Jeb Bush Registered Hispanic On '09 Voter Registration Form.

Jeb Bush probably does think of himself as hispanic. He has lived entirely within the hispanic culture since he was a teen. Spanish is the only language spoken in his home. It's the way he sees himself.

Probably so, but that still doesn't make what he did right in my book. but it's not hurting anyone. so who cares

Sure. A lie coming from the right is okay with you.

Gawd, you idiots are so predictable.

It seems that we were all supposed to forget Elizabeth Warren's lie to get her into college and allowed her access to special funding for minorities.

What about Hillary and her claiming she did not have two phones so she couldn't get e-mails, what about Hillary lying about her not knowing that she needed a federal e-mail account. what about Obama saying we could keep our current insurance coverage, what about Obama telling us we could keep our current doctor.

What big harm is there on saying you are Hispanic on a voter registration card? Do you get extra votes?
Sure. A lie coming from the right is okay with you.

Gawd, you idiots are so predictable.

You sure are quick to call someone a liar but slow to tell us why he lied...

WHY did he lie?

Tell us, Sherlock. Why?

The only people who reflexively lie are dimocraps. And he's not a dimocrap.

So tell us why he lied?

You don't know, do you?

He's a Bush.

Bushes lie.

But, thanks for admitting this is not a liberal lie.
Jeb Bush probably does think of himself as hispanic. He has lived entirely within the hispanic culture since he was a teen. Spanish is the only language spoken in his home. It's the way he sees himself.

Probably so, but that still doesn't make what he did right in my book. but it's not hurting anyone. so who cares

So you think lies from a prez candidate don't hurt anyone?

Sorta like you lying about getting food stamps and not understanding your Medicaid, huh?
It's a lie but understanding how he came to this lie is much more important than this trivial lie. He actually thinks of himself as hispanic. In his head he is latino. His loyalty is to his fellow latinos. He once claimed to be a latino governor. If you want to disparage his candidacy it's not the lie. It's why he believes the lie is true.
It s pronounced Heb Jeb Bush registers to vote as hispanic and Twitter pounces -

The Bush Family Stupidity strikes again

Former Florida Republican Jeb Bush registered as Hispanic on a 2009 Voter Registration.

Now, either Jebbie just made a huge mistake or was attempting to garner support for would later become his 2016 Presidential Campaign.

Jeb is married to Columba Bush formerly of Le'on Mexico.

Bush41 has often referred to the children of Jeb and Columba Bush as, "The Little Brown Ones."

This can only get better.

Sounds like Liz Warren to me

Does this mean our Republican posters will start posting photoshops of Jeb wearing a Sombrero?
its a 'bush' , a bush lies any way it can to pander to Mexicans , Hispanics , latinos , etc , illegals , yada , yada . Same as his conversion from some branch of Protestantism to his becoming a Catholic like most Mexicans . Entire family is that way , he11 the family is part Mexican . Its a way of pandering as the 'bush' looks for votes in his current run for president . Real Conservatives won't vote for him so he has to look elsewhere for votes .
Jeb Bush probably does think of himself as hispanic. He has lived entirely within the hispanic culture since he was a teen. Spanish is the only language spoken in his home. It's the way he sees himself.

Probably so, but that still doesn't make what he did right in my book. but it's not hurting anyone. so who cares

Sure. A lie coming from the right is okay with you.

Gawd, you idiots are so predictable.

It seems that we were all supposed to forget Elizabeth Warren's lie to get her into college and allowed her access to special funding for minorities.

What about Hillary and her claiming she did not have two phones so she couldn't get e-mails, what about Hillary lying about her not knowing that she needed a federal e-mail account. what about Obama saying we could keep our current insurance coverage, what about Obama telling us we could keep our current doctor.

What big harm is there on saying you are Hispanic on a voter registration card? Do you get extra votes?
Jeb Bush wants to be latino so badly that he has convinced himself that he is. Which means that Americans can expect nothing that hispanics don't mind letting us have. Jeb Bush is not a president of all the people. He would be el presidente of some of the people. His people.
Jeb Bush probably does think of himself as hispanic. He has lived entirely within the hispanic culture since he was a teen. Spanish is the only language spoken in his home. It's the way he sees himself.

Probably so, but that still doesn't make what he did right in my book. but it's not hurting anyone. so who cares

So you think lies from a prez candidate don't hurt anyone?

Sorta like you lying about getting food stamps and not understanding your Medicaid, huh?
It's a lie but understanding how he came to this lie is much more important than this trivial lie. He actually thinks of himself as hispanic. In his head he is latino. His loyalty is to his fellow latinos. He once claimed to be a latino governor. If you want to disparage his candidacy it's not the lie. It's why he believes the lie is true.

Oh, so now being delusional is an okay trait for a prez candidate.

Next excuse?

It s pronounced Heb Jeb Bush registers to vote as hispanic and Twitter pounces -

The Bush Family Stupidity strikes again

Former Florida Republican Jeb Bush registered as Hispanic on a 2009 Voter Registration.

Now, either Jebbie just made a huge mistake or was attempting to garner support for would later become his 2016 Presidential Campaign.

Jeb is married to Columba Bush formerly of Le'on Mexico.

Bush41 has often referred to the children of Jeb and Columba Bush as, "The Little Brown Ones."

This can only get better.

Sounds like Liz Warren to me

Does this mean our Republican posters will start posting photoshops of Jeb wearing a Sombrero?

No but it will cause liberals to make their avatars into clown faces.
Wowee-Zowee Bat Fink!!!

That's earth-shattering news. The whole fucking world is falling apart because of the IDIOT IN CHIEF and you start a thread on Jeb Bush checking the wrong box on a voter form?

I mean, how trivial and irrelevant can dimocraps get.....

Ya remember how upset the left was when Obama claimed there were 57 States?
Is Bush going to tell how his family came over on a crowded boat or how they snuck across the border so he could live in the land of the free?
Wonder how Jeb would do as a VP Candidate on the campaign trail in -- Say..... Florida?

Or Colorado?

Or Arizona? Texas?

New Mexico, which Patriots haven't carried in a LONG time, is half Latino.

I think Nevada might be up for grabs with a "Latino" Veep on the ballot.

Thanks, dimocrap morons. You may just have written our ticket for us.

Your party is going to get so mutilated in 2016 it will be funny to watch
Right on schedule, the excuses from the RW nutters.

So, SassyIrishLass

How about the other thousands of links reporting the same story?

Did they ALL make it up?


So tell me, moron.

What possible motive would Jeb Bush have for listing himself as Hispanic?

Have you thought about that?

Of course not. You're just another scumbag dimocrap that thinks everybody on earth is like him -- Trying to get one over.

For what? Who or what is he trying to accomplish?

Are you that stupid to believe that the Brother and Son of TWO former Presidents can get away with trying to fool people into thinking he's Hispanic.

dimocraps are lying scum. Every last one of them


Bush lies about being Hispanic, and you want to call the Democrats liars for mentioning it. Typical right winger. No integrity.
Is Bush going to tell how his family came over on a crowded boat or how they snuck across the border so he could live in the land of the free?

That lie worked for Cruz and Rubio but I'm pretty sure the Bushes all grew up in log cabins they built themselves.

With bin Laden oil money.

Wonder how Jeb would do as a VP Candidate on the campaign trail in -- Say..... Florida?

Or Colorado?

Or Arizona? Texas?

New Mexico, which Patriots haven't carried in a LONG time, is half Latino.

I think Nevada might be up for grabs with a "Latino" Veep on the ballot.

Thanks, dimocrap morons. You may just have written our ticket for us.

Your party is going to get so mutilated in 2016 it will be funny to watch

You really do think Hispanics are stupid, don't you? That's almost as insulting as when Romney said "VOTE FOR ME......YOU LAZY BUMS"
Jeb Bush probably does think of himself as hispanic. He has lived entirely within the hispanic culture since he was a teen. Spanish is the only language spoken in his home. It's the way he sees himself.

Probably so, but that still doesn't make what he did right in my book. but it's not hurting anyone. so who cares

So you think lies from a prez candidate don't hurt anyone?

Sorta like you lying about getting food stamps and not understanding your Medicaid, huh?
It's a lie but understanding how he came to this lie is much more important than this trivial lie. He actually thinks of himself as hispanic. In his head he is latino. His loyalty is to his fellow latinos. He once claimed to be a latino governor. If you want to disparage his candidacy it's not the lie. It's why he believes the lie is true.

Right...The guy on the street corner who says he is Teddy Roosevelt honestly thinks of himself as Roosevelt. He's still crazy.

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