Jeb Bush Threatens Dems' Hold on Hispanic Vote

How about a "Hispanic" women two birds with one stone..the republicans have a deep bench. the Dems are still pushing the old, tired, hag

If Jeb is becomes President this board is going to hit ludicrous speed. It's going to go from 30 to 1000 miles per hour and stay there for 4 whole years, and if he gets reelected to a second term 1000 to 2000 miles per hour. It's going to be quite the ride. I'm sorry I hope it happens for that reason alone.
If Jeb is becomes President this board is going to hit ludicrous speed. It's going to go from 30 to 1000 miles per hour and stay there for 4 whole years, and if he gets reelected to a second term 1000 to 2000 miles per hour. It's going to be quite the ride. I'm sorry I hope it happens for that reason alone.
Hope you wont be too disappointed because he wont get the nomination not this time.... We can do much better
If Jeb is becomes President this board is going to hit ludicrous speed. It's going to go from 30 to 1000 miles per hour and stay there for 4 whole years, and if he gets reelected to a second term 1000 to 2000 miles per hour. It's going to be quite the ride. I'm sorry I hope it happens for that reason alone.
Hope you wont be too disappointed because he wont get the nomination not this time.... We can do much better

Kasich is my guy by far. However, I'm starting to like this idea of Jeb. To be quite honest all the GOP contenders suck, but it wont matter, because the gop senate will have the 60 votes to do whatever anyways.
Jeb has a rather unusual strategy. How it works is unclear. He intends to lose the primaries and win the general election.
Jeb can't hide from it now. Just like he can't hide from his support for common core education.

It's a given that Jeb Bush will take the hispanic vote. Can he be elected without the votes of the base?

yea i agree....Katz thinks a white guy married to a Mexican is all it takes.....and she claims to live here in S.Cal.....she has no clue about Mexicans outside of what she reads .....
This may seem obvious to all but diehard RW Republicans, but Jeb Bush could be the biggest threat to the Democratic Party since Abraham Lincoln. Hispanics are the fastest growing segment of our population, and a Spanish speaking President and Mexican-born First Lady would be an irresistible combination. Hispanic cultural values are much more closely aligned with the GOP, and it is only Democratic demagoguery about "immigration reform" which has countered this inclination.

Thus the attacks oh him from the Right and the Left. Strange bedfellows indeed!
Jeb doesn't speak Spanish, buttwipe.

I'm not a Jeb fan, but he does indeed speak Spanish.

Tea Partiers Are Right: Jeb Is a RINO...and LOOK who writes the article!
Rolling Stone ^

Jeb Bush might be running for president. The rest of the world must be howling with laughter. Apparently, the American political establishment isn't just afraid of new ideas, it's afraid of new people. It wants things so much the same, it's seeking blood guarantees, like the old Euro aristocracies that sealed military alliances with marriages. It's pathetic, and if Bush-Clinton turns out to be the general election menu, it's going to make kleptocratic paradises like the Soviet Union or the PRC look like vibrant democracies in comparison. And man, could anything be less exciting, less of an inspiration to...
This may seem obvious to all but diehard RW Republicans, but Jeb Bush could be the biggest threat to the Democratic Party since Abraham Lincoln. Hispanics are the fastest growing segment of our population, and a Spanish speaking President and Mexican-born First Lady would be an irresistible combination. Hispanic cultural values are much more closely aligned with the GOP, and it is only Democratic demagoguery about "immigration reform" which has countered this inclination.

Thus the attacks oh him from the Right and the Left. Strange bedfellows indeed!

Making Julian Castro the VP nominee would keep that in check.
These people think the Clintons have no idea about strategy. They are the very best fundraisers and they know how to choose their friends accordingly. Julian Castro would be a huge asset to Hillary's campaign.
This may seem obvious to all but diehard RW Republicans, but Jeb Bush could be the biggest threat to the Democratic Party since Abraham Lincoln.


Abraham Lincoln?
If Jeb is becomes President this board is going to hit ludicrous speed. It's going to go from 30 to 1000 miles per hour and stay there for 4 whole years, and if he gets reelected to a second term 1000 to 2000 miles per hour. It's going to be quite the ride. I'm sorry I hope it happens for that reason alone.
Hope you wont be too disappointed because he wont get the nomination not this time.... We can do much better

Kasich is my guy by far. However, I'm starting to like this idea of Jeb. To be quite honest all the GOP contenders suck, but it wont matter, because the gop senate will have the 60 votes to do whatever anyways.

The GOP hasn't had 60 in the Senate since Ulysses S. Grant. You live in a dream world.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
If Jeb is becomes President this board is going to hit ludicrous speed. It's going to go from 30 to 1000 miles per hour and stay there for 4 whole years, and if he gets reelected to a second term 1000 to 2000 miles per hour. It's going to be quite the ride. I'm sorry I hope it happens for that reason alone.
Hope you wont be too disappointed because he wont get the nomination not this time.... We can do much better

Kasich is my guy by far. However, I'm starting to like this idea of Jeb. To be quite honest all the GOP contenders suck, but it wont matter, because the gop senate will have the 60 votes to do whatever anyways.

The GOP hasn't had 60 in the Senate since Ulysses S. Grant. You live in a dream world.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

we already have 56.
If Jeb is becomes President this board is going to hit ludicrous speed. It's going to go from 30 to 1000 miles per hour and stay there for 4 whole years, and if he gets reelected to a second term 1000 to 2000 miles per hour. It's going to be quite the ride. I'm sorry I hope it happens for that reason alone.
Hope you wont be too disappointed because he wont get the nomination not this time.... We can do much better

Kasich is my guy by far. However, I'm starting to like this idea of Jeb. To be quite honest all the GOP contenders suck, but it wont matter, because the gop senate will have the 60 votes to do whatever anyways.

The GOP hasn't had 60 in the Senate since Ulysses S. Grant. You live in a dream world.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

we already have 56.
No. You have 45. On January 3 you will have 54. Not 56.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
This may seem obvious to all but diehard RW Republicans, but Jeb Bush could be the biggest threat to the Democratic Party since Abraham Lincoln. Hispanics are the fastest growing segment of our population, and a Spanish speaking President and Mexican-born First Lady would be an irresistible combination. Hispanic cultural values are much more closely aligned with the GOP, and it is only Democratic demagoguery about "immigration reform" which has countered this inclination.

Thus the attacks oh him from the Right and the Left. Strange bedfellows indeed!

Jeb would have a lock on the Hispanic vote. His son, George P. Bush just won his own election in Texas. If the handsome and Spanish speaking George campaigned on behalf of his dad, it would be devastating to democrats.

The way Democrats will get around Jeb Bush's son, George, is they will insinuate that he is not really Hispanic but, rather, a "white-Hispanic". Remember, this is a term recently invented by the Left to help them fit narratives.
This may seem obvious to all but diehard RW Republicans, but Jeb Bush could be the biggest threat to the Democratic Party since Abraham Lincoln. Hispanics are the fastest growing segment of our population, and a Spanish speaking President and Mexican-born First Lady would be an irresistible combination. Hispanic cultural values are much more closely aligned with the GOP, and it is only Democratic demagoguery about "immigration reform" which has countered this inclination.

Thus the attacks oh him from the Right and the Left. Strange bedfellows indeed!

Jeb would have a lock on the Hispanic vote. His son, George P. Bush just won his own election in Texas. If the handsome and Spanish speaking George campaigned on behalf of his dad, it would be devastating to democrats.

The way Democrats will get around Jeb Bush's son, George, is they will insinuate that he is not really Hispanic but, rather, a "white-Hispanic". Remember, this is a term recently invented by the Left to help them fit narratives.

Actually, that is what Righties, not Lefties, were screaming about George Zimmermann. You seem to get a lot of things backwards. Happens often with eternally butthurt Righties.

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