Jeff Sessions wasn't invited to Camp David for the sleepover

Maybe they're going to sit around and smoke dope all weekend long?

And we all know how Jeff "Reefer Madness" Sessions feels about that!

Imagine the incoherency of Donald Trump stoned :D


Shit, he might really get his head together. There was I believe it was either Harvard or a University in Israel that did a study and said it could slow dementia.
I believe it was Harvard who said students could change identity daily.

No, no a study for Alzheimer's, could slow the progression or possibly reverse it.
Same with the identity thing. Both true.

Ok, I will have to read that.
If you think it's a good thing that Sessions gets let go, then you have more in common with we right-wingers than you'd like to admit.

He needs to be sent packing.

Face it Galt - the number one reason you want Jiffy gone is that you want Mueller gone even worse :wink:
Imagine the incoherency of Donald Trump stoned :D


Shit, he might really get his head together. There was I believe it was either Harvard or a University in Israel that did a study and said it could slow dementia.
I believe it was Harvard who said students could change identity daily.

No, no a study for Alzheimer's, could slow the progression or possibly reverse it.
Same with the identity thing. Both true.

Ok, I will have to read that.
Interesting bunch over there.

Harvard: Gender Identity Can Change On A Daily Basis | NewBostonPost
Shit, he might really get his head together. There was I believe it was either Harvard or a University in Israel that did a study and said it could slow dementia.
I believe it was Harvard who said students could change identity daily.

No, no a study for Alzheimer's, could slow the progression or possibly reverse it.
Same with the identity thing. Both true.

Ok, I will have to read that.
Interesting bunch over there.

Harvard: Gender Identity Can Change On A Daily Basis | NewBostonPost

That explains it all, I woke up one day licking myself thinking I was a dog. Then one day I was eating lunch and went Baaaaaaaa. Now everything is coming to light. lol
Jeff Sessions wasn't invited to Camp David for the sleepover

That's good. A man in charge of dispensing fair justice should never be seen fraternizing with one group over another. It would give a bad impression. Perhaps he himself declined an invitation for that very reason.
Shit, he might really get his head together. There was I believe it was either Harvard or a University in Israel that did a study and said it could slow dementia.
I believe it was Harvard who said students could change identity daily.

No, no a study for Alzheimer's, could slow the progression or possibly reverse it.
Same with the identity thing. Both true.

Ok, I will have to read that.
Interesting bunch over there.

Harvard: Gender Identity Can Change On A Daily Basis | NewBostonPost

Oh, in the years I did smoke and in the past couple years starting over I never once thought I was a woman. I know you all think I'm a female because of my id, but all man here.
If you think it's a good thing that Sessions gets let go, then you have more in common with we right-wingers than you'd like to admit.

He needs to be sent packing.

Face it Galt - the number one reason you want Jiffy gone is that you want Mueller gone even worse :wink:
Mueller isn't going anywhere you idiot!
I KNOW you'd LOVE it if President Trump got rid of Mueller but sorry your wet-dream isn't coming true.
Your hero Mueller has already given up on the 'collusion' hoax. And he's NEVER going to go to a GJ with a obstruction hoax.
A fucking traffic court judge wouldn't even hear an obstruction charge.
Face it pal. You're riding one of BONOBO's WHITE unicorns that's DEAD!!!!!
I just think the pot thing is a political loser. But ever since I learned the FBI has been investigating Hillary for months I don't really care about him.
Can anyone guess why? I'm betting that Keebler Elf gets fired within the next two weeks. Donald needs more chaos to distract from his failed presidency, talk of mental issues and the new Wolff book. Would Trump tap Pruitt so that he can then fire Mueller (which would happen almost immediately)? I say YEP! The question is whether the a-hole (or any Trump a-hole) could be confirmed. Considering the fact that there are reasonable Republicans in the Senate who know what the next step would be as well as many Sessions loyalists? - Long shot.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions is one of the few cabinet members who will not attend an inner-circle legislative meeting hosted by President Trump this weekend, fueling speculation about growing tensions between the two men.

Meanwhile, Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt, who will attend the meeting at Camp David, indicated this week that he'd be willing to lead the Justice Department, according to a report.

Pruitt has been telling close associates at the EPA that he would be up to fill Sessions' shoes if Trump gives him the boot, one person familiar with the matter told Politico.

"Pruitt is very interested," the person told the outlet. "He has expressed that on a number of occasions."​

Sessions not invited to Trump meet, Pruitt interested in AG post

Jiffy haz a sad, but cheered up after sneaking into Trump's bedroom last night to watch his "Gorilla TV" :)

For months, people have been bitching that Trump wanted too close a relationship with Sessions, and yet when Trump holds him at arms length at a strategy meeting, they are all over that, too.
Sessions is investigating Hillary's foundation which ought to please Trump.
If Sessions were to spend any time in the same state as Trump the media would accuse him of obstruction.
The meetings at CD were to work on US policy. The AG office has NOTHING to do with that you MORON!

Interesting - So why were some of these guys there and why wouldn't Jeff Sessions be just as involved with "US Policy"?


Here are the officials joining Trump:

  • Vice President Mike Pence
  • Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky.
  • House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis.
  • Senate Majority Whip John Cornyn, R-Texas
  • House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif.
  • House Majority Whip Steve Scalise, R-La.
  • Secretary of State Rex Tillerson
  • Defense Secretary Jim Mattis
  • Chief economic advisor Gary Cohn
  • Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen
  • Education Secretary Betsy Devos
  • CIA Director Mike Pompeo
  • Office of Management and Budget Director Mick Mulvaney
  • EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt
  • White House chief of staff John Kelly
  • Press secretary Sarah Sanders
  • Deputy Secretary of Transportation Jeffrey Rosen
  • White House director of legislative affairs Marc Short
  • Assistant to the president Johnny DeStefano
  • White House director of political affairs Bill Stepien
  • Assistant to the president Mercedes Schlapp
  • Assistant to the president Stephen Miller
  • Assistant to the president Andrew Bremberg
Actually that's probably the best thing he could do for himself, short of tripping. Get outside of himself and have a look at that Mount Everest-sized ego and finallly figure out how to laugh at it like the rest of us do.

Thinking that Window Pane acid might better accomplish that goal - Just separate him from the nuke biscuit before he drops.
The meetings at CD were to work on US policy. The AG office has NOTHING to do with that you MORON!

Interesting - So why were some of these guys there and why wouldn't Jeff Sessions be just as involved with "US Policy"?


Here are the officials joining Trump:

  • Vice President Mike Pence
  • Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky.
  • House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis.
  • Senate Majority Whip John Cornyn, R-Texas
  • House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif.
  • House Majority Whip Steve Scalise, R-La.
  • Secretary of State Rex Tillerson
  • Defense Secretary Jim Mattis
  • Chief economic advisor Gary Cohn
  • Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen
  • Education Secretary Betsy Devos
  • CIA Director Mike Pompeo
  • Office of Management and Budget Director Mick Mulvaney
  • EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt
  • White House chief of staff John Kelly
  • Press secretary Sarah Sanders
  • Deputy Secretary of Transportation Jeffrey Rosen
  • White House director of legislative affairs Marc Short
  • Assistant to the president Johnny DeStefano
  • White House director of political affairs Bill Stepien
  • Assistant to the president Mercedes Schlapp
  • Assistant to the president Stephen Miller
  • Assistant to the president Andrew Bremberg

Which one brought the Mazzola?
The meetings at CD were to work on US policy. The AG office has NOTHING to do with that you MORON!

Interesting - So why were some of these guys there and why wouldn't Jeff Sessions be just as involved with "US Policy"?


Here are the officials joining Trump:

  • Vice President Mike Pence
  • Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky.
  • House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis.
  • Senate Majority Whip John Cornyn, R-Texas
  • House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif.
  • House Majority Whip Steve Scalise, R-La.
  • Secretary of State Rex Tillerson
  • Defense Secretary Jim Mattis
  • Chief economic advisor Gary Cohn
  • Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen
  • Education Secretary Betsy Devos
  • CIA Director Mike Pompeo
  • Office of Management and Budget Director Mick Mulvaney
  • EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt
  • White House chief of staff John Kelly
  • Press secretary Sarah Sanders
  • Deputy Secretary of Transportation Jeffrey Rosen
  • White House director of legislative affairs Marc Short
  • Assistant to the president Johnny DeStefano
  • White House director of political affairs Bill Stepien
  • Assistant to the president Mercedes Schlapp
  • Assistant to the president Stephen Miller
  • Assistant to the president Andrew Bremberg
Still, if the electorate wants the DOJ to be independent and apart, especially in these times so chockful of investigations of all and sundry, it may be a consideration to keep him out of the smoke filled back room.
Or you could be right--some fine day when Trump is bored and feeling as if not quite enough is happening, he'll fire Jeff Sessions and then just sit back and watch the fireworks like an arsonist watches his own fire.
The meetings at CD were to work on US policy. The AG office has NOTHING to do with that you MORON!

Doesn't the AG's office work on U.S. policy? If not what the hell are they good for?

Of course he would - what was that US policy he just reversed after promising he wouldn't?
Can't remember - maybe one too many bong hits :cool-45:

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