Jeb Bush: GOP nominee should be willing to lose the primary to win the general election

Reagan won when the entire Conservative media consisted of the Editorial page of the WSJ and Crossfire

You are forgetting the influence of Bill Buckley and National Review. Reagan and Buckley were tight. Buckley even used a photo of Reagan reading NR in the Oval Office in his ads.

Nevertheless, I like to point out Reagan's slam dunk election whenever a right winger whines about present day media bias. Reagan won 49 states in a much tougher market. There simply is no excuse for modern day faux conservatives for not being able to beat Obama other than their own amazing incompetence.

You have to be really fucking retarded to be unable to beat a complete fuckup like Obama. Twice! Present day right wingers really ought to be thinking hard about that.

Oh, wait. That's an oxymoron. They are too stupid to do some hard thinking about their retardation.
How is it that the Rs continually nominate moderates for POTUS, if the R primary voters refuse to vote for moderates?

The retards show up in disproportionate numbers during primaries. Those are the ones who vote for psychopaths, liars, and hypocrites.

But cooler heads still prevail most of the time and the more moderate candidate wins the nomination. Unfortunately, the retards turn the primaries into such a circus that they ruin the Republican brand for the general election.
Reagan won when the entire Conservative media consisted of the Editorial page of the WSJ and Crossfire

You are forgetting the influence of Bill Buckley and National Review. Reagan and Buckley were tight. Buckley even used a photo of Reagan reading NR in the Oval Office in his ads.

Nevertheless, I like to point out Reagan's slam dunk election whenever a right winger whines about present day media bias. Reagan won 49 states in a much tougher market. There simply is no excuse for modern day faux conservatives for not being able to beat Obama other than their own amazing incompetence.

You have to be really fucking retarded to be unable to beat a complete fuckup like Obama. Twice! Present day right wingers really ought to be thinking hard about that.

Oh, wait. That's an oxymoron. They are too stupid to do some hard thinking about their retardation.

Yup. It's as if the RNC intentionally handed the last 2 Presidential elections to Obama. They let George Soros pay for McCain's Campaign Manager, well that's my theory, it's hard to believe that anyone really thought Steve Schmidt was competent -- or a Republican.
You should love Jeb. He is an ardent and ignorant big gov progressive....just like you.
At least he's willing to drop the Far Right ... folks like you. It's bound to happen sooner or later.

And yet many on the Left live in fear of the so called "Far Right." They believe the R party is 'Far Right," when nothing could be more wrong. There is little difference between the parties, but leftists like you have not figured this out and continue to get duped by them and their media daily.

Of course there are differences between the parties, on the issues. Their behaviors are very similar, yes, but they are quite different on the issues.

And, while there always few absolutes, it's also not terribly difficult to recognize "far" and "moderate" within each party. To wit:

Far Right: Ted Cruz
Moderate Right: Jeb Bush
Far Left: Nancy Pelosi
Moderate Left: Jim Webb

All of them claiming, of course, that they speak for America.

Yes behavior; that is legislation and policies can never follow the rhetoric because laws and regulation must be grounded in reality or they will be unworkable. Political ideology and reality are usually at the opposite ends of the political spectrum.
How is it that the Rs continually nominate moderates for POTUS, if the R primary voters refuse to vote for moderates?

The retards show up in disproportionate numbers during primaries. Those are the ones who vote for psychopaths, liars, and hypocrites.

But cooler heads still prevail most of the time and the more moderate candidate wins the nomination. Unfortunately, the retards turn the primaries into such a circus that they ruin the Republican brand for the general election.
But there're great fun to watch
So now you claim a conservative can win, when moments ago you said not possible.

You are terribly confused.

Of course a conservative can win. But that's different than saying a conservative will always win.
You should love Jeb. He is an ardent and ignorant big gov progressive....just like you.
He's a big government authoritarian, like most Republicans. I hope the country steers clear of political dynasties. I don't want to see another Bush in the White House. Two was more than enough. Don't really want to see another Clinton either.
Jeb Bush GOP Nominee Should Be Willing to Lose the Primary to Win the General - NBC News

"I kinda know how a Republican can win, whether it's me or somebody else -- and it has to be much more uplifting, much more positive, much more wiling to be, 'lose the primary to win the general' without violating your principles. It's not an easy task, to be honest with you."
Bush also said the incoming GOP Congress needs "to actually show in an adult like way that we can govern. Lead."
Seib followed up to Bush's comments about the primary, asking: "Are the things that you need to do to win a Republican nomination contrary to the things you need to do to win a general election?"
Bush shot back: "Well, frankly, no one really knows that because it hasn't been tried recently."
It was a veiled shot at former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, who tacked hard right on issues like immigration to get through the 2012 presidential primary

Wow another stupid bush. What is with george and barbara? Why did they raise such stupid children?

My question to the bush boy, if you lose the primary how are you going to be on the ballot in the general election? The person who wins the primary gets on the November ballot. Not the loser.

I sure hope that the gop doesn't nominate another bush. Our nation won't be able to withstand anther bush who destroys our economy and nation again.

He will not win all the primaries by supporting immigration reform. But who will?
Let Cruz, Paul, Carson. Perry all stand on blocking any attempt at reform. They can split the vote in Red States
Bush can take Florida and California with his pro immigration reform platform. Should be enough to win the nomination

He has to win the primary to get the nomination. He's saying that he can lose the primary and get the nomination. Which makes no sense to anyone who knows how our system works.
No, that's not exactly what he's saying. He's saying a primary candidate has thus far not told the TPM and very right what a gop nominee must run on if he's to beat a centrist democrat. Whether a gop primary candidate can win the nomination by doing so remains to be seen, because it hasn't been tried in the last two elections.
How is it that the Rs continually nominate moderates for POTUS, if the R primary voters refuse to vote for moderates?

The retards show up in disproportionate numbers during primaries. Those are the ones who vote for psychopaths, liars, and hypocrites.

But cooler heads still prevail most of the time and the more moderate candidate wins the nomination. Unfortunately, the retards turn the primaries into such a circus that they ruin the Republican brand for the general election.

It is clear you do not understand the primary process. If as you say, R voters refuse to vote for moderate Rs in the primaries, then logically speaking the R nominee should not be a moderate. Logically now....the candidate that wins the most votes in the primaries, wins the nomination. Do you understand yet?
How is it that the Rs continually nominate moderates for POTUS, if the R primary voters refuse to vote for moderates?

The retards show up in disproportionate numbers during primaries. Those are the ones who vote for psychopaths, liars, and hypocrites.

But cooler heads still prevail most of the time and the more moderate candidate wins the nomination. Unfortunately, the retards turn the primaries into such a circus that they ruin the Republican brand for the general election.

It is clear you do not understand the primary process. If as you say, R voters refuse to vote for moderate Rs in the primaries, then logically speaking the R nominee should not be a moderate. Logically now....the candidate that wins the most votes in the primaries, wins the nomination. Do you understand yet?
So, you're saying its just better to lose general elections than to nominate candidates who can garner 270Plus electoral votes?
How is it that the Rs continually nominate moderates for POTUS, if the R primary voters refuse to vote for moderates?

The retards show up in disproportionate numbers during primaries. Those are the ones who vote for psychopaths, liars, and hypocrites.

But cooler heads still prevail most of the time and the more moderate candidate wins the nomination. Unfortunately, the retards turn the primaries into such a circus that they ruin the Republican brand for the general election.

It is clear you do not understand the primary process. If as you say, R voters refuse to vote for moderate Rs in the primaries, then logically speaking the R nominee should not be a moderate. Logically now....the candidate that wins the most votes in the primaries, wins the nomination. Do you understand yet?
So, you're saying its just better to lose general elections than to nominate candidates who can garner 270Plus electoral votes?
You must stop listening the leftist media, who are telling you conservatives can't win.

Every R potus nominee since Reagan, has been a moderate and all lost with the exception of W and poppy (both did a good job of lying about their progressive beliefs).

So like most things with leftists, you have it exactly backward. Conservatives R just might win...moderates R generally don't win.
How is it that the Rs continually nominate moderates for POTUS, if the R primary voters refuse to vote for moderates?

The retards show up in disproportionate numbers during primaries. Those are the ones who vote for psychopaths, liars, and hypocrites.

But cooler heads still prevail most of the time and the more moderate candidate wins the nomination. Unfortunately, the retards turn the primaries into such a circus that they ruin the Republican brand for the general election.

It is clear you do not understand the primary process. If as you say, R voters refuse to vote for moderate Rs in the primaries, then logically speaking the R nominee should not be a moderate. Logically now....the candidate that wins the most votes in the primaries, wins the nomination. Do you understand yet?
So, you're saying its just better to lose general elections than to nominate candidates who can garner 270Plus electoral votes?
You must stop listening the leftist media, who are telling you conservatives can't win.

Every R potus nominee since Reagan, has been a moderate and all lost with the exception of W and poppy (both did a good job of lying about their progressive beliefs).

So like most things with leftists, you have it exactly backward. Conservatives R just might win...moderates R generally don't win.
actually, I'm a republican who voted for Poppy and W, the first time. But it's not really about moderates or conservatives. And, I'd agree that W as NOT a conservative. He was for elective war, nation building, big govt and he blew up the deficit. The issue is saying crazy shite like privatizing soc sec and Medicaid, getting rid of mammograms and PP. It doesn't matter if the candidate is a conservative or moderate. Rather it matters when he says crazy shite like this, 60% go "WTF?"
How is it that the Rs continually nominate moderates for POTUS, if the R primary voters refuse to vote for moderates?

The retards show up in disproportionate numbers during primaries. Those are the ones who vote for psychopaths, liars, and hypocrites.

But cooler heads still prevail most of the time and the more moderate candidate wins the nomination. Unfortunately, the retards turn the primaries into such a circus that they ruin the Republican brand for the general election.

It is clear you do not understand the primary process. If as you say, R voters refuse to vote for moderate Rs in the primaries, then logically speaking the R nominee should not be a moderate. Logically now....the candidate that wins the most votes in the primaries, wins the nomination. Do you understand yet?
No, a candidate that get's the most votes in the primaries is not necessarily the nominee. A candidate that wins a majority of the delegates will be nominee. In every convention since 1976, the nominee was know before the convention began because a candidate had a majority of delegates. If a candidate doesn't have a majority of delegate votes, then it's open convention.
Jeb Bush GOP Nominee Should Be Willing to Lose the Primary to Win the General - NBC News

"I kinda know how a Republican can win, whether it's me or somebody else -- and it has to be much more uplifting, much more positive, much more wiling to be, 'lose the primary to win the general' without violating your principles. It's not an easy task, to be honest with you."
Bush also said the incoming GOP Congress needs "to actually show in an adult like way that we can govern. Lead."
Seib followed up to Bush's comments about the primary, asking: "Are the things that you need to do to win a Republican nomination contrary to the things you need to do to win a general election?"
Bush shot back: "Well, frankly, no one really knows that because it hasn't been tried recently."
It was a veiled shot at former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, who tacked hard right on issues like immigration to get through the 2012 presidential primary

Wow another stupid bush. What is with george and barbara? Why did they raise such stupid children?

My question to the bush boy, if you lose the primary how are you going to be on the ballot in the general election? The person who wins the primary gets on the November ballot. Not the loser.

I sure hope that the gop doesn't nominate another bush. Our nation won't be able to withstand anther bush who destroys our economy and nation again.

He will not win all the primaries by supporting immigration reform. But who will?
Let Cruz, Paul, Carson. Perry all stand on blocking any attempt at reform. They can split the vote in Red States
Bush can take Florida and California with his pro immigration reform platform. Should be enough to win the nomination

He has to win the primary to get the nomination. He's saying that he can lose the primary and get the nomination. Which makes no sense to anyone who knows how our system works.

Like the hunters trying to outrun the bear, they don't have to outrun the bear, only outrun the other hunters
Bush has to perform better than the other Republicans to win. Doesn't mean you win every race

The gop base is the majority of the primary voters. The gop base is the far right teabaggers. The far right teabaggers won't vote for another bush. The only way he could win a primary is if he cheats. Which is just the normal way they do things.

Will America allow another bush to cheat his way into the white house?

We will see. We don't need to wait to see what the outcome will be. We already know by suffering through the last two bush presidencies. The last two bush presidents nearly destroyed our economy and nation.
Teabag America is centered in rural red states. Their influence diminishes in swing and blue states.
Bush is better positioned to win Republican delegates in Florida, California, New York and the Midwest than the TeaTard favorited

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