Jeb Bush Registered Hispanic On '09 Voter Registration Form.

No, it's not a Twilight Zone episode. It's real:

Jeb Bush identified himself as Hispanic in 2009 form - Nick Gass - POLITICO

Jeb Bush identified himself as Hispanic on a 2009 voter registration form, according to a report by The New York Times on Monday.

According to the voter-registration application, Bush chose Hispanic in the “race/ethnicity” field.

A spokeswoman for the Republican presidential hopeful could not explain the characterization to the Times.

His wife, Columba Bush, was born in León, Mexico, and the former Florida governor speaks fluent Spanish. He also lived in Caracas, Venezuela, while working as a vice president for Texas Commerce Bank...

...The Bush camp issued a more formal statement: “It’s unclear where the paperwork error was made,” spokeswoman Kristy Campbell emailed reporters. “The Governor’s family certainly got a good laugh out of it. He is not Hispanic.”

Hmmmmmm, wonder what Florida law says about that.... hmmmmm.... hmmmmm....


Fucking Liz Warren wannabe....
If had said "Latino" he would have been lying.

However, he is fluent in Spanish. Hispanics are any race who speaks Spanish.....of which many Americans do.
So if you speak Spanish you are "Hispanic"?

Apparently, if you say How! You are an Indian, at least that's what Warren says.
George Zimmerman wasn't Hispanic according to the left. He was a crazy-assed Cracker...

He's still a crazy ass cracker but that's not a nationality.
Right on schedule, the excuses from the RW nutters.

So, SassyIrishLass

How about the other thousands of links reporting the same story?

Did they ALL make it up?


So tell me, moron.

What possible motive would Jeb Bush have for listing himself as Hispanic?

Have you thought about that?

Of course not. You're just another scumbag dimocrap that thinks everybody on earth is like him -- Trying to get one over.

For what? Who or what is he trying to accomplish?

Are you that stupid to believe that the Brother and Son of TWO former Presidents can get away with trying to fool people into thinking he's Hispanic.

dimocraps are lying scum. Every last one of them


Bush lies about being Hispanic, and you want to call the Democrats liars for mentioning it. Typical right winger. No integrity.
Obama lies about a lot of things. In fact.....if he's talking, he's lying. People who support such a liar have no moral right to complain about anyone else.

I don't like Jeb, but I consider this an honest mistake. When he filled it out in 2009, being Hispanic was more a liability that an qualification.

An "honest mistake"?

Does anyone really believe its possible for him to "mistake" his nationality?

Oh wow that totally means Bush is nowhere ner qualified ot be president. Hell, I'[ll bet he can run two email accounts off one device.
doesn't matter what Jeb does. He'll get the GOP nomination.

the "conservatives" have already vowed they wouldn't vote for him, that means he's sure to lose which is irrelevant because he'll lose to Hillary anyway .

and divided they fall ....
He has to win the nomination .... details... details.
Scream?????? ........ Laughter more like.....remember thus is totally the left trying to choose our candidate


So, he's not delusional, it wasn't an "honest mistake" as another of you said above.

You're saying that a scant 7 years ago, it was a liberal who forced him to mark that box? Have any of you blamed Obama yet? Or tried to change the subject to Obama? If not, that will be coming any moment now.

You guys are so damn funny.

Next excuse?

If had said "Latino" he would have been lying.

However, he is fluent in Spanish. Hispanics are any race who speaks Spanish.....of which many Americans do.
So if you speak Spanish you are "Hispanic"?

Apparently, if you say How! You are an Indian, at least that's what Warren says.
George Zimmerman wasn't Hispanic according to the left. He was a crazy-assed Cracker...
No, he was a child killer. That's why Republicans sent him money. They do that when the child is black.
Scream?????? ........ Laughter more like.....remember thus is totally the left trying to choose our candidate


So, he's not delusional, it wasn't an "honest mistake" as another of you said above.

You're saying that a scant 7 years ago, it was a liberal who forced him to mark that box? Have any of you blamed Obama yet? Or tried to change the subject to Obama? If not, that will be coming any moment now.

You guys are so damn funny.

Next excuse?

Remind me what he gained by checking "Hispanic". Do Hispanic votes count twice as much or something?
Did I say that.....nnnoooooo I said the left was trying to push him on us.....not to long ago you guys were telling us he was going to be our candidate
Right on schedule, the excuses from the RW nutters.

So, SassyIrishLass

How about the other thousands of links reporting the same story?

Did they ALL make it up?


So tell me, moron.

What possible motive would Jeb Bush have for listing himself as Hispanic?

Have you thought about that?

Of course not. You're just another scumbag dimocrap that thinks everybody on earth is like him -- Trying to get one over.

For what? Who or what is he trying to accomplish?

Are you that stupid to believe that the Brother and Son of TWO former Presidents can get away with trying to fool people into thinking he's Hispanic.

dimocraps are lying scum. Every last one of them


Bush lies about being Hispanic, and you want to call the Democrats liars for mentioning it. Typical right winger. No integrity.
Obama lies about a lot of things. In fact.....if he's talking, he's lying. People who support such a liar have no moral right to complain about anyone else.

I don't like Jeb, but I consider this an honest mistake. When he filled it out in 2009, being Hispanic was more a liability that an qualification.

An "honest mistake"?

Does anyone really believe its possible for him to "mistake" his nationality?


The only way he considers this a mistake is that it didn't work out as well as he had hoped.
Don't stop now.......this should be thousand count post easy with all the pent up Bush hate.......
No, it's not a Twilight Zone episode. It's real:

Jeb Bush identified himself as Hispanic in 2009 form - Nick Gass - POLITICO

Jeb Bush identified himself as Hispanic on a 2009 voter registration form, according to a report by The New York Times on Monday.

According to the voter-registration application, Bush chose Hispanic in the “race/ethnicity” field.

A spokeswoman for the Republican presidential hopeful could not explain the characterization to the Times.

His wife, Columba Bush, was born in León, Mexico, and the former Florida governor speaks fluent Spanish. He also lived in Caracas, Venezuela, while working as a vice president for Texas Commerce Bank...

...The Bush camp issued a more formal statement: “It’s unclear where the paperwork error was made,” spokeswoman Kristy Campbell emailed reporters. “The Governor’s family certainly got a good laugh out of it. He is not Hispanic.”

Hmmmmmm, wonder what Florida law says about that.... hmmmmm.... hmmmmm....


Didn't you get the memo? Race is now like gender. It is broken into two elements. One (race) is what you biologically are. The second one (ethnicity) is how you feel inside. It's a perfectly normal and acceptable form of self identification, and shame on you for belittling an innocent person who just wants to live his life how he is most happy.
Hey everbuddy makes mistakes. Like I saw a story about some cop who thought he reached for his taser to subdue some suspect, but he came up with his gun instead. OOOPS! Now that fake Indian senator, she did that purpose.
No, it's not a Twilight Zone episode. It's real:

Jeb Bush identified himself as Hispanic in 2009 form - Nick Gass - POLITICO

Jeb Bush identified himself as Hispanic on a 2009 voter registration form, according to a report by The New York Times on Monday.

According to the voter-registration application, Bush chose Hispanic in the “race/ethnicity” field.

A spokeswoman for the Republican presidential hopeful could not explain the characterization to the Times.

His wife, Columba Bush, was born in León, Mexico, and the former Florida governor speaks fluent Spanish. He also lived in Caracas, Venezuela, while working as a vice president for Texas Commerce Bank...

...The Bush camp issued a more formal statement: “It’s unclear where the paperwork error was made,” spokeswoman Kristy Campbell emailed reporters. “The Governor’s family certainly got a good laugh out of it. He is not Hispanic.”

Hmmmmmm, wonder what Florida law says about that.... hmmmmm.... hmmmmm....


Didn't you get the memo? Race is now like gender. It is broken into two elements. One (race) is what you biologically are. The second one (ethnicity) is how you feel inside. It's a perfectly normal and acceptable form of self identification, and shame on you for belittling an innocent person who just wants to live his life how he is most happy.


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