Jeb Bush Registered Hispanic On '09 Voter Registration Form.

No, it's not a Twilight Zone episode. It's real:

Jeb Bush identified himself as Hispanic in 2009 form - Nick Gass - POLITICO

Jeb Bush identified himself as Hispanic on a 2009 voter registration form, according to a report by The New York Times on Monday.

According to the voter-registration application, Bush chose Hispanic in the “race/ethnicity” field.

A spokeswoman for the Republican presidential hopeful could not explain the characterization to the Times.

His wife, Columba Bush, was born in León, Mexico, and the former Florida governor speaks fluent Spanish. He also lived in Caracas, Venezuela, while working as a vice president for Texas Commerce Bank...

...The Bush camp issued a more formal statement: “It’s unclear where the paperwork error was made,” spokeswoman Kristy Campbell emailed reporters. “The Governor’s family certainly got a good laugh out of it. He is not Hispanic.”

Hmmmmmm, wonder what Florida law says about that.... hmmmmm.... hmmmmm....

So he made a mistake by checking the wrong box. Remind us how upset you were when Obama announced there were 57 States?
One of those white hispanics

I wonder which box did this gal check....

Right on schedule, the excuses from the RW nutters.

So, SassyIrishLass

How about the other thousands of links reporting the same story?

Did they ALL make it up?


So tell me, moron.

What possible motive would Jeb Bush have for listing himself as Hispanic?

Have you thought about that?

Of course not. You're just another scumbag dimocrap that thinks everybody on earth is like him -- Trying to get one over.

For what? Who or what is he trying to accomplish?

Are you that stupid to believe that the Brother and Son of TWO former Presidents can get away with trying to fool people into thinking he's Hispanic.

dimocraps are lying scum. Every last one of them


Bush lies about being Hispanic, and you want to call the Democrats liars for mentioning it. Typical right winger. No integrity.
Obama lies about a lot of things. In fact.....if he's talking, he's lying. People who support such a liar have no moral right to complain about anyone else.

I don't like Jeb, but I consider this an honest mistake. When he filled it out in 2009, being Hispanic was more a liability that an qualification.

An "honest mistake"?

Does anyone really believe its possible for him to "mistake" his nationality?


Can you please tell me what he gains by lying?
Is Bush going to tell how his family came over on a crowded boat or how they snuck across the border so he could live in the land of the free?

That lie worked for Cruz and Rubio but I'm pretty sure the Bushes all grew up in log cabins they built themselves.

With bin Laden oil money.


Jeb was smuggled in to Kennebunkport on a raft
This is clear cut of case Republican Voter Fraud. Jebbie knowingly and willingly falsified a Voter Registration Form.

So RePugs....can we this bush off to jail?
This is clear cut of case Republican Voter Fraud. Jebbie knowingly and willingly falsified a Voter Registration Form.

So RePugs....can we this bush off to jail?
No problem with that at all.
Late to the game of fraud so while you're at it round up all the bureaucrats caught on tape advocating fraud.

Can you tell me what benefit it was to Jeb Bush to lie on his voter registration card?

No one will address the question. I can't think of a reason to lie. And if there isn't any, I can't see why anyone would care.

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