Jeb endorses Ted

I am sure their puppet masters ( the Koch bloodsuckers ) are making them back Ted Cruz.
You don't even realize how fucking stupid that sounds, do you? "Puppet masters"?
Interesting piece by Jonah Goldberg:

Nominating Donald Trump will end the Republican Party as we know it. So will not nominating him

Trump represents just the most pronounced of a spiderweb of ideological and demographic fault lines that are increasingly difficult to paper over. As Joel Kotkin put it in a column for the Orange County Register, the Republican Party now “consists of interest groups that so broadly dislike each other that they share little common ground.”

I really don't think its that complicated. I think that a lot fo them are just tired of the anti-American bullshit.
Its the pro-americans vs. establishment supporters
So do you feel the Republican establishment and its supporters are anti-American, then?
I don't think they are necessarily "anti-American", I just don't think they think about the effects of the policies they support. Kind of like the self branded progressives and liberals that support cankles.
The establishment is why we have a 122B trade deficit and its only March. The Establishment are the ones that keep our wages stagnate and its them that keeps the illegals here. A lot of the republicans know that and they are done. To them, its time to focus on Americans for once.
Just my opinion, obviously.

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