Jeb Bush gives speach in spanish....WTF?

Your deviant obsession is something to be ashamed of, as is your unrepentant bigotry.

Many people share your masterbation compulsion. My cousin had it and he grew hair on his palms and his eyesight went to shit

Have you noticed those symptoms? there may be hope

No one cares about your issues.
There is no need to feel ashamed.

You should feel ashamed, deviant bigot. Keep your problems to yourself.
We are talking about ...

No one wants to talk about your problems.
So, is it really a big deal to anyone that he gave a speech in Spanish?
Let me get this straight.....if you are in this country and the only language you speak is spanish.....chances are you are here illegally. Jeb Bush with his attempts to reach the hispanic community only magnifies the problems we face in AMERICA....we cater intirely tooo much to a community that refuses to adapt language wise to a country they themselves have chosen to live. And this refusal to adapt is only helped by a system that just about every fraction in this country. Those that come here Legally adapt to the language, adapt to the country.....even legal hispanics.....all 9 of them.
What a hypocrite you are! You expect people to cater to your skin color yet you have the nerve to rag on other segregationists who exect to be catered to by their language.
Such bigotry is to expected from a liberal.

You do know they meant that as a joke, right? ...

You do know they actually highlighted the truth about liberals however inadvertently, right?

Considering that Hispanics vote overwhelmingly for Democrats and liberals are generally more in favor of immigration what makes you think anything like that is remotely believed by liberals? What is your evidence?

This site, for one thing.

Can you be more specific?

Iranian Home-Coming Page 10 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
You do know they meant that as a joke, right? ...

You do know they actually highlighted the truth about liberals however inadvertently, right?

Considering that Hispanics vote overwhelmingly for Democrats and liberals are generally more in favor of immigration what makes you think anything like that is remotely believed by liberals? What is your evidence?

This site, for one thing.

Can you be more specific?

Iranian Home-Coming Page 10 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Great. So we now have evidence that one self-identified liberal has a somewhat racist viewpoint. Yay. We've now established that there exist a liberal racist. Guess what? You can find people of pretty much any self-identified group with abhorrent views. You'll find conservatives who are racists as well as liberals. You'll find some racists among libertarians and some among communists. Some among anarchists and some among moderates. Etc. So what makes you think that such claims highlight some general "truth" about liberals as a whole?
Yup, no legal residents speak Chinese in Chinatown, Yiddish in Jewish communities, German in Amish areas, Italian in Little Italy.

As soon as they became citizens, someone waved a magic wand, and they immediately became fluent in English.

Would I prefer they learn English to conduct business, many take comfort in retaining their mother tongue.
Those ethnic groups you mentioned, never had the luxury of picking up a fuckin phone or going to any business/public venue and having things spoken or written out in their native tongue, as the latino's have many were literely force to either assimulate to american culture or get off the fuckin pot. You got fuckin latino's who came here illegally, been in this country for years and still don't speak a gotdamn word of english and because saps like Jeb continue to cater to there native tongue....a tongue that doesn't vote, duh!!

Pre-World War I German was the second most common language in the US, with many native German speakers who were born in the US. See here. There are parts of New York where you can still find Yiddish business signs, and similar remarks apply for Chinese and Korean int he right places. Similarly, in Boston, there are businesses which specifically cater to the Korean immigrant population, and that's not at all a new thing. You are vastly overestimating how quickly groups adjust to using English as a regular thing.

Also, if you are going to focus so much on using the right language, would it hurt to have slightly better grammar? I'm not asking for perfect grammar and spelling (I know mine certainly isn't), but it would be much easier to read if you made a few small adjustments. For example, the plural of Latino is "Latinos" not "Latino's" - apostrophes are important. Second, you seem to be confusing a period and an ellipsis. It has a different use than a period. Also, an ellipsis is generally three dots not some indeterminate number. Frankly, I've never understood why people feel a need to engage in that particular grammar crime given that it takes more room and more time to write "...." than it does to write a single period and a space. I'm not going to bother with the various spelling issues but simply note that most modern browsers highlight in red misspelled words. It takes very little time to take advantage of that.
I'm not convinced the OP's first language is English. :dunno:
If I spoke another language well enough, I'd speak it all the time just to fuck with weirdos who trip on stupid shit like Jeb Bush giving a speech in Spanish. :thup:
I wish I spoke some really ancient, esoteric language. That would really bother motherfuckers because they wouldn't be able to identify what language I was speaking. Of course, I'd probably be talking to myself, so they'd also have to assume I was a lunatic. So much the better. :thup:
Yup, no legal residents speak Chinese in Chinatown, Yiddish in Jewish communities, German in Amish areas, Italian in Little Italy.

As soon as they became citizens, someone waved a magic wand, and they immediately became fluent in English.

Would I prefer they learn English to conduct business, many take comfort in retaining their mother tongue.
Those ethnic groups you mentioned, never had the luxury of picking up a fuckin phone or going to any business/public venue and having things spoken or written out in their native tongue, as the latino's have many were literely force to either assimulate to american culture or get off the fuckin pot. You got fuckin latino's who came here illegally, been in this country for years and still don't speak a gotdamn word of english and because saps like Jeb continue to cater to there native tongue....a tongue that doesn't vote, duh!!

Pre-World War I German was the second most common language in the US, with many native German speakers who were born in the US. See here. There are parts of New York where you can still find Yiddish business signs, and similar remarks apply for Chinese and Korean int he right places. Similarly, in Boston, there are businesses which specifically cater to the Korean immigrant population, and that's not at all a new thing. You are vastly overestimating how quickly groups adjust to using English as a regular thing.

Also, if you are going to focus so much on using the right language, would it hurt to have slightly better grammar? I'm not asking for perfect grammar and spelling (I know mine certainly isn't), but it would be much easier to read if you made a few small adjustments. For example, the plural of Latino is "Latinos" not "Latino's" - apostrophes are important. Second, you seem to be confusing a period and an ellipsis. It has a different use than a period. Also, an ellipsis is generally three dots not some indeterminate number. Frankly, I've never understood why people feel a need to engage in that particular grammar crime given that it takes more room and more time to write "...." than it does to write a single period and a space. I'm not going to bother with the various spelling issues but simply note that most modern browsers highlight in red misspelled words. It takes very little time to take advantage of that.
I'm not convinced the OP's first language is English. :dunno:

Jeb Bush is just a traitor. He isn't worth anything. I hope Trump will beat the crap out of him. Enough of Bushes we had enough of them. America is not a monarchy, we don't need any king dynasties.
Would people be upset if he gave a speech in Russian, or Tagalog, or Portuguese?
Would people be upset if he gave a speech in Russian, or Tagalog, or Portuguese?
I guess that would depend on what he said. Is he talking mad shit about somebody? If so, that group might be upset. Also, if he's speaking in some other language and he's really butchering it, that would probably make somebody upset--but it would be hilarious.
Personally, I'd love to see him--or any candidate--get up and give a really emotional speech in a language other than English. I don't care if I understood a single word, it would be great to see all the loony responses. :D
Imagine, Hillary Clinton gives a speech in German, with a hard, Hitler-esque staccato, getting all into it, talking about health care or women's rights. Awesome. :thup:

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