That may be true but i've always thought the holohoax was invented by the allies to deflect us from the MILLIONS OF CIVILIANS they murdered by their policy of urban bombing. It's an ancient tactic. Absolve your crime by making the victim look worse.
ean-Marie Le Pen, founder and former leader of France’s far-right National Front party, will appear before a judge for saying that gas chambers in concentration camps were a minor detail of World War II.

How can that be a crime?
Jews are Gods chosen people, plain and simple.
I've been to happened. Worst day of my entire life
It was all set up and staged by the Russians after the war.

Much like a Hollywood set with authentic looking props and realistic facades in order to fool the public. .... :cool:

Oh bullshit, the most incriminating evidence of the Holocaust came from the Nazis themselves, that's what happens when you are meticulous record keepers
Jean-Marie Le Pen to Face Sanhedrin for Questioning the Importance of the Alleged Jew Holocaust


Old Man Le Pen

So Holocaust denial is illegal in Western Europe.

We all know this.

What we didn’t know – or at least I didn’t – is that it is also illegal to deny the relative importance of the Holocaust.

Jean-Marie Le Pen is being put on trial for just that. Though the old man knew better than to outright deny, he did dismiss it as not the most important thing which has ever happened ever in history, and for that, he must pay, apparently.

Gas Chambers Were Just A Detail Far-Right French Politician Jean-Marie Le Pen To Be Prosecuted Under Holocaust Denial Law
Jean-Marie Le Pen, founder and former leader of France’s far-right National Front party, will appear before a judge for saying that gas chambers in concentration camps were a minor detail of World War II.

In France, it is illegal to deny the Holocaust or any of the established facts surrounding Nazi crimes against humanity. Failure to comply with the law can carry a penalty of huge fines and even jail time. Le Pen’s comments have caused a rift in his party and sparked broader conversations about the tradition of free speech in France.

In response to the charges brought against him, Le Pen defended his comments by saying “I didn’t talk about the number of deaths. I talked about a system. I said it was a detail in the history of the war.”

But that’s the actual and obvious truth of the matter.

So how can he be charged with something he obviously – objectively – did not do?

Well, it looks like they are looking to set a new precedent, where even claiming that Jewish lives are of equal value to non-Jewish lives is a criminal act.

Debates over the limits of free speech have been raging in the country since terrorist attacks on satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo claimed the lives of 12 people in January. However, the law under which Le Pen will be prosecuted, the Gayssot Act, is 15 years old.

The law was passed in 1990, and it makes it illegal to deny the Holocaust or to deny any of the details as they are described under the London Charter of 1945. From the moment the law was passed, it has been highly contested by many in France, a nation whose motto, “Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité (Liberty, Equality, Fraternity), has often served as an international rallying cry for freedom.

In Democracy, each man is divinely endowed with the freedom to be crucified for questioning Jews.

Le Pen told Agence France-Presse Friday that he did not “for one moment” regret his remarks.

Good on him.

It will be very interesting to see how this all plays out.


My response: He didn't "deny," he simply implied goyim lives are of equal value to Jews.

Crucify him ?
Looks like we have another "Rusty" Houser op on the boards
Four of my family members were murdered in the camps in Poland by the subhuman Ops favorite people, that included 2 children under the age of 10

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