Jeb Bush gives speach in spanish....WTF?

Here is a mixture of arrogance and ignorance: "Let me get this straight.....if you are in this country and the only language you speak is spanish.....chances are you are here illegally."

Who says? You? Common sense doesn't.

Good for Bush. Almost 50 million Americans are Hispanic or of such descent.
Doesn't Bush realize that Spanish is a gutter language ?......t

Such bigotry is to expected from a liberal.

Some people are unable to comprehend sarcasm.

Some people accidentally reveal themselves when they think they are being 'clever.'

Have you gotten a grip on your masterbation compulsion?

Keep your deviant interests to yourself, bigot.
Here is a mixture of arrogance and ignorance: "Let me get this straight.....if you are in this country and the only language you speak is spanish.....chances are you are here illegally."

Who says? You? Common sense doesn't.

Good for Bush. Almost 50 million Americans are Hispanic or of such descent.

Also mindnumbingly stupid is the misspelling of the word "speech" ("speach") in the OP title. You would think that a sane person, if he is going to chastize someone for speaking in a foreign language, would at least spelling his mother-tongue correctly.....
Yup, no legal residents speak Chinese in Chinatown, Yiddish in Jewish communities, German in Amish areas, Italian in Little Italy.

As soon as they became citizens, someone waved a magic wand, and they immediately became fluent in English.

Would I prefer they learn English to conduct business, many take comfort in retaining their mother tongue.

Tell us which Politicians spoke to them in their native languages.
Doesn't Bush realize that Spanish is a gutter language ?......t

Such bigotry is to expected from a liberal.

Some people are unable to comprehend sarcasm.

Some people accidentally reveal themselves when they think they are being 'clever.'

Have you gotten a grip on your masterbation compulsion?

Keep your deviant interests to yourself, bigot.
Nothing to be ashamed of...your struggles with the demons of masterbation have been known since you joined the board
Yup, no legal residents speak Chinese in Chinatown, Yiddish in Jewish communities, German in Amish areas, Italian in Little Italy.

As soon as they became citizens, someone waved a magic wand, and they immediately became fluent in English.

Would I prefer they learn English to conduct business, many take comfort in retaining their mother tongue.

Tell us which Politicians spoke to them in their native languages.
You don't think native speakers don't speak such to their constituents of the same ethnic background? Really??
Is Jeb Bush a native spanish speaker? He thinks so. He should give all his speeches in Spanish.
Let me get this straight.....if you are in this country and the only language you speak is spanish.....chances are you are here illegally. Jeb Bush with his attempts to reach the hispanic community only magnifies the problems we face in AMERICA....we cater intirely tooo much to a community that refuses to adapt language wise to a country they themselves have chosen to live. And this refusal to adapt is only helped by a system that just about every fraction in this country. Those that come here Legally adapt to the language, adapt to the country.....even legal hispanics.....all 9 of them.

Jeb Bush speaks Cuban Spanish. The Hispanics he was speaking to speak Castillian Spanish.

Chances are his audience was laughing at him. The two dialects are not one and the same.

Why would Jeb Bush speak 'Cuban Spanish' when his wife speaks Mexican Spanish(which is certainly not Castillian) and Bush lived in Mexico- not Cuba?

Regardless- Cubans and the other hispanics in the Americas can understand each other fine.

Remind me of the state Jeb Bush was governor of? I can see you know as little of hispanic dialects as you do about most other subjects. No wonder since you rely so much on the often defective wikipedia for info.

Next you will be telling us all Chinese dialects are one and the same. lmao

Remind me of the first language of Jeb Bush's wife and her family?

I know enough about Spanish dialects to compete with you. Cuban and Mexicans and Argentinians can all communicate with each other fine- and they can communicate with Spaniards from Castille just fine.

Chinese 'dialects' are far different- a person who speaks Mandarin will not be understood by someone who speaks only Cantonese- what China calls dialects are essentially different languages.

Want to discuss languages and dialects more?
Such bigotry is to expected from a liberal.

Some people are unable to comprehend sarcasm.

Some people accidentally reveal themselves when they think they are being 'clever.'

Have you gotten a grip on your masterbation compulsion?

Keep your deviant interests to yourself, bigot.
Nothing to be ashamed of......

Your deviant obsession is something to be ashamed of, as is your unrepentant bigotry.
Yup, no legal residents speak Chinese in Chinatown, Yiddish in Jewish communities, German in Amish areas, Italian in Little Italy.

As soon as they became citizens, someone waved a magic wand, and they immediately became fluent in English.

Would I prefer they learn English to conduct business, many take comfort in retaining their mother tongue.

Tell us which Politicians spoke to them in their native languages.

Pretty common back in the day. Not being able to speak German was a handicap in areas of predominately German speakers- I remember reading about future President Taft worrying being able to reach out to the German speaking voters.

Politicians have reached out to voters in their native languages in Spanish(both Jeb and George Bush), in Chinese in San Francisco and Hawaii, and Japanese in Hawaii.
Some people are unable to comprehend sarcasm.

Some people accidentally reveal themselves when they think they are being 'clever.'

Have you gotten a grip on your masterbation compulsion?

Keep your deviant interests to yourself, bigot.
Nothing to be ashamed of......

Your deviant obsession is something to be ashamed of, as is your unrepentant bigotry.

Many people share your masterbation compulsion. My cousin had it and he grew hair on his palms and his eyesight went to shit

Have you noticed those symptoms? there may be hope
Some people accidentally reveal themselves when they think they are being 'clever.'

Have you gotten a grip on your masterbation compulsion?

Keep your deviant interests to yourself, bigot.
Nothing to be ashamed of......

Your deviant obsession is something to be ashamed of, as is your unrepentant bigotry.

Many people share your masterbation compulsion. My cousin had it and he grew hair on his palms and his eyesight went to shit

Have you noticed those symptoms? there may be hope

No one cares about your issues.
Have you gotten a grip on your masterbation compulsion?

Keep your deviant interests to yourself, bigot.
Nothing to be ashamed of......

Your deviant obsession is something to be ashamed of, as is your unrepentant bigotry.

Many people share your masterbation compulsion. My cousin had it and he grew hair on his palms and his eyesight went to shit

Have you noticed those symptoms? there may be hope

No one cares about your issues.
There is no need to feel ashamed. A daily dose of Salt Peter may help your compulsion. When the urge hits, think of Helen Thomas and Golda Meir
Keep your deviant interests to yourself, bigot.
Nothing to be ashamed of......

Your deviant obsession is something to be ashamed of, as is your unrepentant bigotry.

Many people share your masterbation compulsion. My cousin had it and he grew hair on his palms and his eyesight went to shit

Have you noticed those symptoms? there may be hope

No one cares about your issues.
There is no need to feel ashamed.

You should feel ashamed, deviant bigot. Keep your problems to yourself.
Doesn't Bush realize that Spanish is a gutter language ?......t

Such bigotry is to expected from a liberal.

You do know they meant that as a joke, right? ...

You do know they actually highlighted the truth about liberals however inadvertently, right?

Considering that Hispanics vote overwhelmingly for Democrats and liberals are generally more in favor of immigration what makes you think anything like that is remotely believed by liberals? What is your evidence?

This site, for one thing.

Can you be more specific?
Nothing to be ashamed of......

Your deviant obsession is something to be ashamed of, as is your unrepentant bigotry.

Many people share your masterbation compulsion. My cousin had it and he grew hair on his palms and his eyesight went to shit

Have you noticed those symptoms? there may be hope

No one cares about your issues.
There is no need to feel ashamed.

You should feel ashamed, deviant bigot. Keep your problems to yourself.
We are talking about your problems in not being "Master of your domain"
Let me get this straight.....if you are in this country and the only language you speak is spanish.....chances are you are here illegally. Jeb Bush with his attempts to reach the hispanic community only magnifies the problems we face in AMERICA....we cater intirely tooo much to a community that refuses to adapt language wise to a country they themselves have chosen to live. And this refusal to adapt is only helped by a system that just about every fraction in this country. Those that come here Legally adapt to the language, adapt to the country.....even legal hispanics.....all 9 of them.

Mi casa es su casa

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