Jeff Sessions has had DOJ for 9 months... and hasn't drained a tadpole...


Gold Member
Jun 5, 2016
It is time to call a spade a spade.

Jeff Sessions was put in charge of DOJ by Trump to "Drain the Swamp."

9 months later, Sessions hasn't drained anything.

NOBODY has been indicted.

NOTHING has happened.

EVERYONE in government and politics is honest and in compliance with the law, according to Jeff Sessions, who can't indict anyone or anything...

Jeff Sessions is not draining the swamp

Jeff Sessions is the SWAMP

As a Senator, he did nothing but support and enrich the SWAMP, and the US went straight downhill during his tenure as senator. The one pattern for Sen Sessions votes was that each one put more money in his pocket than the alternative.

I'll suggest Andrew Napolitano

a brilliant legal mind, a patriotic American with the courage to tell Fox News and viewers he is a TRUTHER
I'll suggest Andrew Napolitano

a brilliant legal mind, a patriotic American with the courage to tell Fox News and viewers he is a TRUTHER

Nope. Trey Gowdy. Trump really fucked up with Sessions.
Jeff Sessions is qualified to run a grocery store in some Mississippi backwater town.
OldLady is very happy that precisely nothing has been "drained" by Beauregard....
Jeff can't do anything by himself. The DOJ is filled with Dem lawyers. Same with the FBI. The DOJ and FBI need a good housecleaning or swamp draining to get dependable staff. I support another special counsel, someone like Mukasey.
Trumps standing on Sessions to nail Hillarys ass, problem being, she has to be guilty of something - making up a bunch of horseshit charges like Trump and his drones always do doesnt work in a real world.
It is time to call a spade a spade.

Jeff Sessions was put in charge of DOJ by Trump to "Drain the Swamp."

9 months later, Sessions hasn't drained anything.

NOBODY has been indicted.

NOTHING has happened.

EVERYONE in government and politics is honest and in compliance with the law, according to Jeff Sessions, who can't indict anyone or anything...

Jeff Sessions is not draining the swamp

Jeff Sessions is the SWAMP

As a Senator, he did nothing but support and enrich the SWAMP, and the US went straight downhill during his tenure as senator. The one pattern for Sen Sessions votes was that each one put more money in his pocket than the alternative.


You have to remember he was part of the swamp.
Jefferson Beauregaurd Session is the swamp.
Between the UraniumOne deal and the Steele Dossier whereby Clinton cash colluded with the Kremlin, there are plenty of leads for a Special Prosecutor to follow. Whatever happened to the Clinton Foundation? Seems to have been a sham...
someone like Mukasey.


A lifelong left wing Dem Zionist who was installed as AG by W to cover up for Rove and others? The one who fired 7 US Attorneys for prosecuting Zionist crooks? Mukasey passed the Senate with Feinstein, Schumer, and Lieberman joining the GOP crusade to keep 911 covered up...

That guy?

You are either really really stupid or deliberately treasonous...
Whatever happened to the Clinton Foundation?

Jeff Sessions cannot find anything illegal at all in the entire US.

No politicians, government organizations, "employees," "foundations," nothing.

The US has precisely zero criminal activity in government ... according to Jeff Sessions.
He's as incompetent as Hillary ... just no where near as criminal. :p
You have to remember he was part of the swamp.

His record speaks for itself.

Jeff is militantly against legalizing marijuana. Marijuana is bad bad bad bad bad according to Jeff.

But pills? They're GREAT!!! Put them on the taxpayer dole, have them sloshed into the high schools. Kids on OxyContin are great because Sen Sessions got huge checks from big Pharma for voting to SOCIALIZE senior drugs as a "conservative..."

Jeff Sessions tenure in the Senate saw the US total debt go up 4 fold, 2 wars started over 100% lies, those behind 911 made above the law, NSA set forth and funded to hunt down and silence truthers etc...

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