Jeb Bush Threatens Dems' Hold on Hispanic Vote

....what your forgetting is he will be running for a party that has people like you in it that dont [sic] look at them as people......

It is the democrat party that does not, and never has, looked at anyone as "people," only categories, classes, groups, or targets to use at their convenience. Ever thus.
i agree but you cant tell me the republicans do....look at how many of the righties here talk about them....Katz is an example.....i have been in threads were righties are calling them anything but people....and i believe you have too...
....what your forgetting is he will be running for a party that has people like you in it that dont [sic] look at them as people......

It is the democrat party that does not, and never has, looked at anyone as "people," only categories, classes, groups, or targets to use at their convenience. Ever thus.
i agree but you cant tell me the republicans do....look at how many of the righties here talk about them....Katz is an example.....i have been in threads were righties are calling them anything but people....and i believe you have too...

We are all homo sapiens.
Prove it!
Isis is the result of the GOP disbanding the old Iraqi Military without the thought of consequence. It's been proven on the USMB so many times, I 'm surprised anyone from the USMB still asks for such proof.

Saddam Hussein s Old Party Is Behind Iraq Chaos - Business Insider

Saddam s Ex-Officer We ve Played Key Role In Helping Militants Parallels NPR

Iraq Expert Insurgency is as Much Old Baathist as it is ISIS

You have to be a tard filled with determined ignorance to not know this. Which is why I wonder if Republicans are sane?
having an obsession about Republicans aint exactly considered sane.....obsessions are a mental disorder....

I will remember that the next time you go and obsess over Dot Com

"Now, Harry, having an obsession about dots aint exactly considered sane.... obsessions show mental instability...." - something like that.

i told everyone why i harass him.....he said he has no idea why he has me on ignore,no idea... but he figures it must be a good i am just giving him a reason,every time i see one of his threads i give him a reason.....what gets me is there are posters here who treat him a lot worse than i do....and he responds to them....Dottie just doesnt like it when someone questions what he says.....he has way more than me on ignore....

I'm listening. I like Dot.

And I like you, too.

You and I, we have never really gotten under each other's skin. You seem to be an ok dude to me.

But still, an obsession is an obsession is an obsession.

I am obsessed with big tits. I consider this to be a healthy obsession. I recommend that you take up the same healthy obsession.

with Dottie its more of making fun of him....if he takes me off ignore and replies to my questions about what he posts i will stop "harassing" the guy...but i doubt if he will....if i say he is a dipshit he will start to cry and put me back on ignore....dottie has pretty thin exterior.....has been like that ever since he joined up...
You made the claim, back it up. The risk in pulling crap out of your ass and posting it is you may get called out on it. For you, that day has come. Back it up.
Arab Spring. Conservatives didn't want to help at all, because liberals wanted to. When it was their idea they were all for invading Iraq, but were against much smaller shows of force when a liberal suggested it. The results aren't all in yet, but Tunisia elected a moderate. Khadafi is gone and Egypt decided the Muslim Brotherhood wasn't their cup of tea. Syria might have been a win too, if the conservatives hadn't dragged their feet and allowed ISIS to take control. Nice going!!!
Conservatives are responsible for ISIS... Lol.. Obama's been president for 6 years. Libya is now a failed terrorist state. Obama supported the muslim brotherhood and even sanction arms sales to Egypt because the military overthrew them. Obama threatened Syria then changed his mind. Obama lifts some of the sanctions against Iran and gets nothing.... Yeah he's a fucking genius alright

Really, GWB is now a conservative? I thought the RW had tossed W under the bus for his liberality and deficit spending. As I have written, anyone can make mistakes; invading & occupying Iraq, getting over 4,500 American's service personnel killed an tens of thousand seriously or permanently wounded all on borrowed money was one (or maybe half a dozen mistakes, but whose counting).

Neither GWB nor Obama had a road map to follow when they took office; sadly for Obama he had to put up with Boehner and McConnell two inept pols, both ambitious, partisan assholes who put their career first, the Plutocrats second and their party and base a distant third. The first of us? Not even an after thought.

Were did i say that? and poor Obama, he would have been the greatest president in American history if not for the Republican house...LOL :slap:

I guess it depends on how one defines conservative. Today's conservative have been tossed under the bus by the callous, neo, social and tea party conservative movement - real conservatives are today known as RINO's.

Maybe not the greatest president in our nation's history, but given how poorly the State of the Union post GWB and its state of repair today - he would be in the top ten were it not for the radicalization of the do nothing GOP.

Yeah? who might those be lib boy? Stick to the constitution and i'm good :thup:
ISIS is a product of Obama's success against AQ....

Utter nonsense.

Prove it!
Isis is the result of the GOP disbanding the old Iraqi Military without the thought of consequence. It's been proven on the USMB so many times, I 'm surprised anyone from the USMB still asks for such proof.

Saddam Hussein s Old Party Is Behind Iraq Chaos - Business Insider

Saddam s Ex-Officer We ve Played Key Role In Helping Militants Parallels NPR

Iraq Expert Insurgency is as Much Old Baathist as it is ISIS

You have to be a tard filled with determined ignorance to not know this. Which is why I wonder if Republicans are sane?
Not really, that was pre ISIS. They formed, grew, and advanced while Obama was busy golfing and didn't give a shit The new terrorist state created by Obama didn't help that's for sure.
....what your forgetting is he will be running for a party that has people like you in it that dont [sic] look at them as people......

It is the democrat party that does not, and never has, looked at anyone as "people," only categories, classes, groups, or targets to use at their convenience. Ever thus.
i agree but you cant tell me the republicans do....look at how many of the righties here talk about them....Katz is an example.....i have been in threads were righties are calling them anything but people....and i believe you have too...

We are all homo sapiens.
tell that to Katz and all the other farther right racists here.....they put every Hispanic in the same tent....even the ones who are 4th generation here they think they are illegals.....what else could they be?....
Highspanics are mainly catholic who are opposed to abortion but they vote for the party that promotes abortion. Typical democrat dichotomy and stupidity.
They vote for people who support their issues. Nobody is in party lockstep except the Teaparty.
There is no tea party. It's a concept.
And highspanics vote against their own issues. That was the gist of my post. What part of that didn't you get?

HaHa you may wish there was no Teaparty but there is and they're all yours. :lol:
There is no party that is the tea party. It is a concept. I agree with its premise as it is purely American but not the image that your media handlers have applied to it and duped you with.
The one who got duped is you. The Teaparty is for real and it controls the Republican Party.
If only that were true
....what your forgetting is he will be running for a party that has people like you in it that dont [sic] look at them as people......

It is the democrat party that does not, and never has, looked at anyone as "people," only categories, classes, groups, or targets to use at their convenience. Ever thus.
i agree but you cant tell me the republicans do....look at how many of the righties here talk about them....Katz is an example.....i have been in threads were righties are calling them anything but people....and i believe you have too...

We are all homo sapiens.
tell that to Katz and all the other farther right racists here.....they put every Hispanic in the same tent....even the ones who are 4th generation here they think they are illegals.....what else could they be?....

Yes, I have done it many times. They are deaf.

And then they wonder why they cannot win in presidential cycles.

ISIS is a product of Obama's success against AQ....

Utter nonsense.

Prove it!
Isis is the result of the GOP disbanding the old Iraqi Military without the thought of consequence. It's been proven on the USMB so many times, I 'm surprised anyone from the USMB still asks for such proof.

Saddam Hussein s Old Party Is Behind Iraq Chaos - Business Insider

Saddam s Ex-Officer We ve Played Key Role In Helping Militants Parallels NPR

Iraq Expert Insurgency is as Much Old Baathist as it is ISIS

You have to be a tard filled with determined ignorance to not know this. Which is why I wonder if Republicans are sane?
Not really, that was pre ISIS. They formed, grew, and advanced while Obama was busy golfing and didn't give a shit The new terrorist state created by Obama didn't help that's for sure.

You think that our President created ISIS?

Funny that the nutters want to pander to an ethnic group to get votes.
from both sides yea they do.....

yeah, but only one side has a tent filled with ethnic and racial minorities. Can you guess which one does?
who get pandered too....i have witnessed this for years down here of the reasons i cant stand the Democrats.....the funny part is....many Democrats think the Mexicans down here eat up what they say.....if they only knew....the Dems are considered the so called "lessor of 2 evils"....i asked a dem here in another thread if he is proud of how his party is looked at by Mexicans.....his reply?..."does it really matter how they view us?... as long as we get their votes".....nice...
They vote for people who support their issues. Nobody is in party lockstep except the Teaparty.
There is no tea party. It's a concept.
And highspanics vote against their own issues. That was the gist of my post. What part of that didn't you get?

HaHa you may wish there was no Teaparty but there is and they're all yours. :lol:
There is no party that is the tea party. It is a concept. I agree with its premise as it is purely American but not the image that your media handlers have applied to it and duped you with.
The one who got duped is you. The Teaparty is for real and it controls the Republican Party.
If only that were true
It is true.
....what your forgetting is he will be running for a party that has people like you in it that dont [sic] look at them as people......

It is the democrat party that does not, and never has, looked at anyone as "people," only categories, classes, groups, or targets to use at their convenience. Ever thus.
i agree but you cant tell me the republicans do....look at how many of the righties here talk about them....Katz is an example.....i have been in threads were righties are calling them anything but people....and i believe you have too...

We are all homo sapiens.
tell that to Katz and all the other farther right racists here.....they put every Hispanic in the same tent....even the ones who are 4th generation here they think they are illegals.....what else could they be?....

Yes, I have done it many times. They are deaf.

And then they wonder why they cannot win in presidential cycles.

and yet Katz thinks because a white guy can speak decent spanish and is married to a brown girl that is going to change their minds....they see that out here all the biggie to them....many of them have the white brother-in-law.....
ISIS is a product of Obama's success against AQ....

Utter nonsense.

Prove it!
Isis is the result of the GOP disbanding the old Iraqi Military without the thought of consequence. It's been proven on the USMB so many times, I 'm surprised anyone from the USMB still asks for such proof.

Saddam Hussein s Old Party Is Behind Iraq Chaos - Business Insider

Saddam s Ex-Officer We ve Played Key Role In Helping Militants Parallels NPR

Iraq Expert Insurgency is as Much Old Baathist as it is ISIS

You have to be a tard filled with determined ignorance to not know this. Which is why I wonder if Republicans are sane?
Not really, that was pre ISIS. They formed, grew, and advanced while Obama was busy golfing and didn't give a shit The new terrorist state created by Obama didn't help that's for sure.

You think that our President created ISIS?


Nope not intentionally but he ignored them and let them grow into what they are today.. He did however create the failed state in Libya. Do you understand the point? If not, I'll try to simplify it for you
It is the democrat party that does not, and never has, looked at anyone as "people," only categories, classes, groups, or targets to use at their convenience. Ever thus.
i agree but you cant tell me the republicans do....look at how many of the righties here talk about them....Katz is an example.....i have been in threads were righties are calling them anything but people....and i believe you have too...

We are all homo sapiens.
tell that to Katz and all the other farther right racists here.....they put every Hispanic in the same tent....even the ones who are 4th generation here they think they are illegals.....what else could they be?....

Yes, I have done it many times. They are deaf.

And then they wonder why they cannot win in presidential cycles.

and yet Katz thinks because a white guy can speak decent spanish and is married to a brown girl that is going to change their minds....they see that out here all the biggie to them....many of them have the white brother-in-law.....

I'll take the "Hispanic" white guy..

i agree but you cant tell me the republicans do....look at how many of the righties here talk about them....Katz is an example.....i have been in threads were righties are calling them anything but people....and i believe you have too...

We are all homo sapiens.
tell that to Katz and all the other farther right racists here.....they put every Hispanic in the same tent....even the ones who are 4th generation here they think they are illegals.....what else could they be?....

Yes, I have done it many times. They are deaf.

And then they wonder why they cannot win in presidential cycles.

and yet Katz thinks because a white guy can speak decent spanish and is married to a brown girl that is going to change their minds....they see that out here all the biggie to them....many of them have the white brother-in-law.....

I'll take the "Hispanic" white guy..

go for it.....
Our Secretary of State screamed at by Iran. He then extends their so-called deadline...What a joke we have running our foreign policy. That joke would be Obama

Top Iranian Negotiator ‘Frequently Shouts’ at Kerry, Western Officials


Zarif screams so loud bodyguards have entered the room, Iranian diplomat claims

VIENNA—Iran’s foreign minister and lead negotiator in nuclear talks is known to frequently scream and shout at Western diplomats, including Secretary of State John Kerry, a practice that has caused alarm among bodyguards stationed outside the negotiating room, according to a member of the Iranian diplomatic team who spoke to the Farsi-language press.

Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif—who is scheduled to hold one-on-one talks with Kerry this evening in Vienna—”frequently shouts at Western diplomats” in such a forceful manner that bodyguards have hurriedly entered the negotiation room on occasion worried that an incident might occur, according to one Iranian diplomat involved in negotiations who spoke anonymously with the Iranian press earlier this week.

On one occasion, Zarif’s shouts were so loud that a member of the Iranian delegation entered the negotiation room to check on the players, according to the report, which was independently translated for the Free Beacon.

Upon entering, the Iranian official was informed by European Union Foreign Policy Chief Catherine Ashton, a chief western negotiator, that Zarif was just shouting and she had gotten used to it, according to an independent translation of the report.

The report of Zarif’s aggressive behavior is consistent with previous reports claiming that Iranian negotiators tend to treat their Western counterparts—particularly the Americans—with scorn.

Iranian diplomat Abbas Araghchi, another member of the negotiating team, is reported to have said in an interview that during past negotiations in Geneva, Zarif “shouted” at Kerry and spoke to him in a way that was likely “unprecedented” in the history of U.S. diplomacy.

Reports Top Iranian Negotiator 8216 Frequently Shouts 8217 at Kerry Western Officials Washington Free Beacon


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