Jeb Bush: GOP nominee should be willing to lose the primary to win the general election

Jeb would be an outstanding candidate for President....
If he was in the Democrat party.
Who would be an outstanding Republican....that is the question
Someone should point out that if the primary is lost, the loser never gets to the general election. Unless he thinks that his new pro Hispanic direction will be a bold move that will end up with him winning the primary. He should run with that one. It will be a good test as to whether or not a candidate can win without the base.
Candidates, both Republicans and Democrats will say whatever is necessary to win the primaries which means pandering to the base. Then when they get nominated, they have to soften the message and carefully reverse themselves on some issues to get support from independents and the opposition. That's just how the game is played. You can spot the losers by how deep the holes they dig for themselves in the primaries.
True, but Jeb's saying that if a goper panders to the base, he strays so far into bizarro land that he cannot portray himself as a serious candidate to a majority of voters. And, unless the gop changes, that's about the size of the problem. We can hope that Hillary will be less inclined, and able, to govern without compromising with the saner elements of the gop. The premise of the founders being essentially that nobody is 100% or 100% wrong, and finding a consensus eliminates much of the false assumptions in any issue.
It's not a question of will the GOP change but when. It has to change because the American society is changing and changing rapidly. Minorities are become the majority. Where race and ethnicity once divided us, affluence and social standing determine our place in society. The role of the sexes have become blurred and even reversed. The long held idea that America can isolate itself has long passed.

I wouldn't be surprised if in next Republican primary we see more people focusing on improving America, not tearing it apart and rebuilding it.
Bush is laying his cards on the table regarding immigration reform and is daring the rightwing of his party to do something about it

It is NOT immigration reform. It is AMNESTY designed to keep the D party in power. Even a fool can see that....which makes you less than a fool.

Yea, yea......Amnesty, illegals voting, disease, plague

We have heard all the rightwing fear mongering
The gop won't even pass a bill allowing people to stay here without any path to citizenship, but just permanent legal status for people who've lived and worked here for years, and raised families. It's not about a lot of new Dem voters.
Yes, they might be able to agree on that. However, legal status is the first step to citizenship. It would be left to another congress to define the next step.
No the gop cannot pass anything that allows illegal aliens to stay. That enrages the rabid right voters, and the gop lacks the stones to stand up to their very right base. That is the problem. No compromise is possible, and that's why Obama dropped the rock on them. And that's not that I'm happy Obama went the EO route, but it was that or let the gop kick this can down the road to 2016, and try to avoid it as an issue in 2016. Obama teed it up for the first hole for the dem nominee to take a whack at.
The executive order only lasts for two years but if Hillary wins the presidency she will certainly extended it. Assuming undocumented immigrants take advantage of it, the numbers will drop and with it the magnitude of problem.
Someone should point out that if the primary is lost, the loser never gets to the general election. Unless he thinks that his new pro Hispanic direction will be a bold move that will end up with him winning the primary. He should run with that one. It will be a good test as to whether or not a candidate can win without the base.

Good Ole Jeb, he's not the sharpest tool in the shed is he?
He's probably the sharpest Bush. While his brother was struggling to make it through school, drinking like a fish, and trying to make his way in the world using Daddy's money and influence, Jeb was teaching English as a second language at age 17 in Mexico, completing college in 2 1/2 years and graduating Phi Beta Kappa in Latin America Studies. Although ever bit as conservative as the rest of family, he has been very strong on environmental protection, education, and healthcare issues. He's also a strong supporter of immigration reform Unlike the rest of family he's Catholic. IMHO, he would be a candidate that would appeal to many Democrats but not the Tea Party.
“He's probably the sharpest Bush.”

Which isn't saying much.

Jeb! has the best chance of winning, followed by Christie, assuming the former keeps up the 'elder statesman' facade.
Bush is laying his cards on the table regarding immigration reform and is daring the rightwing of his party to do something about it
So on immigration, Pres. Obama has dared Congress to do something and Jeb Bush is now 'double dog daring' congress to do something on immigration reform? Wonder how R's in Congress are taking this 'double dog dare' of Jeb's????
Jeb Bush doesn't stand a snow balls chance in hell of seeing the white house.

If the republican party thinks they have a shot at the presidency, they're going to have to run someone like Ted Cruz, or Rand Paul, or Scott Walker.

The country has Bush and Clinton fatigue.

Hillary would beat Cruz, Paul or Walker by 150 electoral votes (probably much more). They are all incapable of winning outside of Red States

But Walker won 3 times in Wisconsin, which is blue, so.....
Jeb Bush GOP Nominee Should Be Willing to Lose the Primary to Win the General - NBC News

"I kinda know how a Republican can win, whether it's me or somebody else -- and it has to be much more uplifting, much more positive, much more wiling to be, 'lose the primary to win the general' without violating your principles. It's not an easy task, to be honest with you."
Bush also said the incoming GOP Congress needs "to actually show in an adult like way that we can govern. Lead."
Seib followed up to Bush's comments about the primary, asking: "Are the things that you need to do to win a Republican nomination contrary to the things you need to do to win a general election?"
Bush shot back: "Well, frankly, no one really knows that because it hasn't been tried recently."
It was a veiled shot at former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, who tacked hard right on issues like immigration to get through the 2012 presidential primary

They learn very fast. Just look at this one "LEARNING"
You should love Jeb. He is an ardent and ignorant big gov progressive....just like you.
At least he's willing to drop the Far Right ... folks like you. It's bound to happen sooner or later.

And yet many on the Left live in fear of the so called "Far Right." They believe the R party is 'Far Right," when nothing could be more wrong. There is little difference between the parties, but leftists like you have not figured this out and continue to get duped by them and their media daily.
You should love Jeb. He is an ardent and ignorant big gov progressive....just like you.
At least he's willing to drop the Far Right ... folks like you. It's bound to happen sooner or later.

And yet many on the Left live in fear of the so called "Far Right." They believe the R party is 'Far Right," when nothing could be more wrong. There is little difference between the parties, but leftists like you have not figured this out and continue to get duped by them and their media daily.

Of course there are differences between the parties, on the issues. Their behaviors are very similar, yes, but they are quite different on the issues.

And, while there always few absolutes, it's also not terribly difficult to recognize "far" and "moderate" within each party. To wit:

Far Right: Ted Cruz
Moderate Right: Jeb Bush
Far Left: Nancy Pelosi
Moderate Left: Jim Webb

All of them claiming, of course, that they speak for America.

Here's the pattern the past 4 elections: moderate dem-lites lose and lose big in the Presidential, while tea party wins record breaking victories in eh Mid Year

What does this pattern tell you for 2016?

What's the key to Victory, is it Starkey or Cruz, Palin and Paul?
Here's the pattern the past 4 elections: moderate dem-lites lose and lose big in the Presidential, while tea party wins record breaking victories in eh Mid Year

What does this pattern tell you for 2016?

What's the key to Victory, is it Starkey or Cruz, Palin and Paul?

I'm lousy at predicting political stuff, but I would have you consider the possibility that national (presidential) elections are very different than local (mid term congressional) elections. It's far easier to win a city or a county or a state than the country, and I'd think the two require different approaches.

You should love Jeb. He is an ardent and ignorant big gov progressive....just like you.
At least he's willing to drop the Far Right ... folks like you. It's bound to happen sooner or later.

And yet many on the Left live in fear of the so called "Far Right." They believe the R party is 'Far Right," when nothing could be more wrong. There is little difference between the parties, but leftists like you have not figured this out and continue to get duped by them and their media daily.

Of course there are differences between the parties, on the issues. Their behaviors are very similar, yes, but they are quite different on the issues.

And, while there always few absolutes, it's also not terribly difficult to recognize "far" and "moderate" within each party. To wit:

Far Right: Ted Cruz
Moderate Right: Jeb Bush
Far Left: Nancy Pelosi
Moderate Left: Jim Webb

All of them claiming, of course, that they speak for America.


Of course, you can find differences between individuals in each party. That means nothing.

The parties as a whole, believe in the same things. Both are statist and progressive. On the big issues of foreign intervention, welfare programs, deficit spending, growing government size and power, protecting the power elite...they are very much the same.

A good example is finding the differences between W and BO. Yes there are differences, but they are not significant.
Here's the pattern the past 4 elections: moderate dem-lites lose and lose big in the Presidential, while tea party wins record breaking victories in eh Mid Year

What does this pattern tell you for 2016?

What's the key to Victory, is it Starkey or Cruz, Palin and Paul?

I'm lousy at predicting political stuff, but I would have you consider the possibility that national (presidential) elections are very different than local (mid term congressional) elections. It's far easier to win a city or a county or a state than the country, and I'd think the two require different approaches.


Reagan won when the entire Conservative media consisted of the Editorial page of the WSJ and Crossfire

In 08, Obama pretended to be a fiscal Conservative and political Moderate

Conservatism wins
You should love Jeb. He is an ardent and ignorant big gov progressive....just like you.
At least he's willing to drop the Far Right ... folks like you. It's bound to happen sooner or later.

And yet many on the Left live in fear of the so called "Far Right." They believe the R party is 'Far Right," when nothing could be more wrong. There is little difference between the parties, but leftists like you have not figured this out and continue to get duped by them and their media daily.

Most of the Republican Party is center right, that is why you can't force a Conservative on the party

The problem is that the far right controls the right wing media and bullies moderate Republicans into submission. We will see how Jeb does
Here's the pattern the past 4 elections: moderate dem-lites lose and lose big in the Presidential, while tea party wins record breaking victories in eh Mid Year

What does this pattern tell you for 2016?

What's the key to Victory, is it Starkey or Cruz, Palin and Paul?

I'm lousy at predicting political stuff, but I would have you consider the possibility that national (presidential) elections are very different than local (mid term congressional) elections. It's far easier to win a city or a county or a state than the country, and I'd think the two require different approaches.


Reagan won when the entire Conservative media consisted of the Editorial page of the WSJ and Crossfire

In 08, Obama pretended to be a fiscal Conservative and political Moderate

Conservatism wins

Conservatism won 34 years ago with a charismatic candidate. Who do you have now?

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