Jeb Bush Threatens Dems' Hold on Hispanic Vote

Jeb Bush? His brother bailed out the banks, his father bailed out the Savings and Loans, what will Jeb Bush bail out?

Dick Cheney!?
ahh, you don't like people better than you, poor baby.

Cheney is "better than" me? I doubt that, anyone who knows me would disagree, and anyone who used Dick Cheney as a roll model is one sick puppy. Cheney is a war criminal, and that is an opinion held by many others, not only me.
Jeb Bush? His brother bailed out the banks, his father bailed out the Savings and Loans, what will Jeb Bush bail out?

Dick Cheney!?
ahh, you don't like people better than you, poor baby.

Cheney is "better than" me? I doubt that, anyone who knows me would disagree, and anyone who used Dick Cheney as a roll model is one sick puppy. Cheney is a war criminal, and that is an opinion held by many others, not only me.
You doubt that, the fact that you go around saying your better than others shows you are a snob. I see that people such as Wry Catcher still believe in Classes of Society. The Elite, the Snobs, Wry Catcher.

Tell, me how well do you know Cheney, how about starting with his history, without a Google search, Wry Catcher, you know nothing yet put yourself on a pedestal judging others, that is how I see you.

Dick Cheney, why would Wry Catcher state I use Dick Cheney as a role model and than call me a sick puppy? Is that how people such as Wry Catcher and the Democrats engage others, is that the proper way to discuss things? Hardly.

Wry Catcher makes a post using a Dick Cheney and then in his next response I am the one using Dick Cheney? I guess Dick Cheney is a political hand-grenade one can throw out and destroy ones enemies?

The Bush family is not Dick Cheney, Cheney and Rumsfeld were the best of the Bush dynasty.

You know why people like Wry Catcher hate Cheney, bigotry and stupidity, they hear something on the radio, they hear it on television, they read it in the paper and the believe it, on faith, without facts.

The Democrats hate Cheney and Rumsfeld because they were against borrowing money, they were against tons of Pork in the budgets. Republicans hate Rumsfeld for that reason as well, Rumsfeld was against all the waste and pork that Democrats love so much.

Tough pill to swallow, huh, wry catcher?
If Jeb is becomes President this board is going to hit ludicrous speed. It's going to go from 30 to 1000 miles per hour and stay there for 4 whole years, and if he gets reelected to a second term 1000 to 2000 miles per hour. It's going to be quite the ride. I'm sorry I hope it happens for that reason alone.
Hope you wont be too disappointed because he wont get the nomination not this time.... We can do much better

Kasich is my guy by far. However, I'm starting to like this idea of Jeb. To be quite honest all the GOP contenders suck, but it wont matter, because the gop senate will have the 60 votes to do whatever anyways.

What do you hope the Senate will do with the power they have? And, have you considered the presidential power to veto, which has a higher hurdle to override than to pass a bill or vote for cloture.
Yepp. The Senate needs 66.7% of those who appear to vote in order to override a veto. Usually, that means 67 votes. The GOP would need all 54 of its votes as of Jan. 3 + 13 dem caucus votes. Ain't gonna happen.

No need to override obama's vetoes. If he plays that card often enough he will all but ensure that he's just keeping the seat warm for a Republican successor.
HaHa which Republican? We just cannot get you all to answer that one.
Jeb Bush? His brother bailed out the banks, his father bailed out the Savings and Loans, what will Jeb Bush bail out?

Dick Cheney!?
ahh, you don't like people better than you, poor baby.

Cheney is "better than" me? I doubt that, anyone who knows me would disagree, and anyone who used Dick Cheney as a roll model is one sick puppy. Cheney is a war criminal, and that is an opinion held by many others, not only me.
This guy is no doubt the best San fransico has to offer:cuckoo:
Cheney is a war criminal, and that is an opinion held by many others, not only me.

It is the opinion of partisan fools. As a matter of fact, it is a false claim.

"false claim"? Enhanced Interrogation Techniques is a euphemism for Torture. Cheney admitted to such practices, to which he approved, just last week. Torture is a war crime, thus, Dick Cheney's approval - tacit or ordered - makes him culpable, and is necessary and sufficient to bring forth an indictment for crimes of war.

Not for the willfully ignorant, below is a short link as to why the Former VP is not in any jeopardy. Please read the last two paragraphs first, printed below the referral to the link:

Why Dick Cheney and the CIA don 8217 t need to worry about international criminal charges - The Washington Post

The United States, incidentally, is not party to the Rome Statute. President Bill Clinton signed the treaty shortly before he left office, although full ratification would require action by the Senate, which is unlikely. But in early 2002, President George W. Bush took the unusual step of effectively "unsigning" the United States by notifying the U.N. that it doesn't consider the United States bound to the treaty despite that signature.

"That letter was sent May 6, 2002. The enhanced interrogations began less than three months later."

[The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (often referred to as the International Criminal Court Statute or the Rome Statute) is the treaty that established the International Criminal Court (ICC). It was adopted at a diplomatic conference in Rome on 17 July 1998[5][6] and it entered into force on 1 July 2002.[2] As of 1 May 2013, 122 states will be party to the statute.[2] Among other things, the statute establishes the court's functions, jurisdiction and structure.]

Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
"false claim"?

False claim, and one that will never be anything more than empty emoting by partisan hysterics like you.

Thanks so much for sharing, your opinions offer a moment to shake ones head and wonder how someone like you can actually operate a computer and remember to breath at the same time.

Did you notice how that post made your false claim 0% more accurate?

Once again, Thanks so much for sharing, your opinions offer a moment to shake ones head and wonder how someone like you can actually operate a computer and remember to breath at the same time.
"false claim"?

False claim, and one that will never be anything more than empty emoting by partisan hysterics like you.

Thanks so much for sharing, your opinions offer a moment to shake ones head and wonder how someone like you can actually operate a computer and remember to breath at the same time.

Did you notice how that post made your false claim 0% more accurate?

Once again, Thanks so much for sharing, your opinions offer a moment to shake ones head and wonder how someone like you can actually operate a computer and remember to breath at the same time.

Thanks for the SPAM, and for admitting your claim is completely false. Now, do you plan to SPAM the board some more?
Jeb Bush? His brother bailed out the banks, his father bailed out the Savings and Loans, what will Jeb Bush bail out?

Dick Cheney!?
ahh, you don't like people better than you, poor baby.

Cheney is "better than" me? I doubt that, anyone who knows me would disagree, and anyone who used Dick Cheney as a roll model is one sick puppy. Cheney is a war criminal, and that is an opinion held by many others, not only me.
You doubt that, the fact that you go around saying your better than others shows you are a snob. I see that people such as Wry Catcher still believe in Classes of Society. The Elite, the Snobs, Wry Catcher.

Tell, me how well do you know Cheney, how about starting with his history, without a Google search, Wry Catcher, you know nothing yet put yourself on a pedestal judging others, that is how I see you.

Dick Cheney, why would Wry Catcher state I use Dick Cheney as a role model and than call me a sick puppy? Is that how people such as Wry Catcher and the Democrats engage others, is that the proper way to discuss things? Hardly.

Wry Catcher makes a post using a Dick Cheney and then in his next response I am the one using Dick Cheney? I guess Dick Cheney is a political hand-grenade one can throw out and destroy ones enemies?

The Bush family is not Dick Cheney, Cheney and Rumsfeld were the best of the Bush dynasty.

You know why people like Wry Catcher hate Cheney, bigotry and stupidity, they hear something on the radio, they hear it on television, they read it in the paper and the believe it, on faith, without facts.

The Democrats hate Cheney and Rumsfeld because they were against borrowing money, they were against tons of Pork in the budgets. Republicans hate Rumsfeld for that reason as well, Rumsfeld was against all the waste and pork that Democrats love so much.

Tough pill to swallow, huh, wry catcher?

I don't know about the "Tough pill", but the word salad is a bit hard to get down.

My opinion of Cheney was based on what I saw on cable and network news, read in The Economist, Time Magazine and on line, and most importantly by listening to his words, unedited, during his time in office and since.

Cheney is an arrogant ass and is, IMO and that of many others, a war criminal who gave a black eye to all Americans for all the world to see. He was possibly the main mover for the invasion and occupation of Iraq, a most foolish mistake which cost the lives of over 4,500 of our troops and maimed - fiscally and mentally - ten of thousands more. He supported and continues to support Enhanced Interrogation Techniques (Torture), surrendering the moral high ground and giving thugs like ISIS the excuse to cut off the heads of captives.

In all honesty I don't give a moments pause to your criticism, and not because I'm an elitist or believe I am without flaws; you have every right to judge me for offering my opinion on a message board which is fundamentally about evaluating policy and policy makers. Yeah, I judge Cheney as evil, and you as a hypocrite. Suck it up!
"false claim"?

False claim, and one that will never be anything more than empty emoting by partisan hysterics like you.

Thanks so much for sharing, your opinions offer a moment to shake ones head and wonder how someone like you can actually operate a computer and remember to breath at the same time.

Did you notice how that post made your false claim 0% more accurate?

Once again, Thanks so much for sharing, your opinions offer a moment to shake ones head and wonder how someone like you can actually operate a computer and remember to breath at the same time.

Thanks for the SPAM, and for admitting your claim is completely false. Now, do you plan to SPAM the board some more?

You're most welcome, I've always held honesty is the best policy.
My opinion of Cheney ... IMO and that of many others.... He was possibly...

That's not how a criminal charge works, moron.

Here's what I wrote in post #387:

""false claim"? Enhanced Interrogation Techniques (EIT) is a euphemism for Torture. Cheney admitted he approved use of EIT just last week. Torture is a war crime, thus, Dick Cheney's approval - tacit or ordered - makes him culpable, and is necessary and sufficient to bring forth an indictment for crimes of war."

First you need to look up the definition of culpable. Next you will need to look into how an indictment is processed by the ICC; and finally you need to stop calling everyone who challenges you a moron.

I can tell you how a criminal charge 'works': an affidavit is prepared by the investigator alleging an act, cited with the place and date the act occurred, the name of the actor who committed the act, and the number and code of the act committed.

The Affidavit is submitted under the signature of the investigator, under penalty of perjury that it is true and correct, and accompanied by the evidence (usually in the form of a written report and naming each piece of evidence and its current location, each material witness to the act and any statements made by the alleged).
My opinion of Cheney ... IMO and that of many others.... He was possibly...

That's not how a criminal charge works, moron.

Here's what I wrote in post #387:

""false claim"? Enhanced Interrogation Techniques (EIT) is a euphemism for Torture. Cheney admitted he approved use of EIT just last week. Torture is a war crime, thus, Dick Cheney's approval - tacit or ordered - makes him culpable, and is necessary and sufficient to bring forth an indictment for crimes of war."

First you need to look up the definition of culpable. Next you will need to look into how an indictment is processed by the ICC; and finally you need to stop calling everyone who challenges you a moron.

I can tell you how a criminal charge 'works': an affidavit is prepared by the investigator alleging an act, cited with the place and date the act occurred, the name of the actor who committed the act, and the number and code of the act committed.

The Affidavit is submitted under the signature of the investigator, under penalty of perjury that it is true and correct, and accompanied by the evidence (usually in the form of a written report and naming each piece of evidence and its current location, each material witness to the act and any statements made by the alleged).

And no formal charges by any body with authority to do so have been or will be brought against the Vice President. Nothing will ever come of hysterical nobodies like you whining on the internet about what you think is a "euphemism" for anything, or whatever other irrelevant opinions your bumper stickers give you.

If you need help with the definition of "culpable," you'll have to ask someone who gives a shit about you.
  1. deserving blame.
    "sometimes you're just as culpable when you watch something as when you actually participate"
    synonyms: to blame, guilty, at fault, in the wrong, answerable, accountable,responsible, blameworthy, censurable
    "I hold you personally culpable"
Posted for the of the jerk known as Unkotare.

Now, back to the story:

Jeb Bush severs board memberships ahead of possible White House run

ed·i·fi·ca·tion *
  1. the instruction or improvement of a person morally or intellectually.
    "the idea that art's main purpose is to supply moral uplift and edification"
    synonyms: education, instruction, tuition, teaching, training, tutelage, guidance

*Posted so that the jerk known as Unkotare understands the meaning of words beyond his/her 'pay grade'.
Aw, look at little wry trying to learn vocabulary. Hopeless, but funny.
Aw, look at little wry trying to learn vocabulary. Hopeless, but funny.

Yes, "little wry" does like to use words to convey meaning with as much exactitude as possible. In particular words which describe posters like Unkotare, whose threads and posts are never sagacious or substantive, but are consistently captious, and have a fugacious claim on the attention of the reader.

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