Jeb Bush: GOP nominee should be willing to lose the primary to win the general election

Jeb Bush doesn't stand a snow balls chance in hell of seeing the white house.

If the republican party thinks they have a shot at the presidency, they're going to have to run someone like Ted Cruz, or Rand Paul, or Scott Walker.

The country has Bush and Clinton fatigue.
It would be hard for Jeb Bush to overcome the legacy of his brother.
It will be hard for Hillary Clinton to overcome the legacy of her own big mouth.
You should love Jeb. He is an ardent and ignorant big gov progressive....just like you.
At least he's willing to drop the Far Right ... folks like you. It's bound to happen sooner or later.

And yet many on the Left live in fear of the so called "Far Right." They believe the R party is 'Far Right," when nothing could be more wrong. There is little difference between the parties, but leftists like you have not figured this out and continue to get duped by them and their media daily.

Most of the Republican Party is center right, that is why you can't force a Conservative on the party

The problem is that the far right controls the right wing media and bullies moderate Republicans into submission. We will see how Jeb does

Can you name ONE far right R presidential nominee the past 30 years?

There are none

The reason is that they offend even Republicans and are unelectable. However, they do control the message and are quick to punish any moderate who dares to negotiate on taxes, guns or gays

Yeah they punish moderates....which is why moderates have been nominated for R potus for decades.

You are so terribly confused.
You should love Jeb. He is an ardent and ignorant big gov progressive....just like you.

I like Jeb. He has political guts and would have made a better President than his brother
You mean he would have killed more muzzies? If that were so, I would agree with you.
We should not be in the Muslim killing business.

They are so much better at it, and it keeps them occupied.

Our only involvement in the ME Muslim schism should be selling obsolete weapons to both sides.
Jeb Bush doesn't stand a snow balls chance in hell of seeing the white house.

If the republican party thinks they have a shot at the presidency, they're going to have to run someone like Ted Cruz, or Rand Paul, or Scott Walker.

The country has Bush and Clinton fatigue.
Ted Cruz and Rand Paul are not even Cabinet material, much less Presidential material.
Well, you're just showing your ignorance now.
“He's probably the sharpest Bush.”

Which isn't saying much.

Jeb! has the best chance of winning, followed by Christie, assuming the former keeps up the 'elder statesman' facade.
Christie is unelectable.

If you haven't noticed, an anti-fatass movement is gaining traction in this country.

America is sick of subsidizing gluttons who wrecked the healthcare system with their obesity and obesity related disorders.

Christie will go over like a box of month old donuts found in the folds of his fat belly.
Jeb Bush doesn't stand a snow balls chance in hell of seeing the white house.

If the republican party thinks they have a shot at the presidency, they're going to have to run someone like Ted Cruz, or Rand Paul, or Scott Walker.

The country has Bush and Clinton fatigue.
It would be hard for Jeb Bush to overcome the legacy of his brother.
It will be hard for Hillary Clinton to overcome the legacy of her own big mouth.
And Benghazi, and her sexual predator husband.
Seems like a stupid strategy to me. You can't win a general election if you lose the primary.

besides that strategy didn't help McCain at all
Here's the pattern the past 4 elections: moderate dem-lites lose and lose big in the Presidential, while tea party wins record breaking victories in eh Mid Year

What does this pattern tell you for 2016?

What's the key to Victory, is it Starkey or Cruz, Palin and Paul?

The R establishment will not allow a truly conservative pol to win the R presidential nomination. They will work with the Ds and the lib MSM, to sabotage conservative candidates.

My guess is the lib press will put out very favorable stories about Jeb and other progressive Rs over the next two years, while also putting out critical stories on Cruz and Paul.

The power of the Bush family should not be underestimated.

Reagan overcame that and he took a bullet from the Bush Crime Family and Republican Establishment as well
“He's probably the sharpest Bush.”

Which isn't saying much.

Jeb! has the best chance of winning, followed by Christie, assuming the former keeps up the 'elder statesman' facade.
Christie is unelectable.

If you haven't noticed, an anti-fatass movement is gaining traction in this country.

America is sick of subsidizing gluttons who wrecked the healthcare system with their obesity and obesity related disorders.

Christie will go over like a box of month old donuts found in the folds of his fat belly.

Christie has lost 80 lbs and is looking lean and mean for the election

Watch out
Here's the pattern the past 4 elections: moderate dem-lites lose and lose big in the Presidential, while tea party wins record breaking victories in eh Mid Year

What does this pattern tell you for 2016?

What's the key to Victory, is it Starkey or Cruz, Palin and Paul?

The R establishment will not allow a truly conservative pol to win the R presidential nomination. They will work with the Ds and the lib MSM, to sabotage conservative candidates.

My guess is the lib press will put out very favorable stories about Jeb and other progressive Rs over the next two years, while also putting out critical stories on Cruz and Paul.

The power of the Bush family should not be underestimated.

Reagan overcame that and he took a bullet from the Bush Crime Family and Republican Establishment as well

John Hinkley was a Bush?

Who'da thunk it?
Here's the pattern the past 4 elections: moderate dem-lites lose and lose big in the Presidential, while tea party wins record breaking victories in eh Mid Year

What does this pattern tell you for 2016?

What's the key to Victory, is it Starkey or Cruz, Palin and Paul?

I'm lousy at predicting political stuff, but I would have you consider the possibility that national (presidential) elections are very different than local (mid term congressional) elections. It's far easier to win a city or a county or a state than the country, and I'd think the two require different approaches.


Reagan won when the entire Conservative media consisted of the Editorial page of the WSJ and Crossfire

In 08, Obama pretended to be a fiscal Conservative and political Moderate

Conservatism wins



^ 1984
Jeb Bush GOP Nominee Should Be Willing to Lose the Primary to Win the General - NBC News

"I kinda know how a Republican can win, whether it's me or somebody else -- and it has to be much more uplifting, much more positive, much more wiling to be, 'lose the primary to win the general' without violating your principles. It's not an easy task, to be honest with you."
Bush also said the incoming GOP Congress needs "to actually show in an adult like way that we can govern. Lead."
Seib followed up to Bush's comments about the primary, asking: "Are the things that you need to do to win a Republican nomination contrary to the things you need to do to win a general election?"
Bush shot back: "Well, frankly, no one really knows that because it hasn't been tried recently."
It was a veiled shot at former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, who tacked hard right on issues like immigration to get through the 2012 presidential primary
Will you explain this "the primary" thing?

There are multiple primaries, not "a" primary.

I believe that is what he meant

He is willing to give up some primaries to win in the long run
Jeb is laying the groundwork for his 2016 campaign

He is making it clear that he is willing to break from the extreme right in order to increase his chances in the general election. Specifically, he is going to come out with a comprehensive immigration reform that will outrage the rightwing media but increase his chances in key swing states
Isn't that what his brother did? Pretend to be a moderate when in reality he was batshit crazy.
Jeb Bush GOP Nominee Should Be Willing to Lose the Primary to Win the General - NBC News

"I kinda know how a Republican can win, whether it's me or somebody else -- and it has to be much more uplifting, much more positive, much more wiling to be, 'lose the primary to win the general' without violating your principles. It's not an easy task, to be honest with you."
Bush also said the incoming GOP Congress needs "to actually show in an adult like way that we can govern. Lead."
Seib followed up to Bush's comments about the primary, asking: "Are the things that you need to do to win a Republican nomination contrary to the things you need to do to win a general election?"
Bush shot back: "Well, frankly, no one really knows that because it hasn't been tried recently."
It was a veiled shot at former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, who tacked hard right on issues like immigration to get through the 2012 presidential primary
Will you explain this "the primary" thing?

There are multiple primaries, not "a" primary.

I believe that is what he meant

He is willing to give up some primaries to win in the long run
I think I know what he meant.
Haven't paid much attention to him.
Was he speaking in a primary state, referring to a specific primary?
That is how I would take it, but so many posters keep up with this "he can't get to the general if he loses THE primary" crap it makes me wonder.
They sound a lot like the ones that perpetually show they never passed Civics I.
Jeb is laying the groundwork for his 2016 campaign

He is making it clear that he is willing to break from the extreme right in order to increase his chances in the general election. Specifically, he is going to come out with a comprehensive immigration reform that will outrage the rightwing media but increase his chances in key swing states
Oh God, not another Bush.
Jeb is laying the groundwork for his 2016 campaign

He is making it clear that he is willing to break from the extreme right in order to increase his chances in the general election. Specifically, he is going to come out with a comprehensive immigration reform that will outrage the rightwing media but increase his chances in key swing states
Oh God, not another Bush.
But a Clinton??

OK with that???
Jeb Bush GOP Nominee Should Be Willing to Lose the Primary to Win the General - NBC News

"I kinda know how a Republican can win, whether it's me or somebody else -- and it has to be much more uplifting, much more positive, much more wiling to be, 'lose the primary to win the general' without violating your principles. It's not an easy task, to be honest with you."
Bush also said the incoming GOP Congress needs "to actually show in an adult like way that we can govern. Lead."
Seib followed up to Bush's comments about the primary, asking: "Are the things that you need to do to win a Republican nomination contrary to the things you need to do to win a general election?"
Bush shot back: "Well, frankly, no one really knows that because it hasn't been tried recently."
It was a veiled shot at former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, who tacked hard right on issues like immigration to get through the 2012 presidential primary

Wow another stupid bush. What is with george and barbara? Why did they raise such stupid children?

My question to the bush boy, if you lose the primary how are you going to be on the ballot in the general election? The person who wins the primary gets on the November ballot. Not the loser.

I sure hope that the gop doesn't nominate another bush. Our nation won't be able to withstand anther bush who destroys our economy and nation again.

He will not win all the primaries by supporting immigration reform. But who will?
Let Cruz, Paul, Carson. Perry all stand on blocking any attempt at reform. They can split the vote in Red States
Bush can take Florida and California with his pro immigration reform platform. Should be enough to win the nomination

He has to win the primary to get the nomination. He's saying that he can lose the primary and get the nomination. Which makes no sense to anyone who knows how our system works.

Like the hunters trying to outrun the bear, they don't have to outrun the bear, only outrun the other hunters
Bush has to perform better than the other Republicans to win. Doesn't mean you win every race

The gop base is the majority of the primary voters. The gop base is the far right teabaggers. The far right teabaggers won't vote for another bush. The only way he could win a primary is if he cheats. Which is just the normal way they do things.

Will America allow another bush to cheat his way into the white house?

We will see. We don't need to wait to see what the outcome will be. We already know by suffering through the last two bush presidencies. The last two bush presidents nearly destroyed our economy and nation.
Jeb would be an outstanding candidate for President....
If he was in the Democrat party.

No democrats will vote for him.

You might want to stick with reality. The bush family is one of yours. They're conservative republicans and run on the republican ticket. They implement conservative republican policies and they end up doing what always happens when conservative republican policies are implemented. It destroys economies.

They wouldn't last two seconds as a democrat. The bush family wouldn't get any votes from any democrats.
Jeb Bush GOP Nominee Should Be Willing to Lose the Primary to Win the General - NBC News

"I kinda know how a Republican can win, whether it's me or somebody else -- and it has to be much more uplifting, much more positive, much more wiling to be, 'lose the primary to win the general' without violating your principles. It's not an easy task, to be honest with you."
Bush also said the incoming GOP Congress needs "to actually show in an adult like way that we can govern. Lead."
Seib followed up to Bush's comments about the primary, asking: "Are the things that you need to do to win a Republican nomination contrary to the things you need to do to win a general election?"
Bush shot back: "Well, frankly, no one really knows that because it hasn't been tried recently."
It was a veiled shot at former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, who tacked hard right on issues like immigration to get through the 2012 presidential primary

Wow another stupid bush. What is with george and barbara? Why did they raise such stupid children?

My question to the bush boy, if you lose the primary how are you going to be on the ballot in the general election? The person who wins the primary gets on the November ballot. Not the loser.

I sure hope that the gop doesn't nominate another bush. Our nation won't be able to withstand anther bush who destroys our economy and nation again.

He will not win all the primaries by supporting immigration reform. But who will?
Let Cruz, Paul, Carson. Perry all stand on blocking any attempt at reform. They can split the vote in Red States
Bush can take Florida and California with his pro immigration reform platform. Should be enough to win the nomination

He has to win the primary to get the nomination. He's saying that he can lose the primary and get the nomination. Which makes no sense to anyone who knows how our system works.

Like the hunters trying to outrun the bear, they don't have to outrun the bear, only outrun the other hunters
Bush has to perform better than the other Republicans to win. Doesn't mean you win every race

The gop base is the majority of the primary voters. The gop base is the far right teabaggers. The far right teabaggers won't vote for another bush. The only way he could win a primary is if he cheats. Which is just the normal way they do things.

Will America allow another bush to cheat his way into the white house?

We will see. We don't need to wait to see what the outcome will be. We already know by suffering through the last two bush presidencies. The last two bush presidents nearly destroyed our economy and nation.

How is it that the Rs continually nominate moderates for POTUS, if the R primary voters refuse to vote for moderates?

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