Jeb Bush: I would have invaded Iraq

Bullshit, I don't give a flying fuck if you attack jeb bush. You fools will be attacking all republicans with lies and fabrications for the next year and a half. We get it, we understand your methods.

Keep it up, it only makes you look like the losers that you are.

OK, we get it, you don't like jeb. We get it. Most of us don't like him either. But you are free to continue making yourself look like an idiot if it makes you feel good.
You state you dont' like Jeb, you don't want him to the nominee, you would be glad NOT to have him be the nominee, yet you're upset when people YOU PERCEIVE as being a part of "the other team" shares that same sentiment.

What a hack!
By late 2005 dumbo had lost traction. 66% of Americans, compared to 26%, think the Iraq invasion was a dumb ass move. Jeb put his foot in it, and I hope he can't get out of it.
Bush was the true illegitimate President not only the first time he "won", but the second time.

He took the Presidency by force, once using his brother's state of Florida and his party in the RW Republican Governor to give it them, and the other time it was given to him by the Supreme Court.

So just more RW lies and lies once again.


More far left propaganda!
What part is not true?
By late 2005 dumbo had lost traction. 66% of Americans, compared to 26%, think the Iraq invasion was a dumb ass move. Jeb put his foot in it, and I hope he can't get out of it.
Bush was the true illegitimate President not only the first time he "won", but the second time.

He took the Presidency by force, once using his brother's state of Florida and his party in the RW Republican Governor to give it them, and the other time it was given to him by the Supreme Court.

So just more RW lies and lies once again.


More far left propaganda!
What part is not true?

See how dangerous the far left religion is?\

A far left drone religious propaganda post and they are asking to be proven wrong!

Typical far left drone not connected to reality..
McCain lost because a good portion of the Conservative base didn't care which socialist got into office ... And didn't vote at all.

Where do you even get that from?

McCain got 59.5 million votes compared to 62 million for Bush four years earlier. Meanwhile Obama got a full ten million more votes than John Kerry had. While he got 6% less of the 'Conservative" vote than Bush had, he also got 6% less of the moderate vote and 3% less of the liberal vote. No, the real problem was that people were so turned off by Bush that McCain paid for it.

Romney lost because he didn't take President Obama to the mat when wishy-washy moderates complained he should be more civilized after spanking the President in the first two debates.

First, and foremost, Romney didn't spank Obama in the second Debate. Quite the reverse, when the moderator calls you on lying, you've pretty much lost the debate.

As for the first debate, no Incumbant really wins the first debate. Bush didn't. Reagan didn't. Carter didn't. A first debate pretty much elevates you by showing up. THey also don't really effect the election that much.

No, Romney lost because he said shit like "I like to fire people" and "47% don't pay taxes, so screw them."
The 47% was his self-inflicted death blow.

For McCain it was the "The economy is sound" statement one day before the economy almost fell through the floor.

Republicans keep damaging themselves in these elections and then turn around and blame others.

Real "personal responsibility" types indeed.

They're continuing to do this as we type.
But of course Jeb has walked that ill advised statement back now......
So, Jeb ended-up throwing big brother under the bus yesterday, after all, eh? Disappointing.

You mean to tell me that now that we know there were no WMD in Iraq that you would send all those young men and women to die anyway? Is this you......Dick?
So, Jeb ended-up throwing big brother under the bus yesterday, after all, eh? Disappointing.

You mean to tell me that now that we know there were no WMD in Iraq that you would send all those young men and women to die anyway? Is this you......Dick?

I would simply refuse to throw my brother under the bus.

I'm guessing you would do the same.
So, Jeb ended-up throwing big brother under the bus yesterday, after all, eh? Disappointing.

You mean to tell me that now that we know there were no WMD in Iraq that you would send all those young men and women to die anyway? Is this you......Dick?

I would simply refuse to throw my brother under the bus.

I'm guessing you would do the same.

Maybe Jeb was being honest.......EGAD
So, Jeb ended-up throwing big brother under the bus yesterday, after all, eh? Disappointing.

You mean to tell me that now that we know there were no WMD in Iraq that you would send all those young men and women to die anyway? Is this you......Dick?

I would simply refuse to throw my brother under the bus.

I'm guessing you would do the same.

Maybe Jeb was being honest.......EGAD
Would you throw YOUR brother under the bus?

I wouldn't.
So, Jeb ended-up throwing big brother under the bus yesterday, after all, eh? Disappointing.

You mean to tell me that now that we know there were no WMD in Iraq that you would send all those young men and women to die anyway? Is this you......Dick?

I would simply refuse to throw my brother under the bus.

I'm guessing you would do the same.

Maybe Jeb was being honest.......EGAD
Would you throw YOUR brother under the bus?

I wouldn't.

I don't know how you feel he is doing that. Would you rather he lie? Jeb is being honest. Is that a bad thing for a GOP prospective nominee? It appears that you think so.
So, Jeb ended-up throwing big brother under the bus yesterday, after all, eh? Disappointing.

You mean to tell me that now that we know there were no WMD in Iraq that you would send all those young men and women to die anyway? Is this you......Dick?

I would simply refuse to throw my brother under the bus.

I'm guessing you would do the same.

Maybe Jeb was being honest.......EGAD
Would you throw YOUR brother under the bus?

I wouldn't.

I don't know how you feel he is doing that. Would you rather he lie? Jeb is being honest. Is that a bad thing for a GOP prospective nominee? It appears that you think so.
Oh, c'mon...

I'm talking about Family Loyalty here...

And you know it...

I'm totally against either a Bush or a Clinton taking the White House, because I'm weary of political family dynasties, and I want fresh faces and fresh ideas...

But, within the narrow context of this exchange...

There is no way... NO way... that I would throw a brother or sister under the bus, in public...

How would I have answered that, it public?

Something along the lines of...


"I am not going to answer that question, one way or another. You - the media - are attempting to put me into an impossible position, from my perspective, and I will not allow myself to be maneuvered into that sort of corner.

If I say 'Yes, I would have invaded Iraq', I incur the disdain of large numbers of Americans who opposed that war, at the time or in hindsight.

If I say 'No, I would not have invaded Iraq', I throw my own brother under the bus, and I incur the disdain of large numbers of Americans who would never trust a man who would abandon a member of his own family for mere political gain.

So I choose not to play that game and I choose not to answer. A President of the United States carries a fearful burden and it is both pointless and unfair to second-guess such momentous historical decisions with the unfair advantage of 20-20 hindsight.

I am my own man, and if the American People see fit to entrust the Presidency to me, I will continue to be my own man and to conduct our national business in a manner that keeps faith with that trust and which preserves our blood and treasure insofar as that may prove practical and to help guide our country along the path of peace and prosperity and goodwill."


Hope that helps you to understand that perspective on throwing the brother under the bus.

There were far better ways to deal with that.

In the end, ol' Jeb back-tracked, and threw his brother under the bus, for the sake of political expediency.

If there was any small snowball's-chance-in-hell that he might get my vote (ignoring for the moment my revulsion at the idea of American political dynasty families), he just lost it.

I don't trust anyone willing to throw a family member under the bus for political gain.
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So, Jeb ended-up throwing big brother under the bus yesterday, after all, eh? Disappointing.

The overwhelming belief among Americans that Iraq was a mistake is what threw GW Bush under the bus.

The GOP politicians running for president who have done so are just exercising political common sense.
So, Jeb ended-up throwing big brother under the bus yesterday, after all, eh? Disappointing.

The overwhelming belief among Americans that Iraq was a mistake is what threw GW Bush under the bus.

The GOP politicians running for president who have done so are just exercising political common sense.
Oh, you and I are on the same page with respect to Iraq being a complete and avoidable and frightfully costly mistake.

Doesn't matter, in my book.

Anyone willing to throw his own brother under the bus for political gain is not to be trusted with the life of The Nation and its People.

Especially after he made an early show of NOT doing so, then weakly and pathetically caved-in to the pressure and abandoned his brother, days later.

The very worst kind of waffling I can imagine.
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That bus better have a pretty high clearance or it will soon 'grind' to a halt.
Would you throw YOUR brother under the bus?

I wouldn't.

Kind of depends what he did, wouldn't it?

If my brother was an ax murderer, yeah, I'd throw him under the bus in a heartbeat.

If my brother started a war based on a lie, completely mucked up the operation, got 5000 Americans and a million Iraqis killed, allowed the Iranians to dominate the middle east, then yes, I would throw him under the bus.

I also wouldn't claim that I should be president because of my family connections, which is what Jebby is trying to do here.
Anyone willing to throw his own brother under the bus for political gain is not to be trusted with the life of The Nation and its People.

Especially after he made an early show of NOT doing so, then weakly and pathetically caved-in to the pressure and abandoned his brother, days later.

The very worst kind of waffling I can imagine.

I think as usual, you misunderstand the problem.

This isn't a matter of throwing his brother under the bus, it's a matter of "Do you recognize that a really bad policy was a really bad policy?"

And his initial answer it was clear that he didn't.
Anyone willing to throw his own brother under the bus for political gain is not to be trusted with the life of The Nation and its People.

Especially after he made an early show of NOT doing so, then weakly and pathetically caved-in to the pressure and abandoned his brother, days later.

The very worst kind of waffling I can imagine.

I think as usual, you misunderstand the problem. ...
Or, alternatively, I perceive the problem in a manner similar to your own understand, but would have attempted a different solution.

...This isn't a matter of throwing his brother under the bus, it's a matter of "Do you recognize that a really bad policy was a really bad policy?" ...
It is both.

It is a matter of dealing with a bad historical policy.

It is a matter of throwing a brother under the bus.

It is not Either/Or... It is both... a matter of multi-dimensional thinking and an ability to multi-task.

The challenge was to defuse the situation without being seen to (politically) betray a family member.

In this, he failed.

...And his initial answer it was clear that he didn't.
On this much, we agree.
Would you throw YOUR brother under the bus?

I wouldn't.

Kind of depends what he did, wouldn't it?...

...If my brother was an ax murderer, yeah, I'd throw him under the bus in a heartbeat...
Disagree... your commitment to family differs from my own, apparently.

...If my brother started a war based on a lie, completely mucked up the operation, got 5000 Americans and a million Iraqis killed, allowed the Iranians to dominate the middle east, then yes, I would throw him under the bus...
Disagree... I have already served-up my own personal solution for handling such a situation... it will have to stand or fall upon its own merits.

...I also wouldn't claim that I should be president because of my family connections, which is what Jebby is trying to do here.

Ditto for Billary.
Jeb was trying to be honest. Sorry his manner of answering disappointed you.

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