Jeb! Bush Slams Trump as 'Chaos President'


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
So the epitome of all lap dog sycophants has chimed in and is back stabbing his own parties President in an effort to defend the duopoly Establishment in DC.

This fairly well proves that the people against Trump are not much more than the usual corporate crony whores and shills.

Bush: I predicted Trump would be a 'chaos president'

I like him and it pisses me off he weighs in like that. He knows damn well the media and the left have done everything in their power to cause the chaos. Makes him sound bitter.
So the epitome of all lap dog sycophants has chimed in and is back stabbing his own parties President in an effort to defend the duopoly Establishment in DC.

This fairly well proves that the people against Trump are not much more than the usual corporate crony whores and shills.

Bush: I predicted Trump would be a 'chaos president'

"Back stabbing"?

>> "I've never seen a White House as leaky as this one," he said. "People should be fired if they're disloyal to the president of the United States and leaking." <<​

That's your own link.
The Bushes need to take their asses to South America with all the loot they stole from America.

No more Bushes, no more Clintons.
The truth is the Bush's are actually relieved. Bush Jr. is no longer the worst president ever.
I do not agree with Jeb Bush on a lot of things. However, he is not batshit crazy like the senile old orange clown is. And he understands how government works, and would not be making the really stupid mistakes that the clown is. There would be no Special Prosecutor were Jeb Bush President.
The truth is the Bush's are actually relieved. Bush Jr. is no longer the worst president ever.

Also soaring up in the power rankings are James Buchanan, Woodrow Wilson, Herbert Hoover, Harry Truman and the unforgettable Franklin Pierce.
I like him and it pisses me off he weighs in like that. He knows damn well the media and the left have done everything in their power to cause the chaos. Makes him sound bitter.

He is bitter. The entire globalist aristocracy is bitter. I support Trump more now than before the election. He clearly is the enemy of the regressive agenda.

What some forget is the media and left put out all sorts of lies about Bush. You being a lefty. I am sure you were probably one of them. If anyone were to thoroughly research actual documentation would realize this, but he didn't scream about it. He just carried on. The right needed a spine then, but were more worried about reelections, rather than supporting the truth, when they knew they wouldn't be heard. Did he make some mistakes? Yeah, but not anything near what was declared as gospel. It's the same now, just even louder. The left has mastered the art of screeching so the truth can't get through. I'll give you that, but don't consider it a compliment. It is destructive.
The truth is the Bush's are actually relieved. Bush Jr. is no longer the worst president ever.

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