Jeb Bush Threatens Dems' Hold on Hispanic Vote

That's what people here were thinking when Mitt was predicted to win but he failed miserably. What actually happened was half the GOP left because they were afraid to face the ridicule associated with that amazing Mitt Romney loss.

"failed miserably"? "amazing loss"?


News must travel slow in some quarters....

Moves fast when you make it up though, right?
That's what people here were thinking when Mitt was predicted to win but he failed miserably. What actually happened was half the GOP left because they were afraid to face the ridicule associated with that amazing Mitt Romney loss.

"failed miserably"? "amazing loss"?


Considering how vulnerable Obama was, yeah ...... pretty amazing (IMHO)
He effed up the first debate, yes but after that, he was on top of his game. I never had a doubt that Romney would lose that election.
Teapers and the Tea Party are a unique group...hate drives their politics...not policy or ideals. Teapers hate wetbacks...they will never accept them into their white brotherhood unless slavery becomes legal.

Why any Meeehicaaaaans would support any Teaper simply amazes me!

Yea, right. Believing in personal responsibility, fiscal responsibility, lesser oppressive government and the Constitution is real hate to a Libtard.

Grow up!
That's what people here were thinking when Mitt was predicted to win but he failed miserably. What actually happened was half the GOP left because they were afraid to face the ridicule associated with that amazing Mitt Romney loss.

"failed miserably"? "amazing loss"?


Considering how vulnerable Obama was, yeah ...... pretty amazing (IMHO)
He effed up the first debate, yes but after that, he was on top of his game. I never had a doubt that Romney would lose that election.

I think Romney had to work pretty hard to lose it. I do believe Obama ran a smart campaign, but I think that without Romney's help, he might not have won.
Teapers and the Tea Party are a unique group...hate drives their politics...not policy or ideals. Teapers hate wetbacks...they will never accept them into their white brotherhood unless slavery becomes legal.

Why any Meeehicaaaaans would support any Teaper simply amazes me!

Yea, right. Believing in personal responsibility, fiscal responsibility, lesser oppressive government and the Constitution is real hate to a Libtard.

Grow up!
When was the last time you heard a teaper talk about fiscal responsibility? Why did the Tea Party threaten to use women as human shields at the Bundy fiasco? Why does the tea party have a military? Why do tea party factions repeatedly threaten armed insurrection? Why is the tea party opposed to policies now but they weren't opposed to the same policies under Reagan or either Bush...or even Clinton.
Teaper principles are fine and dandy, regretfully they pervert those ideas with hate politics, hypocrisy and race baiting.
That's what people here were thinking when Mitt was predicted to win but he failed miserably. What actually happened was half the GOP left because they were afraid to face the ridicule associated with that amazing Mitt Romney loss.

"failed miserably"? "amazing loss"?


Considering how vulnerable Obama was, yeah ...... pretty amazing (IMHO)
He effed up the first debate, yes but after that, he was on top of his game. I never had a doubt that Romney would lose that election.

I think Romney had to work pretty hard to lose it. I do believe Obama ran a smart campaign, but I think that without Romney's help, he might not have won.

People just don't like Mitt or his wife. He was always saying dumb things like the notebooks full of women execs, the speech that the busboy recorded, corporations are people too... He didn't have to work that hard to screw up. He is not a bright man.

Obama won that election with 332 electoral votes to 206 Romney. Obama beat the 270 required for a win, and he did it with 62 votes to spare, which was far higher than even the election-forecasters had been predicting
This may seem obvious to all but diehard RW Republicans, but Jeb Bush could be the biggest threat to the Democratic Party since Abraham Lincoln. Hispanics are the fastest growing segment of our population, and a Spanish speaking President and Mexican-born First Lady would be an irresistible combination. Hispanic cultural values are much more closely aligned with the GOP, and it is only Democratic demagoguery about "immigration reform" which has countered this inclination.

Thus the attacks oh him from the Right and the Left. Strange bedfellows indeed!

Just like Reagan's amnesty helped gain the Hispanic vote? No it won't win the GOP the Hispanic vote. In fact, he will further widen the Hispanic vote. Let me explain. Bush himself might gain some Hispanics because they see him as the amnesty loving asshole he is, but when he provides legalization to 12 million illegals who have zero loyalty to this country and see it nothing more than a tits to suck on, they will easily flock to the Democratic provide scraps from the table ploy they uses with blacks. In effect, you will have 12 million easily paid for Democratic voters.

Bush will sell out the country in order to win an legacy election for him family. However, if amnesty message might get him to 40% of the Latino vote he believes he needs, but I guarantee he will lose his base and see a low turn out. I won't for him. Even if it was against Clinton or Warren. I would go third party. Something I usually never consider. I won't be the only one!

When was the last time you heard a teaper talk about fiscal responsibility? Why did the Tea Party threaten to use women as human shields at the Bundy fiasco? Why does the tea party have a military? Why do tea party factions repeatedly threaten armed insurrection? Why is the tea party opposed to policies now but they weren't opposed to the same policies under Reagan or either Bush...or even Clinton.
Teaper principles are fine and dandy, regretfully they pervert those ideas with hate politics, hypocrisy and race baiting.

I'll let Thomas Jefferson explain to you since you don't have a clue:

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."

It is responsible to hold the government accountable for oppression. Of course if you are an extreme left Wing Libtard then you like the oppression. Hell, you sicko bastards don't even think there was anything wrong with Obama ordering the IRS to disenfranchise a grassroots political movement so it is understandable that you don't know what Jefferson was talking about.

As far as race baiting remember that it was you filthy ass Libtards that voted for a shithead that attended a church for 20 years that preached hate against Whites, Jews and even the USA.

When was the last time you heard a teaper talk about fiscal responsibility? Why did the Tea Party threaten to use women as human shields at the Bundy fiasco? Why does the tea party have a military? Why do tea party factions repeatedly threaten armed insurrection? Why is the tea party opposed to policies now but they weren't opposed to the same policies under Reagan or either Bush...or even Clinton.
Teaper principles are fine and dandy, regretfully they pervert those ideas with hate politics, hypocrisy and race baiting.

I'll let Thomas Jefferson explain to you since you don't have a clue:

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."

It is responsible to hold the government accountable for oppression. Of course if you are an extreme left Wing Libtard then you like the oppression. Hell, you sicko bastards don't even think there was anything wrong with Obama ordering the IRS to disenfranchise a grassroots political movement so it is understandable that you don't know what Jefferson was talking about.
typical hate politics by a teaper...all you have done is assign an argument to myself, which I have never made. It is pretty pathetic and telling of the mental capacity of most knee jerk lemmings. I am far from a liberal...I simply abhor the tea party hate politics and hypocrisy.
As far as race baiting remember that it was you filthy ass Libtards that voted for a shithead that attended a church for 20 years that preached hate against Whites, Jews and even the USA.
Again, you assigning values that don't exist. Nice try and nice diversion from the original questions I posed to you.

Pathetic...teapers are so full of hate, they can't see past their own little noses.

When was the last time you heard a teaper talk about fiscal responsibility? Why did the Tea Party threaten to use women as human shields at the Bundy fiasco? Why does the tea party have a military? Why do tea party factions repeatedly threaten armed insurrection? Why is the tea party opposed to policies now but they weren't opposed to the same policies under Reagan or either Bush...or even Clinton.
Teaper principles are fine and dandy, regretfully they pervert those ideas with hate politics, hypocrisy and race baiting.

I'll let Thomas Jefferson explain to you since you don't have a clue:

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."

It is responsible to hold the government accountable for oppression. Of course if you are an extreme left Wing Libtard then you like the oppression. Hell, you sicko bastards don't even think there was anything wrong with Obama ordering the IRS to disenfranchise a grassroots political movement so it is understandable that you don't know what Jefferson was talking about.

As far as race baiting remember that it was you filthy ass Libtards that voted for a shithead that attended a church for 20 years that preached hate against Whites, Jews and even the USA.
BTW...please tell me how you are being oppressed...please be specific. Throw in what rights you have lost while you are at it.

Don't worry, I don't expect an answer...that might require independent thought beyond regurgitating what the Grand Wizard tells you to say.
Jeb Bush? His brother bailed out the banks, his father bailed out the Savings and Loans, what will Jeb Bush bail out?

You, perhaps?
Yes me, after 8 years of George Bush jr. After 4 years of George Bush sr., I am left needing to be, "bailed out". That is because the the Bush family fails. Year after year, decade after decade, the USA has declined, as the Bush Dynasty profits, as the Bush Friends and supporters profit.

Yes more big government, world government, more social communism that is called Republican will bail me out, because they have failed at protecting me from the government.

Yes, I need a bailout, because for decades, the USA has been dying.

When was the last time you heard a teaper talk about fiscal responsibility? Why did the Tea Party threaten to use women as human shields at the Bundy fiasco? Why does the tea party have a military? Why do tea party factions repeatedly threaten armed insurrection? Why is the tea party opposed to policies now but they weren't opposed to the same policies under Reagan or either Bush...or even Clinton.
Teaper principles are fine and dandy, regretfully they pervert those ideas with hate politics, hypocrisy and race baiting.

I'll let Thomas Jefferson explain to you since you don't have a clue:

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."

It is responsible to hold the government accountable for oppression. Of course if you are an extreme left Wing Libtard then you like the oppression. Hell, you sicko bastards don't even think there was anything wrong with Obama ordering the IRS to disenfranchise a grassroots political movement so it is understandable that you don't know what Jefferson was talking about.
typical hate politics by a teaper...all you have done is assign an argument to myself, which I have never made. It is pretty pathetic and telling of the mental capacity of most knee jerk lemmings. I am far from a liberal...I simply abhor the tea party hate politics and hypocrisy.
As far as race baiting remember that it was you filthy ass Libtards that voted for a shithead that attended a church for 20 years that preached hate against Whites, Jews and even the USA.
Again, you assigning values that don't exist. Nice try and nice diversion from the original questions I posed to you.

Pathetic...teapers are so full of hate, they can't see past their own little noses.

I think you Libtards have been the one that have been preaching hate lately with inciting hatred and assassinations against the police.

Talk about being irresponsible.
I do note that you avoided my questions as predicted. Nonetheless, where was your outrage when Christopher Smith was killed in FL by a savage teaper terrorist? Where is/ was your condemnation? Non-existent because you can't assign race or values. I guess when a white guy sets a fire to lure in the police...TO KILL is okay for you. You are a hypocrite and absolutely disgusting as a human being. A typical teaper...full of hate and blood lust.
Actually, the major problem with many of the posts I removed is that they had nothing at all to do with the topic of the thread, rather than being specific flames - although there were certainly enough flames as well.

I'm going to reopen the thread in the Flame Zone, and start dealing out warnings in this thread for off topic posts. If you want to post in this thread, make sure it's on topic.
Funny that the nutters want to pander to an ethnic group to get votes.
from both sides yea they do.....

yeah, but only one side has a tent filled with ethnic and racial minorities. Can you guess which one does?
who get pandered too....i have witnessed this for years down here of the reasons i cant stand the Democrats.....the funny part is....many Democrats think the Mexicans down here eat up what they say.....if they only knew....the Dems are considered the so called "lessor of 2 evils"....i asked a dem here in another thread if he is proud of how his party is looked at by Mexicans.....his reply?..."does it really matter how they view us?... as long as we get their votes".....nice...

I suppose establishment D's are the lesser of two evils; both parties have their share of plutocrats and the Congress is filled with millionaires. Since my family income is roughly the same as what they receive, it's a wonder no one has looked very closely as to how they become millionaires.

That said, the D's I know - in person and on line - value diversity and individuality, and the R's are very critical of iconoclasts, many, especially on this forum, violently opposed to them. The D you asked is a minority, his or her opinion is at best foolish.

I'm very fond of food, and the cultural diversity available in Restaurants in the SF Bay Area is one of many reason why I believe we live in the best place on earth (though I do very much like Provence).
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With the crop of supposed could wins in the Republican party over the past couple of years, we've seen the minimum of results. Democrats can win a General election because they don't seem as crazy as Republicans/Teaparty candidates.

Voters want intelligent and competent candidates. We don't see that on the Right much anymore.

Democrats were complacent in the mid terms this time plus they just couldn't get a clear message together. Democrats can't get out the vote if they just don't care.

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