Jeb Bush Threatens Dems' Hold on Hispanic Vote

If Jeb is becomes President this board is going to hit ludicrous speed. It's going to go from 30 to 1000 miles per hour and stay there for 4 whole years, and if he gets reelected to a second term 1000 to 2000 miles per hour. It's going to be quite the ride. I'm sorry I hope it happens for that reason alone.
Hope you wont be too disappointed because he wont get the nomination not this time.... We can do much better

Kasich is my guy by far. However, I'm starting to like this idea of Jeb. To be quite honest all the GOP contenders suck, but it wont matter, because the gop senate will have the 60 votes to do whatever anyways.

The GOP hasn't had 60 in the Senate since Ulysses S. Grant. You live in a dream world.

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we already have 56.
No. You have 45. On January 3 you will have 54. Not 56.

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You forgot about the 2 independents that have said they will side with the GOP. Didn't know that did you? Ha! German native.
If Jeb is becomes President this board is going to hit ludicrous speed. It's going to go from 30 to 1000 miles per hour and stay there for 4 whole years, and if he gets reelected to a second term 1000 to 2000 miles per hour. It's going to be quite the ride. I'm sorry I hope it happens for that reason alone.
That's what people here were thinking when Mitt was predicted to win but he failed miserably. What actually happened was half the GOP left because they were afraid to face the ridicule associated with that amazing Mitt Romney loss.
Jeb Bush was a competent administrator for Florida when he was Governor. Thank goodness he was in charge the year the four back to back hurricanes hit Florida. If we would have had a Democrat in charge like Louisiana did during Katrina then we all would have been screwed.

However, he is a Liberal. He doesn't have a either the backbone or inclination to stand up for conservative principles.

If he is elected President our economy would improve a little bit, we would regain a little of the foreign respect that Obama lost for us, and we may get a pittance tax decrease but the welfare state will continue, the debt will increase, the size of government will continue to grow, the illegals will continue to flood the country and not much else will change.

If you vote for him you are voting for bad government, the same as voting for a Democrat.
This may seem obvious to all but diehard RW Republicans, but Jeb Bush could be the biggest threat to the Democratic Party since Abraham Lincoln. Hispanics are the fastest growing segment of our population, and a Spanish speaking President and Mexican-born First Lady would be an irresistible combination. Hispanic cultural values are much more closely aligned with the GOP, and it is only Democratic demagoguery about "immigration reform" which has countered this inclination.

Thus the attacks oh him from the Right and the Left. Strange bedfellows indeed!

Jeb would have a lock on the Hispanic vote. His son, George P. Bush just won his own election in Texas. If the handsome and Spanish speaking George campaigned on behalf of his dad, it would be devastating to democrats.

The way Democrats will get around Jeb Bush's son, George, is they will insinuate that he is not really Hispanic but, rather, a "white-Hispanic". Remember, this is a term recently invented by the Left to help them fit narratives.

Actually, that is what Righties, not Lefties, were screaming about George Zimmermann. You seem to get a lot of things backwards. Happens often with eternally butthurt Righties.

Righties came up with the term "white-Hispanic"?

- Lefties said Zimmerman killed Trayvon Martin because he was racially motivated to do so.
- Righties retorted that Zimmermann was Latino, brown-skinned, and mentored many black youth
- Lefties did not acknowledge Zimmerman being Latino. It was the Leftist Press outlets such as the New York Times that came up with the term, "white-Hispanic"
This may seem obvious to all but diehard RW Republicans, but Jeb Bush could be the biggest threat to the Democratic Party since Abraham Lincoln. Hispanics are the fastest growing segment of our population, and a Spanish speaking President and Mexican-born First Lady would be an irresistible combination. Hispanic cultural values are much more closely aligned with the GOP, and it is only Democratic demagoguery about "immigration reform" which has countered this inclination.

Thus the attacks oh him from the Right and the Left. Strange bedfellows indeed!

Jeb would have a lock on the Hispanic vote. His son, George P. Bush just won his own election in Texas. If the handsome and Spanish speaking George campaigned on behalf of his dad, it would be devastating to democrats.

The way Democrats will get around Jeb Bush's son, George, is they will insinuate that he is not really Hispanic but, rather, a "white-Hispanic". Remember, this is a term recently invented by the Left to help them fit narratives.

Actually, that is what Righties, not Lefties, were screaming about George Zimmermann. You seem to get a lot of things backwards. Happens often with eternally butthurt Righties.

Where are the butthurt righties screaming that Zimmermann was white Hispanic?

CNN s White Hispanic Label For George Zimmerman Draws Fire
Is George Zimmerman white or Hispanic That depends -
The Curious Case of George Zimmerman 8217 s Race - COLORLINES
Why did New York Times call George Zimmerman lsquo white Hispanic rsquo - Erik Wemple - The Washington Post

White Hispanic not an agenda a reality
The Party will never allow a Presidential candidate to exist unless they toe the line of hate politics.

:lmao: The teapers accepting wetbacks...who are you kidding?
The Party will never allow a Presidential candidate to exist unless they toe the line of hate politics.

:lmao: The teapers accepting wetbacks...who are you kidding?
They accepted that panderer Rubio. That man is an idiot on par with Rick Perry.
The Party will never allow a Presidential candidate to exist unless they toe the line of hate politics.

:lmao: The teapers accepting wetbacks...who are you kidding?
Generally speaking, they are culturally much more conservative than some would like to think.

And I think the Reps would accept anyone who would vote for them. Same as would the Dems. :)
This may seem obvious to all but diehard RW Republicans, but Jeb Bush could be the biggest threat to the Democratic Party since Abraham Lincoln. Hispanics are the fastest growing segment of our population, and a Spanish speaking President and Mexican-born First Lady would be an irresistible combination. Hispanic cultural values are much more closely aligned with the GOP, and it is only Democratic demagoguery about "immigration reform" which has countered this inclination.

Thus the attacks oh him from the Right and the Left. Strange bedfellows indeed!
Jeb doesn't speak Spanish, buttwipe.

I'm not a Jeb fan, but he does indeed speak Spanish.

So does Jimmy Carter - his TV address in Cuba was delivered in Spanish. So does Mike Dukakis -- gave part of his convention speech in Spanish in 1988. So (I think) does Shrub, though I'm not sure how fluently.

The video Jroc posted at the beginning of this thread though is worth a rerun -- watch the subtitles:

Teapers and the Tea Party are a unique group...hate drives their politics...not policy or ideals. Teapers hate wetbacks...they will never accept them into their white brotherhood unless slavery becomes legal.

Why any Meeehicaaaaans would support any Teaper simply amazes me!
Teapers and the Tea Party are a unique group...hate drives their politics...not policy or ideals. Teapers hate wetbacks...they will never accept them into their white brotherhood unless slavery becomes legal.

Why any Meeehicaaaaans would support any Teaper simply amazes me!
That's what people here were thinking when Mitt was predicted to win but he failed miserably. What actually happened was half the GOP left because they were afraid to face the ridicule associated with that amazing Mitt Romney loss.

"failed miserably"? "amazing loss"?

That's what people here were thinking when Mitt was predicted to win but he failed miserably. What actually happened was half the GOP left because they were afraid to face the ridicule associated with that amazing Mitt Romney loss.

"failed miserably"? "amazing loss"?

I think she's referring to Hillary's presidential run in 2008.
That's what people here were thinking when Mitt was predicted to win but he failed miserably. What actually happened was half the GOP left because they were afraid to face the ridicule associated with that amazing Mitt Romney loss.

"failed miserably"? "amazing loss"?


News must travel slow in some quarters.

Amazing enough that Karl Rove still can't believe it.
That's what people here were thinking when Mitt was predicted to win but he failed miserably. What actually happened was half the GOP left because they were afraid to face the ridicule associated with that amazing Mitt Romney loss.

"failed miserably"? "amazing loss"?


News must travel slow in some quarters.

Amazing enough that Karl Rove still can't believe it.
They were totally shocked here, they thought Romney was going to win by 8 points. They were making bets about leaving the board if Obama won, stuff like that. This place was a ghost town the day after the election.

That's what people here were thinking when Mitt was predicted to win but he failed miserably. What actually happened was half the GOP left because they were afraid to face the ridicule associated with that amazing Mitt Romney loss.

"failed miserably"? "amazing loss"?


Considering how vulnerable Obama was, yeah ...... pretty amazing (IMHO)

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