Jeanne Shaheen Gets Booed For Interrupting Scott Brown!!!

She's still probably going to win
She's still probably going to win

Too close to tell. They should probably go ahead with the election.

no doubt rightwingnuts think it's ok to boo the better candidate. *shrug*

that's what they do.....

No doubt leftwingnuts think it's ok that their candidate interrupts their opponents closing remarks.

But that behavior is beyond uncool. It was Scott Brown's closing remarks for heaven's sake.

Sign of desperation to pull what she did and she came off like a total asshole.
She had a double digit lead, what happened?

citizen's united

Things go bitter with Koch.

Well is it bad or good to be endorsed by the NFIB/Koch Bros?

Because from what I gather another Democrat candidate Chris Pappas in NH is endorsed by the NFIB as well and the D's have been touting this endorsement.

You can't have it both ways. :) Sorries.

false equivalence. sorries. :cuckoo:
She's still probably going to win

Too close to tell. They should probably go ahead with the election.

no doubt rightwingnuts think it's ok to boo the better candidate. *shrug*

that's what they do.....

No doubt leftwingnuts think it's ok that their candidate interrupts their opponents closing remarks.

But that behavior is beyond uncool. It was Scott Brown's closing remarks for heaven's sake.

Sign of desperation to pull what she did and she came off like a total asshole.

*yawn* you mean like romney did through every debate.

okie dokie. :cuckoo:

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