Jeb admits that the Bush name is an issue

It's an issue because of the rabid dogs, known as the liberal media, who attack when they hear it. They are so well-trained by the left.
It's an issue because of the rabid dogs, known as the liberal media, who attack when they hear it. They are so well-trained by the left.
Yeah, you know those leftist liberal Fortune 500 international media conglomerates ran by the Progressive 1%. They're so well-trained by the Liberal Kenyan Communist Fascist-in-Chief.

How do you people even say that shit with a straight face?
Can't wait until President Jeb Bush gets to have the FCC monitor the news and media, has the IRS Audit the Unions as political organizations, and uses the NSA to spy on Soros
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Listened to Jeb today. He is well aware of the issue. Whether he can figure the way to work it will determine whether he runs or not.
The Bush name is forever associated with failure. It may be unfair because I don't blame Bush; I blame his handlers. I truly think he had good intentions and is a good man.

But history books of the future will not forget the legacy of the Bush administration and the decades it took to restore America's standing.
I don't want to see another Bush or Clinton in the White House...

The only person I'd volunteer for and donate money to is Jim Webb. But I don't think he wants the job and while I think that's admirable of him and makes him a better candidate he should man up and go for it. Look him up. He'd be a great candidate :thup:
The best advice is don't trust anyone who wants the job. There's something seriously wrong with them.

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