Jeb Bush Threatens Dems' Hold on Hispanic Vote

Highspanics are mainly catholic who are opposed to abortion but they vote for the party that promotes abortion. Typical democrat dichotomy and stupidity.
When there is no alternative, Hispanics vote for whoever will give them something. Hispanics will always vote for who they consider their own above a gringo or a negro. Negro is black in Spanish.

Jeb Bush not only speaks Spanish, is married to a Mexican and has very Hispanic looking children, but he offers the promise of no southern border and unlimited Hispanic migration with every public benefit that can be milked. Jeb Bush considers illegal immigration an act of love. Not so much love for the Americans who have to support these people. That's not even a consideration. He will suck every Hispanic vote out of the democrat party. It shouldn't even be a question.
you think they are going to vote for people like you who say the shit you say about them?.... .... Hispanics vote for whoever will give them something?.....remember Katz when YOU said they change their id's every month?.....they are here to raise their gang banger kids?.....they are here to rob and steal what they can get.....yea its a shoe in that they will vote for a bunch of people who think like you....they are already would be much easier to grab more of a Party they are a big part of....

What I said is as true today as the day I said it. That won't change that Hispanics will vote for the person the most sympathetic to them. That's Jeb Bush, not old white hags like Hillary Clinton or Liz Warren. You might not like it but it is what it is. When Jeb Bush speaks at Hispanic events and appears on Univision, he won't need an interpreter. He will speak directly to the Hispanic voter. His family will speak on his behalf, AS Hispanics themselves, not as Bill Clinton feeling their pain.

To put things in somewhat perspective. I don't like Jeb Bush. I think he would be a terrible president. He is so pro Hispanic that he hasn't got jack shit to say to me. I wouldn't vote for him if he was the last republican on earth. My antipathy towards Jeb Bush doesn't affect the certainty of his getting the Hispanic vote if he runs. That's just realism.
Highspanics are mainly catholic who are opposed to abortion but they vote for the party that promotes abortion. Typical democrat dichotomy and stupidity.
When there is no alternative, Hispanics vote for whoever will give them something. Hispanics will always vote for who they consider their own above a gringo or a negro. Negro is black in Spanish.

Jeb Bush not only speaks Spanish, is married to a Mexican and has very Hispanic looking children, but he offers the promise of no southern border and unlimited Hispanic migration with every public benefit that can be milked. Jeb Bush considers illegal immigration an act of love. Not so much love for the Americans who have to support these people. That's not even a consideration. He will suck every Hispanic vote out of the democrat party. It shouldn't even be a question.
Then bush should for run for president of Mexico. And while he's there he can tell mexico that there is no border. Didn't work so well for that marine, did it?

Bush isn't a Mexican citizen so he can't run for president of mexico. His son could as a dual citizen. His son could be president of the US and president of Mexico.
yea im sure he could......

Highspanics are mainly catholic who are opposed to abortion but they vote for the party that promotes abortion. Typical democrat dichotomy and stupidity.
When there is no alternative, Hispanics vote for whoever will give them something. Hispanics will always vote for who they consider their own above a gringo or a negro. Negro is black in Spanish.

Jeb Bush not only speaks Spanish, is married to a Mexican and has very Hispanic looking children, but he offers the promise of no southern border and unlimited Hispanic migration with every public benefit that can be milked. Jeb Bush considers illegal immigration an act of love. Not so much love for the Americans who have to support these people. That's not even a consideration. He will suck every Hispanic vote out of the democrat party. It shouldn't even be a question.
you think they are going to vote for people like you who say the shit you say about them?.... .... Hispanics vote for whoever will give them something?.....remember Katz when YOU said they change their id's every month?.....they are here to raise their gang banger kids?.....they are here to rob and steal what they can get.....yea its a shoe in that they will vote for a bunch of people who think like you....they are already would be much easier to grab more of a Party they are a big part of....

What I said is as true today as the day I said it. That won't change that Hispanics will vote for the person the most sympathetic to them. That's Jeb Bush, not old white hags like Hillary Clinton or Liz Warren. You might not like it but it is what it is. When Jeb Bush speaks at Hispanic events and appears on Univision, he won't need an interpreter. He will speak directly to the Hispanic voter. His family will speak on his behalf, AS Hispanics themselves, not as Bill Clinton feeling their pain.

To put things in somewhat perspective. I don't like Jeb Bush. I think he would be a terrible president. He is so pro Hispanic that he hasn't got jack shit to say to me. I wouldn't vote for him if he was the last republican on earth. My antipathy towards Jeb Bush doesn't affect the certainty of his getting the Hispanic vote if he runs. That's just realism.
and what i said is true today also.....what makes you think that Hispanics out here are going to vote for a group of people who think about them like you do?.......too many Hispanics out here Bush is a white guy who happens to know Spanish....big fucking deal....oh he is married to a are many white guys out here....what your forgetting is he will be running for a party that has people like you in it that dont look at them as people......
ISIS is a product of Obama's success against AQ....

Utter nonsense.

Prove it!

That's not how it works, moron. You made the assertion.

LOL, you made the assertion, "Utter nonsense".

You made an assertion. The assertion was questioned (because it is utter nonsense). The onus is on YOU to support or withdraw YOUR assertion, moron. If you had even the slightest grasp of logic, it would not be necessary to explain such things to you the way one might to an uneducated child. Now, get on with it or STFU.

No thanks, you've proven enough that you're an arrogant asshole driven to be captious.
Maybe a manically hysterical woman who sees a "massive right-wing conspiracy" in every corner?
You're still in here trying to make a case for Hillary not running in 2016? What a goof.
Hey Sarah G!

Did you ever see that movie called Bradford Place? It’s about some ancient gassy old lady who lived with a couple of dogs, Alan and Albert. They stayed in a trashy Philadelphia ghetto, in this tiny corner lot that was maybe like 1,000sq ft. The bedrooms were so small she had to sleep standing up! I have 3x that much space on my patio alone. lol.

Anyway, there was this Shrek-looking Jewish guy who lived next door, called himself Dr. Dave Stormtrooper or something stupid like that. He was always plucking his eyebrows and putting on women’s makeup. He would write these creepy love notes to a black girl and the old lady would get really jealous and make up these outrageous lies. Some shitty Disney-type movie the kids used to watch, really amateur. Very uncreative.
You should change your avie, you look really goofy like that.
There's a ton more to it but I forget. We're going to watch my people put on a traditional dance right now, but I'll try to remember the rest of it and post it later.

"Your people, huh"?
So, this old lady isn't who she was supposed to be, right? She was supposed to be a little old woman living out her golden years with her husband and children and grandchildren. Instead, she's a 65 year-old, 400lb, gassy old lady who lives alone with the dogs, Alan and Albert. She's a mess. No one wants her, so what does she do?

She gets on the internet, that's what she does! She starts haunting message boards, dating sites, all kinds of shit, using different names and personalities and doing everything she can to find the love she can't find in her real life. She doesn't care if it's real love or not, she just wants some kind of human interaction to replace the mess she's made of the person that she was supposed to be. As long as she's on the 'net, she can live her fantasy, and it actually works for a time. So she never sees what's coming.

To Be Cont'd. :)
This may seem obvious to all but diehard RW Republicans, but Jeb Bush could be the biggest threat to the Democratic Party since Abraham Lincoln. Hispanics are the fastest growing segment of our population, and a Spanish speaking President and Mexican-born First Lady would be an irresistible combination. Hispanic cultural values are much more closely aligned with the GOP, and it is only Democratic demagoguery about "immigration reform" which has countered this inclination.

Thus the attacks oh him from the Right and the Left. Strange bedfellows indeed!
Republicans *Think* Jeb Bush will garner Hispanic votes but it's unlikely.
That ship has pretty much sailed so far that Marco Rubio couldn't right it.
The RNC doesn't have a chance with minorities. Their only hope is to get every last White christian to show up to the polls because they're frightened of Hillary or Warren.
Neither party has much to offer.
Highspanics are mainly catholic who are opposed to abortion but they vote for the party that promotes abortion. Typical democrat dichotomy and stupidity.
When there is no alternative, Hispanics vote for whoever will give them something. Hispanics will always vote for who they consider their own above a gringo or a negro. Negro is black in Spanish.

Jeb Bush not only speaks Spanish, is married to a Mexican and has very Hispanic looking children, but he offers the promise of no southern border and unlimited Hispanic migration with every public benefit that can be milked. Jeb Bush considers illegal immigration an act of love. Not so much love for the Americans who have to support these people. That's not even a consideration. He will suck every Hispanic vote out of the democrat party. It shouldn't even be a question.
you think they are going to vote for people like you who say the shit you say about them?.... .... Hispanics vote for whoever will give them something?.....remember Katz when YOU said they change their id's every month?.....they are here to raise their gang banger kids?.....they are here to rob and steal what they can get.....yea its a shoe in that they will vote for a bunch of people who think like you....they are already would be much easier to grab more of a Party they are a big part of....

What I said is as true today as the day I said it. That won't change that Hispanics will vote for the person the most sympathetic to them. That's Jeb Bush, not old white hags like Hillary Clinton or Liz Warren. You might not like it but it is what it is. When Jeb Bush speaks at Hispanic events and appears on Univision, he won't need an interpreter. He will speak directly to the Hispanic voter. His family will speak on his behalf, AS Hispanics themselves, not as Bill Clinton feeling their pain.

To put things in somewhat perspective. I don't like Jeb Bush. I think he would be a terrible president. He is so pro Hispanic that he hasn't got jack shit to say to me. I wouldn't vote for him if he was the last republican on earth. My antipathy towards Jeb Bush doesn't affect the certainty of his getting the Hispanic vote if he runs. That's just realism.


And when he is asked about his plans for fighting immigration? He will likely say something along the lines of self-deporting which is all it will take for him to be lumped in with all other GOP members.
ISIS is a product of Obama's success against AQ....

Utter nonsense.

Prove it!
Isis is the result of the GOP disbanding the old Iraqi Military without the thought of consequence. It's been proven on the USMB so many times, I 'm surprised anyone from the USMB still asks for such proof.

Saddam Hussein s Old Party Is Behind Iraq Chaos - Business Insider

Saddam s Ex-Officer We ve Played Key Role In Helping Militants Parallels NPR

Iraq Expert Insurgency is as Much Old Baathist as it is ISIS

You have to be a tard filled with determined ignorance to not know this. Which is why I wonder if Republicans are sane?
OK, shit for brains. Tell me how I'm a "conservative." Give me some issues that I am conservative and i am not libertarian. I'm glad you're not all black and white like the Republicans, you know, that makes you smarter than they are? Even Jake knows I'm not a Republican.
So substitute libertarian for conservative, I don't care. Calling yourself libertarian just tells me you have a lot of growing up to do.

Not being able to debate anyone but Republicans tells me you are just a vacuous mouthpiece for the Democratic party who can only parrot their talking points so everyone has to be a Republican or you have nothing since that was all you were ever given and you aren't coming up with arguments on your own.

And yeah, that I don't realize like you that government makes better choices for me than I do means I have growing up to do. One day I'll get there, eh? I'll realize how completely great government is!

Not gonna happen. But I have something you don't. Actually I have two of them.
Highspanics are mainly catholic who are opposed to abortion but they vote for the party that promotes abortion. Typical democrat dichotomy and stupidity.
When there is no alternative, Hispanics vote for whoever will give them something. Hispanics will always vote for who they consider their own above a gringo or a negro. Negro is black in Spanish.

Jeb Bush not only speaks Spanish, is married to a Mexican and has very Hispanic looking children, but he offers the promise of no southern border and unlimited Hispanic migration with every public benefit that can be milked. Jeb Bush considers illegal immigration an act of love. Not so much love for the Americans who have to support these people. That's not even a consideration. He will suck every Hispanic vote out of the democrat party. It shouldn't even be a question.
you think they are going to vote for people like you who say the shit you say about them?.... .... Hispanics vote for whoever will give them something?.....remember Katz when YOU said they change their id's every month?.....they are here to raise their gang banger kids?.....they are here to rob and steal what they can get.....yea its a shoe in that they will vote for a bunch of people who think like you....they are already would be much easier to grab more of a Party they are a big part of....

What I said is as true today as the day I said it. That won't change that Hispanics will vote for the person the most sympathetic to them. That's Jeb Bush, not old white hags like Hillary Clinton or Liz Warren. You might not like it but it is what it is. When Jeb Bush speaks at Hispanic events and appears on Univision, he won't need an interpreter. He will speak directly to the Hispanic voter. His family will speak on his behalf, AS Hispanics themselves, not as Bill Clinton feeling their pain.

To put things in somewhat perspective. I don't like Jeb Bush. I think he would be a terrible president. He is so pro Hispanic that he hasn't got jack shit to say to me. I wouldn't vote for him if he was the last republican on earth. My antipathy towards Jeb Bush doesn't affect the certainty of his getting the Hispanic vote if he runs. That's just realism.


And when he is asked about his plans for fighting immigration? He will likely say something along the lines of self-deporting which is all it will take for him to be lumped in with all other GOP members.

Someone who says that coming here illegally is an act of love will not be talking about self deportation.
Highspanics are mainly catholic who are opposed to abortion but they vote for the party that promotes abortion. Typical democrat dichotomy and stupidity.
When there is no alternative, Hispanics vote for whoever will give them something. Hispanics will always vote for who they consider their own above a gringo or a negro. Negro is black in Spanish.

Jeb Bush not only speaks Spanish, is married to a Mexican and has very Hispanic looking children, but he offers the promise of no southern border and unlimited Hispanic migration with every public benefit that can be milked. Jeb Bush considers illegal immigration an act of love. Not so much love for the Americans who have to support these people. That's not even a consideration. He will suck every Hispanic vote out of the democrat party. It shouldn't even be a question.
you think they are going to vote for people like you who say the shit you say about them?.... .... Hispanics vote for whoever will give them something?.....remember Katz when YOU said they change their id's every month?.....they are here to raise their gang banger kids?.....they are here to rob and steal what they can get.....yea its a shoe in that they will vote for a bunch of people who think like you....they are already would be much easier to grab more of a Party they are a big part of....

What I said is as true today as the day I said it. That won't change that Hispanics will vote for the person the most sympathetic to them. That's Jeb Bush, not old white hags like Hillary Clinton or Liz Warren. You might not like it but it is what it is. When Jeb Bush speaks at Hispanic events and appears on Univision, he won't need an interpreter. He will speak directly to the Hispanic voter. His family will speak on his behalf, AS Hispanics themselves, not as Bill Clinton feeling their pain.

To put things in somewhat perspective. I don't like Jeb Bush. I think he would be a terrible president. He is so pro Hispanic that he hasn't got jack shit to say to me. I wouldn't vote for him if he was the last republican on earth. My antipathy towards Jeb Bush doesn't affect the certainty of his getting the Hispanic vote if he runs. That's just realism.


And when he is asked about his plans for fighting immigration? He will likely say something along the lines of self-deporting which is all it will take for him to be lumped in with all other GOP members.

Someone who says that coming here illegally is an act of love will not be talking about self deportation.
Someone who says that coming here illegally is an act of love also won't be getting the GOP nomination.
When there is no alternative, Hispanics vote for whoever will give them something. Hispanics will always vote for who they consider their own above a gringo or a negro. Negro is black in Spanish.

Jeb Bush not only speaks Spanish, is married to a Mexican and has very Hispanic looking children, but he offers the promise of no southern border and unlimited Hispanic migration with every public benefit that can be milked. Jeb Bush considers illegal immigration an act of love. Not so much love for the Americans who have to support these people. That's not even a consideration. He will suck every Hispanic vote out of the democrat party. It shouldn't even be a question.
you think they are going to vote for people like you who say the shit you say about them?.... .... Hispanics vote for whoever will give them something?.....remember Katz when YOU said they change their id's every month?.....they are here to raise their gang banger kids?.....they are here to rob and steal what they can get.....yea its a shoe in that they will vote for a bunch of people who think like you....they are already would be much easier to grab more of a Party they are a big part of....

What I said is as true today as the day I said it. That won't change that Hispanics will vote for the person the most sympathetic to them. That's Jeb Bush, not old white hags like Hillary Clinton or Liz Warren. You might not like it but it is what it is. When Jeb Bush speaks at Hispanic events and appears on Univision, he won't need an interpreter. He will speak directly to the Hispanic voter. His family will speak on his behalf, AS Hispanics themselves, not as Bill Clinton feeling their pain.

To put things in somewhat perspective. I don't like Jeb Bush. I think he would be a terrible president. He is so pro Hispanic that he hasn't got jack shit to say to me. I wouldn't vote for him if he was the last republican on earth. My antipathy towards Jeb Bush doesn't affect the certainty of his getting the Hispanic vote if he runs. That's just realism.


And when he is asked about his plans for fighting immigration? He will likely say something along the lines of self-deporting which is all it will take for him to be lumped in with all other GOP members.

Someone who says that coming here illegally is an act of love will not be talking about self deportation.
Someone who says that coming here illegally is an act of love also won't be getting the GOP nomination.
I certainly hope not. I'm not voting for him
you think they are going to vote for people like you who say the shit you say about them?.... .... Hispanics vote for whoever will give them something?.....remember Katz when YOU said they change their id's every month?.....they are here to raise their gang banger kids?.....they are here to rob and steal what they can get.....yea its a shoe in that they will vote for a bunch of people who think like you....they are already would be much easier to grab more of a Party they are a big part of....

What I said is as true today as the day I said it. That won't change that Hispanics will vote for the person the most sympathetic to them. That's Jeb Bush, not old white hags like Hillary Clinton or Liz Warren. You might not like it but it is what it is. When Jeb Bush speaks at Hispanic events and appears on Univision, he won't need an interpreter. He will speak directly to the Hispanic voter. His family will speak on his behalf, AS Hispanics themselves, not as Bill Clinton feeling their pain.

To put things in somewhat perspective. I don't like Jeb Bush. I think he would be a terrible president. He is so pro Hispanic that he hasn't got jack shit to say to me. I wouldn't vote for him if he was the last republican on earth. My antipathy towards Jeb Bush doesn't affect the certainty of his getting the Hispanic vote if he runs. That's just realism.


And when he is asked about his plans for fighting immigration? He will likely say something along the lines of self-deporting which is all it will take for him to be lumped in with all other GOP members.

Someone who says that coming here illegally is an act of love will not be talking about self deportation.
Someone who says that coming here illegally is an act of love also won't be getting the GOP nomination.
I certainly hope not. I'm not voting for him
Ready to vote for Chris Christie? Maybe Rand Paul? Those two stand a chance at least.
Highspanics are mainly catholic who are opposed to abortion but they vote for the party that promotes abortion. Typical democrat dichotomy and stupidity.
They vote for people who support their issues. Nobody is in party lockstep except the Teaparty.
There is no tea party. It's a concept.
And highspanics vote against their own issues. That was the gist of my post. What part of that didn't you get?

HaHa you may wish there was no Teaparty but there is and they're all yours. :lol:
There is no party that is the tea party. It is a concept. I agree with its premise as it is purely American but not the image that your media handlers have applied to it and duped you with.
Highspanics are mainly catholic who are opposed to abortion but they vote for the party that promotes abortion. Typical democrat dichotomy and stupidity.
They vote for people who support their issues. Nobody is in party lockstep except the Teaparty.
There is no tea party. It's a concept.
And highspanics vote against their own issues. That was the gist of my post. What part of that didn't you get?

HaHa you may wish there was no Teaparty but there is and they're all yours. :lol:
There is no party that is the tea party. It is a concept. I agree with its premise as it is purely American but not the image that your media handlers have applied to it and duped you with.
The one who got duped is you. The Teaparty is for real and it controls the Republican Party.
Highspanics are mainly catholic who are opposed to abortion but they vote for the party that promotes abortion. Typical democrat dichotomy and stupidity.
They vote for people who support their issues. Nobody is in party lockstep except the Teaparty.
There is no tea party. It's a concept.
And highspanics vote against their own issues. That was the gist of my post. What part of that didn't you get?

Boy the more you post RMwee, the ... well I digress. The Tea Party is a radical element in the GOP Caucus. It's elected officials - in St. Legislatures and in the H. of Rep. - are dogmatic lunatics. Its supporters have zero abilty to think panoptical, or critically.

A conservative will borrow money to fix a leaking roof, a tea party member will let the roof fail, destroying the house and everything in it [yes the analogy is hyperbole, but not very far from the truth].
Wrong. Change the channel. It is a concept that many repubs admittedly identify with. Its image is disparaged among many left wing media outlets, apparently those to which you subscribe.
Highspanics are mainly catholic who are opposed to abortion but they vote for the party that promotes abortion. Typical democrat dichotomy and stupidity.
When there is no alternative, Hispanics vote for whoever will give them something. Hispanics will always vote for who they consider their own above a gringo or a negro. Negro is black in Spanish.

Jeb Bush not only speaks Spanish, is married to a Mexican and has very Hispanic looking children, but he offers the promise of no southern border and unlimited Hispanic migration with every public benefit that can be milked. Jeb Bush considers illegal immigration an act of love. Not so much love for the Americans who have to support these people. That's not even a consideration. He will suck every Hispanic vote out of the democrat party. It shouldn't even be a question.
Then bush should for run for president of Mexico. And while he's there he can tell mexico that there is no border. Didn't work so well for that marine, did it?

Bush isn't a Mexican citizen so he can't run for president of mexico. His son could as a dual citizen. His son could be president of the US and president of Mexico.
Remind me to include emoticons when I respond to your posts and I employ sarcasm.
Highspanics are mainly catholic who are opposed to abortion but they vote for the party that promotes abortion. Typical democrat dichotomy and stupidity.
When there is no alternative, Hispanics vote for whoever will give them something. Hispanics will always vote for who they consider their own above a gringo or a negro. Negro is black in Spanish.

Jeb Bush not only speaks Spanish, is married to a Mexican and has very Hispanic looking children, but he offers the promise of no southern border and unlimited Hispanic migration with every public benefit that can be milked. Jeb Bush considers illegal immigration an act of love. Not so much love for the Americans who have to support these people. That's not even a consideration. He will suck every Hispanic vote out of the democrat party. It shouldn't even be a question.
you think they are going to vote for people like you who say the shit you say about them?.... .... Hispanics vote for whoever will give them something?.....remember Katz when YOU said they change their id's every month?.....they are here to raise their gang banger kids?.....they are here to rob and steal what they can get.....yea its a shoe in that they will vote for a bunch of people who think like you....they are already would be much easier to grab more of a Party they are a big part of....

What I said is as true today as the day I said it. That won't change that Hispanics will vote for the person the most sympathetic to them. That's Jeb Bush, not old white hags like Hillary Clinton or Liz Warren. You might not like it but it is what it is. When Jeb Bush speaks at Hispanic events and appears on Univision, he won't need an interpreter. He will speak directly to the Hispanic voter. His family will speak on his behalf, AS Hispanics themselves, not as Bill Clinton feeling their pain.

To put things in somewhat perspective. I don't like Jeb Bush. I think he would be a terrible president. He is so pro Hispanic that he hasn't got jack shit to say to me. I wouldn't vote for him if he was the last republican on earth. My antipathy towards Jeb Bush doesn't affect the certainty of his getting the Hispanic vote if he runs. That's just realism.
The highspanic vote should be exposed for the un-American, segregationist parasites they are.
ISIS is a product of Obama's success against AQ....

Utter nonsense.

Prove it!
Isis is the result of the GOP disbanding the old Iraqi Military without the thought of consequence. It's been proven on the USMB so many times, I 'm surprised anyone from the USMB still asks for such proof.

Saddam Hussein s Old Party Is Behind Iraq Chaos - Business Insider

Saddam s Ex-Officer We ve Played Key Role In Helping Militants Parallels NPR

Iraq Expert Insurgency is as Much Old Baathist as it is ISIS

You have to be a tard filled with determined ignorance to not know this. Which is why I wonder if Republicans are sane?

Is your first name Howard?
Highspanics are mainly catholic who are opposed to abortion but they vote for the party that promotes abortion. Typical democrat dichotomy and stupidity.
They vote for people who support their issues. Nobody is in party lockstep except the Teaparty.
There is no tea party. It's a concept.
And highspanics vote against their own issues. That was the gist of my post. What part of that didn't you get?

HaHa you may wish there was no Teaparty but there is and they're all yours. :lol:
There is no party that is the tea party. It is a concept. I agree with its premise as it is purely American but not the image that your media handlers have applied to it and duped you with.
The one who got duped is you. The Teaparty is for real and it controls the Republican Party.
Change the channel. You're buying the propaganda. And if you are an American you would be in support of the tea party concept because it is about limited government which is what this country was founded upon.

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