Jeb Bush: GOP nominee should be willing to lose the primary to win the general election

Jeb Bush GOP Nominee Should Be Willing to Lose the Primary to Win the General - NBC News

"I kinda know how a Republican can win, whether it's me or somebody else -- and it has to be much more uplifting, much more positive, much more wiling to be, 'lose the primary to win the general' without violating your principles. It's not an easy task, to be honest with you."
Bush also said the incoming GOP Congress needs "to actually show in an adult like way that we can govern. Lead."
Seib followed up to Bush's comments about the primary, asking: "Are the things that you need to do to win a Republican nomination contrary to the things you need to do to win a general election?"
Bush shot back: "Well, frankly, no one really knows that because it hasn't been tried recently."
It was a veiled shot at former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, who tacked hard right on issues like immigration to get through the 2012 presidential primary

Wow another stupid bush. What is with george and barbara? Why did they raise such stupid children?

My question to the bush boy, if you lose the primary how are you going to be on the ballot in the general election? The person who wins the primary gets on the November ballot. Not the loser.

I sure hope that the gop doesn't nominate another bush. Our nation won't be able to withstand anther bush who destroys our economy and nation again.
Jeb is a big gubmint lib RINO commie who hates America.

There is only one true patriot America needs!

Jeb Bush doesn't stand a snow balls chance in hell of seeing the white house.

If the republican party thinks they have a shot at the presidency, they're going to have to run someone like Ted Cruz, or Rand Paul, or Scott Walker.

The country has Bush and Clinton fatigue.

Maybe so, but the R elitist establishment wants and will do all it can to install Jeb. He will have tons of money and much of the media will back him. They fear those guys you mentioned. So, Jeb is their man...much like they did with Dole, Crazy McCain, W, and Romney....all big gov progressives.

For some reason, Republicans run candidates who have a prayer of winning

Guys like Cruz, Paul, Carson and Walker do not

Why not Walker?
Jeb Bush doesn't stand a snow balls chance in hell of seeing the white house.

If the republican party thinks they have a shot at the presidency, they're going to have to run someone like Ted Cruz, or Rand Paul, or Scott Walker.

The country has Bush and Clinton fatigue.

Maybe so, but the R elitist establishment wants and will do all it can to install Jeb. He will have tons of money and much of the media will back him. They fear those guys you mentioned. So, Jeb is their man...much like they did with Dole, Crazy McCain, W, and Romney....all big gov progressives.

For some reason, Republicans run candidates who have a prayer of winning

Guys like Cruz, Paul, Carson and Walker do not

Wrong again.

Progressive Rs have a very poor track record of winning, but you keep believing the lies told to you by the lib MSM.

Conservative Republicans cannot get even their own party to vote for them

I knew you would love Jeb.

But what is most strange about you progs, is your hatred for W, when he was one of you.

You are the guys who voted for him
Jeb Bush doesn't stand a snow balls chance in hell of seeing the white house.

If the republican party thinks they have a shot at the presidency, they're going to have to run someone like Ted Cruz, or Rand Paul, or Scott Walker.

The country has Bush and Clinton fatigue.

Maybe so, but the R elitist establishment wants and will do all it can to install Jeb. He will have tons of money and much of the media will back him. They fear those guys you mentioned. So, Jeb is their man...much like they did with Dole, Crazy McCain, W, and Romney....all big gov progressives.

For some reason, Republicans run candidates who have a prayer of winning

Guys like Cruz, Paul, Carson and Walker do not

Why not Walker?

Walker doesn't have legs. He cannot carry over to other states.
His biggest drawback is he lacks charisma, he is boring as hell and will not pull in the money he needs
Jeb Bush GOP Nominee Should Be Willing to Lose the Primary to Win the General - NBC News

"I kinda know how a Republican can win, whether it's me or somebody else -- and it has to be much more uplifting, much more positive, much more wiling to be, 'lose the primary to win the general' without violating your principles. It's not an easy task, to be honest with you."
Bush also said the incoming GOP Congress needs "to actually show in an adult like way that we can govern. Lead."
Seib followed up to Bush's comments about the primary, asking: "Are the things that you need to do to win a Republican nomination contrary to the things you need to do to win a general election?"
Bush shot back: "Well, frankly, no one really knows that because it hasn't been tried recently."
It was a veiled shot at former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, who tacked hard right on issues like immigration to get through the 2012 presidential primary

Wow another stupid bush. What is with george and barbara? Why did they raise such stupid children?

My question to the bush boy, if you lose the primary how are you going to be on the ballot in the general election? The person who wins the primary gets on the November ballot. Not the loser.

I sure hope that the gop doesn't nominate another bush. Our nation won't be able to withstand anther bush who destroys our economy and nation again.

He will not win all the primaries by supporting immigration reform. But who will?
Let Cruz, Paul, Carson. Perry all stand on blocking any attempt at reform. They can split the vote in Red States
Bush can take Florida and California with his pro immigration reform platform. Should be enough to win the nomination
Jeb Bush doesn't stand a snow balls chance in hell of seeing the white house.

If the republican party thinks they have a shot at the presidency, they're going to have to run someone like Ted Cruz, or Rand Paul, or Scott Walker.

The country has Bush and Clinton fatigue.

Maybe so, but the R elitist establishment wants and will do all it can to install Jeb. He will have tons of money and much of the media will back him. They fear those guys you mentioned. So, Jeb is their man...much like they did with Dole, Crazy McCain, W, and Romney....all big gov progressives.

For some reason, Republicans run candidates who have a prayer of winning

Guys like Cruz, Paul, Carson and Walker do not

Why not Walker?

Walker doesn't have legs. He cannot carry over to other states.
His biggest drawback is he lacks charisma, he is boring as hell and will not pull in the money he needs

I understand that he's pulling in a lot of money.

Don't know if he's charismatic enough.

But neither is Hillary.
Jeb Bush doesn't stand a snow balls chance in hell of seeing the white house.

If the republican party thinks they have a shot at the presidency, they're going to have to run someone like Ted Cruz, or Rand Paul, or Scott Walker.

The country has Bush and Clinton fatigue.

Maybe so, but the R elitist establishment wants and will do all it can to install Jeb. He will have tons of money and much of the media will back him. They fear those guys you mentioned. So, Jeb is their man...much like they did with Dole, Crazy McCain, W, and Romney....all big gov progressives.

For some reason, Republicans run candidates who have a prayer of winning

Guys like Cruz, Paul, Carson and Walker do not

Why not Walker?

Walker doesn't have legs. He cannot carry over to other states.
His biggest drawback is he lacks charisma, he is boring as hell and will not pull in the money he needs

I understand that he's pulling in a lot of money.

Don't know if he's charismatic enough.

But neither is Hillary.

Hillary is the best known candidate by far. To rise from the pack, and yes the GOP primaries will once again be a pack, Walker will have to distinguish himself. Look what Bill Clinton and Obama did to rise from obscurity. They did it with charisma
Walker is dull
It's true. Retards and rubes are energetic and thus turn out in disproportionate numbers during primaries. This makes candidates feel they have to pander to the retards and rubes.

"Why, yes, I think ragheads and negroes and fags and spics should be rowed out to the middle of the ocean and thrown overboard."

Then after the primaries, the candidate tries to win over the moderates.

"Of course I would provide the Muslims and blacks and homosexuals and Mexicans with life preservers and a month's supply of Twinkies."
Before: "Why, yes, I think we should shove a wand up a woman's twat if she wants an abortion."

After: "Why, yes, I think they should be given a lollipop after their visit to the clinic."

Before: "Why, yes, I think every rich man got that way through criminal behavior and should therefore be taxed at 90 percent."

After: "I would use those excess profits to give free puppies to everyone."
SENATOR Bob: I believe the power of the Presidency has gone too far. As President, I will roll back Executive powers.

PRESIDENT Bob: With this signing statement, I hereby choose to ignore the legislative law on the other side of this paper.
Bush is laying his cards on the table regarding immigration reform and is daring the rightwing of his party to do something about it
Jeb Bush doesn't stand a snow balls chance in hell of seeing the white house.

If the republican party thinks they have a shot at the presidency, they're going to have to run someone like Ted Cruz, or Rand Paul, or Scott Walker.

The country has Bush and Clinton fatigue.

Hillary would beat Cruz, Paul or Walker by 150 electoral votes (probably much more). They are all incapable of winning outside of Red States
You're higher'n a kite.
Jeb Bush doesn't stand a snow balls chance in hell of seeing the white house.

If the republican party thinks they have a shot at the presidency, they're going to have to run someone like Ted Cruz, or Rand Paul, or Scott Walker.

The country has Bush and Clinton fatigue.

Hillary would beat Cruz, Paul or Walker by 150 electoral votes (probably much more). They are all incapable of winning outside of Red States
You're higher'n a kite.

Not really

Hillary will get over 300 electoral votes regardless of who she runs against

Someone like Jeb Bush could compete in Florida or Ohio.......Cruz, Paul or Walker (Walker could do well in Ohio) could not compete in swing states. That is where elections are won
Bush is laying his cards on the table regarding immigration reform and is daring the rightwing of his party to do something about it

It is NOT immigration reform. It is AMNESTY designed to keep the D party in power. Even a fool can see that....which makes you less than a fool.
Bush is laying his cards on the table regarding immigration reform and is daring the rightwing of his party to do something about it

It is NOT immigration reform. It is AMNESTY designed to keep the D party in power. Even a fool can see that....which makes you less than a fool.

Yea, yea......Amnesty, illegals voting, disease, plague

We have heard all the rightwing fear mongering
Jeb Bush doesn't stand a snow balls chance in hell of seeing the white house.

If the republican party thinks they have a shot at the presidency, they're going to have to run someone like Ted Cruz, or Rand Paul, or Scott Walker.

The country has Bush and Clinton fatigue.

Hillary would beat Cruz, Paul or Walker by 150 electoral votes (probably much more). They are all incapable of winning outside of Red States
You're higher'n a kite.

Not really

Hillary will get over 300 electoral votes regardless of who she runs against

Someone like Jeb Bush could compete in Florida or Ohio.......Cruz, Paul or Walker (Walker could do well in Ohio) could not compete in swing states. That is where elections are won
You're higher'n a kite.

Whether you've come to grips with it or not yet, the country has Bush AND Clinton fatigue. Hillary couldn't get elected dog catcher. But not only that, there are democrats that are sick of this ordaining of Hillary. It's gone on long enough. She isn't a shoe in and they will challenge her. Basically, Hillary is finished before she even gets started.
Jeb is laying the groundwork for his 2016 campaign

He is making it clear that he is willing to break from the extreme right in order to increase his chances in the general election. Specifically, he is going to come out with a comprehensive immigration reform that will outrage the rightwing media but increase his chances in key swing states
I lived in Florida when Jeb was governor. I think he's better than most of what we've seen in previous primaries. If nothing else, he's at least a lot smarter than his brother.

Republicans are a lot closer to Democrats on immigration than they will admit. Their real hang up is what to do with the 11 million undocumented in the US. They know they can't deport them but it will be almost impossible to get their base to accept a path to citizenship. However, Obama's executive order may help solve that problem.
Someone should point out that if the primary is lost, the loser never gets to the general election. Unless he thinks that his new pro Hispanic direction will be a bold move that will end up with him winning the primary. He should run with that one. It will be a good test as to whether or not a candidate can win without the base.
Candidates, both Republicans and Democrats will say whatever is necessary to win the primaries which means pandering to the base. Then when they get nominated, they have to soften the message and carefully reverse themselves on some issues to get support from independents and the opposition. That's just how the game is played. You can spot the losers by how deep the holes they dig for themselves in the primaries.
Bush is laying his cards on the table regarding immigration reform and is daring the rightwing of his party to do something about it

It is NOT immigration reform. It is AMNESTY designed to keep the D party in power. Even a fool can see that....which makes you less than a fool.

Yea, yea......Amnesty, illegals voting, disease, plague

We have heard all the rightwing fear mongering
The gop won't even pass a bill allowing people to stay here without any path to citizenship, but just permanent legal status for people who've lived and worked here for years, and raised families. It's not about a lot of new Dem voters.

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