Jeff Zucker resigns from CNN

Yes he was divorced at the time....I think the other woman was probably divorced too..

But that ain't why he was fired...he was fired because the ratings tanked at CNN ....this is just his way of saving facey understanding is he stepped down, wasn't fired.
He was divorced in 2019. If this started during COVID it was after his divorce.

All he is probably "guilty" of is a clause in his contract or company policy that requires someone in HR or Legal being notified if you are fooling around consensually with someone in a position inferior to your own.

The reason behind these policies is to prevent actual sexual harassment via intimidation or position abuse, but to me it's more about a company putting its nose where it doesn't belong.

When did the left go from free love to sex abhorring puritans?
Lol, not a good idea to dip the pen in the company ink. I try not to do it but like a lot of Americans all I do is work. I flat don't have time to get to know people outside of work. I what are people supposed to do be monks? Oh well strange life we lead.


Jeff Zucker resigns from CNN

Whom did he shagged, beside Allison Gollust... Don Lemon?

Now is a chance to put Fake News in the backseat

February 2, 2022 / Statements by Donald J. Trump

“Jeff Zucker, a world-class sleazebag who has headed ratings and real-news-challenged CNN for far too long, has been terminated for numerous reasons, but predominantly because CNN has lost its way with viewers and everybody else. Now is a chance to put Fake News in the backseat because there may not be anything more important than straightening out the horrendous LameStream Media in our Country, and in the case of CNN, throughout the World. Jeff Zucker is gone—congratulations to all!”
By Donald J. Trump

Woopue suspended and Hoax Man gone. Just like “from” versus”with” the bamboozled public is awakening
I dunno.Sounds like a set-up.The fat headed
tyrant caved way too easily.There is something else
going on.Since his Left has been found out.They are
scrambling and turning on each other.
Maybe serious Investigations once the GOP takes
both the house and the senate.CNN is guilty of much.
Lest of which not disclosing a fellow empoloyee he
was buddy buddy with.Maybe The Cuomos are looking for
a Fall Guy.King Zucker would make the perfect main foil.
Accuse him of all the sins of the now failed Cable giant.

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