Jeffery Epstein reportedly arrested for sex trafic

I'd like to see ALL pedos go to prison but your title is a complete propaganda LIE. The very first line in the article you posted says so,

"House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s daughter said that some favorite figures of both the Right and Left may be implicated in the sex trafficking case alleged against billionaire Jeffrey Epstein."

Thanks again for displaying how much a lying piece of crap you are. :thup:

Only the left were openly protecting their sexual long as they are useful.....
Sex monster jeffrey epstein was just arrested.....and now the democrats are afraid of their "faves" being implicated in the crimes.....

Here's the Washington Examiner report:

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s daughter said that some favorite figures of both the Right and Left may be implicated in the sex trafficking case alleged against billionaire Jeffrey Epstein.

"This Epstein case is horrific and the young women deserve justice. It is quite likely that some of our faves are implicated but we must follow the facts and let the chips fall where they may — whether on Republicans or Democrats," Christine Pelosi tweeted Saturday after news of Epstein's arrest broke.
And that's got to be a house-on-fire crisis for Democrats, too. It sounds like all kinds of Democrats are going to be found in Epstein's little black book of clients, not just Bill Clinton.

President Trump, by contrast, banned the pervert from his Mar-a-Lago club years ago. So much for pinning the scandal on Trump as Democrats had hoped.

Why would Christine, who's probably tweeting as a proxy to her mother the way daughter Alexandra also seems to do, say something like that? Up until now, most of us thought it was just Bill and Jeff, a disgusting partnership based on trips to the Dominican Republic.

Christine reveals that Democratic "faves" are involved, and not only were they involved, Pelosi & Co. knew about it ... and did nothing. That may not be what Christine meant to reveal. But it sure looks like that's what's coming down the pike.
Bubba (Bill Clinton) went to Epstein's sin island on numerous occasions.....but because Trump rode on an aircraft once with this pervert....the media will make it look like Trump is his best buddy.

Well, one of the women bringing charges against Epstein, said she was recruited for his sex ring while she worked as a towel girl at Mar a Lago, and was recruited by Epstein's girlfriend at the time.
Yeah....I'm sure it was Trump's deal all along.
At least you fuckers on the left are desperately trying to blame yet another Clinton crime on Trump.
The truth is Trump was on the manifest once with Epstein during a plane ride.....and that's about as close as he's ever been to knowing the prick.
He's Bill Clinton's buddy, but Trump only knows the guy because of the circle they run in.
I'm sure they've been to the same parties every once in awhile, but that's as far as it goes.
In 2002, Trump told New York magazine Epstein "enjoys his social life."

"I've known Jeff for fifteen years," Trump said. "Terrific guy. He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side."

Trump's longtime friend Jeffrey Epstein arrested for sex trafficking minors in Florida, New York Trump has known this guy so he's guilty of child-molestation?

Good luck proving that in court.

I imagine this is yet another smear campaign by the usual suspects.

BTW, Obama is good friends with The Muslim Brotherhood and The Weather Underground.

Both of them are terrorist organizations.

Is Obama a terrorist? Or is this just guilt by association?
Slow down there. I didn't say Trump was guilty of anything. I am merely pointing out that Trump's relationship with Epstein may have been more than you alluded to.

What is your interest in misrepresenting Trump's relationship with Epstein, anyway?
These leftist assholes TOOK ALL OF what they did and TRIED to pin it ALL on Trump now you know why they wanted to SHUT DOWN ALTERNATIVE MEDIA WE TOLD YOU DUMB FKS this was cominngg!! IT DID AND IT HAS AND IT ALL IS NOT FINISHED!!

your criminial heroes are falling bitchves Clinton Obama lmfao!!! SUCKERSSsss

Sunday Live Show: Epstein Arrest Equals House of Cards Collapse

View attachment 268315

REMINDER: Bill Clinton Took 'At Least' 26 Flights on Epstein's Lolita Express and Ditched Secret Service

Exactly how fucking STUPID do you have to be to post a Hateway Plundit link that refers directly to a Fox Noise link that already debunked the Hateway headline, literally FIVE POSTS ABOVE YOUR OWN??

:laugh2::laughing0301::laugh: :lmao:

Holy SHIT you are a fucking MORON.

Plugo runs from thread to thread screeching and flapping it's arms...and nobody cares

Obviously you do, and you have no answer for it. Because indeed there is none.
Sex monster jeffrey epstein was just arrested.....and now the democrats are afraid of their "faves" being implicated in the crimes.....

Here's the Washington Examiner report:

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s daughter said that some favorite figures of both the Right and Left may be implicated in the sex trafficking case alleged against billionaire Jeffrey Epstein.

"This Epstein case is horrific and the young women deserve justice. It is quite likely that some of our faves are implicated but we must follow the facts and let the chips fall where they may — whether on Republicans or Democrats," Christine Pelosi tweeted Saturday after news of Epstein's arrest broke.
And that's got to be a house-on-fire crisis for Democrats, too. It sounds like all kinds of Democrats are going to be found in Epstein's little black book of clients, not just Bill Clinton.

President Trump, by contrast, banned the pervert from his Mar-a-Lago club years ago. So much for pinning the scandal on Trump as Democrats had hoped.

Why would Christine, who's probably tweeting as a proxy to her mother the way daughter Alexandra also seems to do, say something like that? Up until now, most of us thought it was just Bill and Jeff, a disgusting partnership based on trips to the Dominican Republic.

Christine reveals that Democratic "faves" are involved, and not only were they involved, Pelosi & Co. knew about it ... and did nothing. That may not be what Christine meant to reveal. But it sure looks like that's what's coming down the pike.
Bubba (Bill Clinton) went to Epstein's sin island on numerous occasions.....but because Trump rode on an aircraft once with this pervert....the media will make it look like Trump is his best buddy.

Well, one of the women bringing charges against Epstein, said she was recruited for his sex ring while she worked as a towel girl at Mar a Lago, and was recruited by Epstein's girlfriend at the time.
Yeah....I'm sure it was Trump's deal all along.
At least you fuckers on the left are desperately trying to blame yet another Clinton crime on Trump.
The truth is Trump was on the manifest once with Epstein during a plane ride.....and that's about as close as he's ever been to knowing the prick.
He's Bill Clinton's buddy, but Trump only knows the guy because of the circle they run in.
I'm sure they've been to the same parties every once in awhile, but that's as far as it goes.

Why is it so hard for you to understand that if there was an island of underage sex slaves, that there was more than one crime committed by a lot more than just one person?

We know, you moron, the list of democrat child molesters and sexual predators is long and disgusting....and they were all protected by the democrat long as they were useful...
These leftist assholes TOOK ALL OF what they did and TRIED to pin it ALL on Trump now you know why they wanted to SHUT DOWN ALTERNATIVE MEDIA WE TOLD YOU DUMB FKS this was cominngg!! IT DID AND IT HAS AND IT ALL IS NOT FINISHED!!

your criminial heroes are falling bitchves Clinton Obama lmfao!!! SUCKERSSsss

Sunday Live Show: Epstein Arrest Equals House of Cards Collapse

View attachment 268315

REMINDER: Bill Clinton Took 'At Least' 26 Flights on Epstein's Lolita Express and Ditched Secret Service

Exactly how fucking STUPID do you have to be to post a Hateway Plundit link that refers directly to a Fox Noise link that debunks the Hateway headline, literally THREE POSTS ABOVE YOUR OWN??

:laugh2::laughing0301::laugh: :lmao:

Holy SHIT you are a fucking MORON.

Plugo runs from thread to thread screeching and flapping it's arms...and nobody cares

Obviously you do, and you have no answer for it. Because indeed there is none.

I'm just mocking you. Most do
These leftist assholes TOOK ALL OF what they did and TRIED to pin it ALL on Trump now you know why they wanted to SHUT DOWN ALTERNATIVE MEDIA WE TOLD YOU DUMB FKS this was cominngg!! IT DID AND IT HAS AND IT ALL IS NOT FINISHED!!

your criminial heroes are falling bitchves Clinton Obama lmfao!!! SUCKERSSsss

Sunday Live Show: Epstein Arrest Equals House of Cards Collapse

View attachment 268315

REMINDER: Bill Clinton Took 'At Least' 26 Flights on Epstein's Lolita Express and Ditched Secret Service

Exactly how fucking STUPID do you have to be to post a Hateway Plundit link that refers directly to a Fox Noise link that debunks the Hateway headline, literally THREE POSTS ABOVE YOUR OWN??

:laugh2::laughing0301::laugh: :lmao:

Holy SHIT you are a fucking MORON.

Plugo runs from thread to thread screeching and flapping it's arms...and nobody cares
He's more useless than tuts on a nun.
Well, one of the women bringing charges against Epstein, said she was recruited for his sex ring while she worked as a towel girl at Mar a Lago, and was recruited by Epstein's girlfriend at the time.
Yeah....I'm sure it was Trump's deal all along.
At least you fuckers on the left are desperately trying to blame yet another Clinton crime on Trump.
The truth is Trump was on the manifest once with Epstein during a plane ride.....and that's about as close as he's ever been to knowing the prick.
He's Bill Clinton's buddy, but Trump only knows the guy because of the circle they run in.
I'm sure they've been to the same parties every once in awhile, but that's as far as it goes.

Why is it so hard for you to understand that if there was an island of underage sex slaves, that there was more than one crime committed by a lot more than just one person?
So what in the fuck does this shit have to do with Trump......other than you're trying to blame him yet again for something the Democrats and their friends are guilty of?

I remember when I was in H.S. Wayne Nance was one of my classmates. Turns out that he was a serial killer. Am I guilty by association?

Can you read? TRUMP ADMITS he has partied with him.

Yes, and in the civil case against Epstein, trump was the only person who cooperated with the investigators. And offered to help.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

Which one? The one that got Epstein kicked out of Mar-a-lago? You know that if he knew he was screwing underage girls and didn't say anything until AFTER he got arrested that's not exactly Saintly.
Sex monster jeffrey epstein was just arrested.....and now the democrats are afraid of their "faves" being implicated in the crimes.....

Here's the Washington Examiner report:

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s daughter said that some favorite figures of both the Right and Left may be implicated in the sex trafficking case alleged against billionaire Jeffrey Epstein.

"This Epstein case is horrific and the young women deserve justice. It is quite likely that some of our faves are implicated but we must follow the facts and let the chips fall where they may — whether on Republicans or Democrats," Christine Pelosi tweeted Saturday after news of Epstein's arrest broke.
And that's got to be a house-on-fire crisis for Democrats, too. It sounds like all kinds of Democrats are going to be found in Epstein's little black book of clients, not just Bill Clinton.

President Trump, by contrast, banned the pervert from his Mar-a-Lago club years ago. So much for pinning the scandal on Trump as Democrats had hoped.

Why would Christine, who's probably tweeting as a proxy to her mother the way daughter Alexandra also seems to do, say something like that? Up until now, most of us thought it was just Bill and Jeff, a disgusting partnership based on trips to the Dominican Republic.

Christine reveals that Democratic "faves" are involved, and not only were they involved, Pelosi & Co. knew about it ... and did nothing. That may not be what Christine meant to reveal. But it sure looks like that's what's coming down the pike.
Bubba (Bill Clinton) went to Epstein's sin island on numerous occasions.....but because Trump rode on an aircraft once with this pervert....the media will make it look like Trump is his best buddy.

Well, one of the women bringing charges against Epstein, said she was recruited for his sex ring while she worked as a towel girl at Mar a Lago, and was recruited by Epstein's girlfriend at the time.
Yeah....I'm sure it was Trump's deal all along.
At least you fuckers on the left are desperately trying to blame yet another Clinton crime on Trump.
The truth is Trump was on the manifest once with Epstein during a plane ride.....and that's about as close as he's ever been to knowing the prick.
He's Bill Clinton's buddy, but Trump only knows the guy because of the circle they run in.
I'm sure they've been to the same parties every once in awhile, but that's as far as it goes.

Why is it so hard for you to understand that if there was an island of underage sex slaves, that there was more than one crime committed by a lot more than just one person?

We know, you moron, the list of democrat child molesters and sexual predators is long and disgusting....and they were all protected by the democrat long as they were useful...

Being a sicko pervert has NOTHING to do with political affiliation you fucking idiot. How awesome of you to try and turn fucking kids into a political discussion. It's a moral one.
Bubba (Bill Clinton) went to Epstein's sin island on numerous occasions.....but because Trump rode on an aircraft once with this pervert....the media will make it look like Trump is his best buddy.

Well, one of the women bringing charges against Epstein, said she was recruited for his sex ring while she worked as a towel girl at Mar a Lago, and was recruited by Epstein's girlfriend at the time.
Yeah....I'm sure it was Trump's deal all along.
At least you fuckers on the left are desperately trying to blame yet another Clinton crime on Trump.
The truth is Trump was on the manifest once with Epstein during a plane ride.....and that's about as close as he's ever been to knowing the prick.
He's Bill Clinton's buddy, but Trump only knows the guy because of the circle they run in.
I'm sure they've been to the same parties every once in awhile, but that's as far as it goes.
In 2002, Trump told New York magazine Epstein "enjoys his social life."

"I've known Jeff for fifteen years," Trump said. "Terrific guy. He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side."

Trump's longtime friend Jeffrey Epstein arrested for sex trafficking minors in Florida, New York Trump has known this guy so he's guilty of child-molestation?

Good luck proving that in court.

I imagine this is yet another smear campaign by the usual suspects.

BTW, Obama is good friends with The Muslim Brotherhood and The Weather Underground.

Both of them are terrorist organizations.

Is Obama a terrorist? Or is this just guilt by association?
Slow down there. I didn't say Trump was guilty of anything. I am merely pointing out that Trump's relationship with Epstein may have been more than you alluded to.

What is your interest in misrepresenting Trump's relationship with Epstein, anyway?
I could ask you the same thing.
I'm sure this is all known to the District Attorney in New York....but they were trying to figure out a way of fingering Trump without implicating Bill Clinton. I'm seeing stories coming out today showing pictures of Trump standing in a group that Epstein is also standing in....but we've known for years that Epstein and Bill Clinton are both into the same kind of shit. Just being at a party with a criminal is not an indictment on you. How should you know what someone else is guilty of.
These leftist assholes TOOK ALL OF what they did and TRIED to pin it ALL on Trump now you know why they wanted to SHUT DOWN ALTERNATIVE MEDIA WE TOLD YOU DUMB FKS this was cominngg!! IT DID AND IT HAS AND IT ALL IS NOT FINISHED!!

your criminial heroes are falling bitchves Clinton Obama lmfao!!! SUCKERSSsss

Sunday Live Show: Epstein Arrest Equals House of Cards Collapse

View attachment 268315

REMINDER: Bill Clinton Took 'At Least' 26 Flights on Epstein's Lolita Express and Ditched Secret Service

Exactly how fucking STUPID do you have to be to post a Hateway Plundit link that refers directly to a Fox Noise link that already debunked the Hateway headline, literally FIVE POSTS ABOVE YOUR OWN??

:laugh2::laughing0301::laugh: :lmao:

Holy SHIT you are a fucking MORON.
U embarassed you suppoRted and voted for the fkrs too Ewwwww your lover OBAMA is coming next BAHHAHHHAHA
Last edited:
Bubba (Bill Clinton) went to Epstein's sin island on numerous occasions.....but because Trump rode on an aircraft once with this pervert....the media will make it look like Trump is his best buddy.

Well, one of the women bringing charges against Epstein, said she was recruited for his sex ring while she worked as a towel girl at Mar a Lago, and was recruited by Epstein's girlfriend at the time.
Yeah....I'm sure it was Trump's deal all along.
At least you fuckers on the left are desperately trying to blame yet another Clinton crime on Trump.
The truth is Trump was on the manifest once with Epstein during a plane ride.....and that's about as close as he's ever been to knowing the prick.
He's Bill Clinton's buddy, but Trump only knows the guy because of the circle they run in.
I'm sure they've been to the same parties every once in awhile, but that's as far as it goes.

Why is it so hard for you to understand that if there was an island of underage sex slaves, that there was more than one crime committed by a lot more than just one person?

We know, you moron, the list of democrat child molesters and sexual predators is long and disgusting....and they were all protected by the democrat long as they were useful...

Being a sicko pervert has NOTHING to do with political affiliation you fucking idiot. How awesome of you to try and turn fucking kids into a political discussion. It's a moral one.

The democrat party is filled with perverts and sexual long as they support a woman's ability to kill a baby in the womb and donate money, they get protection from the party.....allowing them to assault low level democrat women for the effort.
Well, one of the women bringing charges against Epstein, said she was recruited for his sex ring while she worked as a towel girl at Mar a Lago, and was recruited by Epstein's girlfriend at the time.
Yeah....I'm sure it was Trump's deal all along.
At least you fuckers on the left are desperately trying to blame yet another Clinton crime on Trump.
The truth is Trump was on the manifest once with Epstein during a plane ride.....and that's about as close as he's ever been to knowing the prick.
He's Bill Clinton's buddy, but Trump only knows the guy because of the circle they run in.
I'm sure they've been to the same parties every once in awhile, but that's as far as it goes.
In 2002, Trump told New York magazine Epstein "enjoys his social life."

"I've known Jeff for fifteen years," Trump said. "Terrific guy. He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side."

Trump's longtime friend Jeffrey Epstein arrested for sex trafficking minors in Florida, New York Trump has known this guy so he's guilty of child-molestation?

Good luck proving that in court.

I imagine this is yet another smear campaign by the usual suspects.

BTW, Obama is good friends with The Muslim Brotherhood and The Weather Underground.

Both of them are terrorist organizations.

Is Obama a terrorist? Or is this just guilt by association?
Slow down there. I didn't say Trump was guilty of anything. I am merely pointing out that Trump's relationship with Epstein may have been more than you alluded to.

What is your interest in misrepresenting Trump's relationship with Epstein, anyway?
I could ask you the same thing.
I'm sure this is all known to the District Attorney in New York....but they were trying to figure out a way of fingering Trump without implicating Bill Clinton. I'm seeing stories coming out today showing pictures of Trump standing in a group that Epstein is also standing in....but we've known for years that Epstein and Bill Clinton are both into the same kind of shit.
Well, from my perspective I hope they nab them all.
Well, one of the women bringing charges against Epstein, said she was recruited for his sex ring while she worked as a towel girl at Mar a Lago, and was recruited by Epstein's girlfriend at the time.
Yeah....I'm sure it was Trump's deal all along.
At least you fuckers on the left are desperately trying to blame yet another Clinton crime on Trump.
The truth is Trump was on the manifest once with Epstein during a plane ride.....and that's about as close as he's ever been to knowing the prick.
He's Bill Clinton's buddy, but Trump only knows the guy because of the circle they run in.
I'm sure they've been to the same parties every once in awhile, but that's as far as it goes.
In 2002, Trump told New York magazine Epstein "enjoys his social life."

"I've known Jeff for fifteen years," Trump said. "Terrific guy. He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side."

Trump's longtime friend Jeffrey Epstein arrested for sex trafficking minors in Florida, New York Trump has known this guy so he's guilty of child-molestation?

Good luck proving that in court.

I imagine this is yet another smear campaign by the usual suspects.

BTW, Obama is good friends with The Muslim Brotherhood and The Weather Underground.

Both of them are terrorist organizations.

Is Obama a terrorist? Or is this just guilt by association?
Slow down there. I didn't say Trump was guilty of anything. I am merely pointing out that Trump's relationship with Epstein may have been more than you alluded to.

What is your interest in misrepresenting Trump's relationship with Epstein, anyway?
I could ask you the same thing.
I'm sure this is all known to the District Attorney in New York....but they were trying to figure out a way of fingering Trump without implicating Bill Clinton. I'm seeing stories coming out today showing pictures of Trump standing in a group that Epstein is also standing in....but we've known for years that Epstein and Bill Clinton are both into the same kind of shit. Just being at a party with a criminal is not an indictment on you. How should you know what someone else is guilty of.

It is always funny the Jujutsu the democrats use.......bill clinton and the other sexual predators are in about that Trump....
The Clintons have to be shaking in their shoes. Or putting in calls to see if Epstein can commit "suicide" before he spills it all. The Clintons would be the big fish, and does anybody think Bill and Hillary wouldn't spill on a lot of others to help themselves?
Ewww look more dirt omg OBAMA PLEASE BE NEXT

Yeah....I'm sure it was Trump's deal all along.
At least you fuckers on the left are desperately trying to blame yet another Clinton crime on Trump.
The truth is Trump was on the manifest once with Epstein during a plane ride.....and that's about as close as he's ever been to knowing the prick.
He's Bill Clinton's buddy, but Trump only knows the guy because of the circle they run in.
I'm sure they've been to the same parties every once in awhile, but that's as far as it goes.
In 2002, Trump told New York magazine Epstein "enjoys his social life."

"I've known Jeff for fifteen years," Trump said. "Terrific guy. He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side."

Trump's longtime friend Jeffrey Epstein arrested for sex trafficking minors in Florida, New York Trump has known this guy so he's guilty of child-molestation?

Good luck proving that in court.

I imagine this is yet another smear campaign by the usual suspects.

BTW, Obama is good friends with The Muslim Brotherhood and The Weather Underground.

Both of them are terrorist organizations.

Is Obama a terrorist? Or is this just guilt by association?
Slow down there. I didn't say Trump was guilty of anything. I am merely pointing out that Trump's relationship with Epstein may have been more than you alluded to.

What is your interest in misrepresenting Trump's relationship with Epstein, anyway?
I could ask you the same thing.
I'm sure this is all known to the District Attorney in New York....but they were trying to figure out a way of fingering Trump without implicating Bill Clinton. I'm seeing stories coming out today showing pictures of Trump standing in a group that Epstein is also standing in....but we've known for years that Epstein and Bill Clinton are both into the same kind of shit. Just being at a party with a criminal is not an indictment on you. How should you know what someone else is guilty of.

It is always funny the Jujutsu the democrats use.......bill clinton and the other sexual predators are in about that Trump....
They could ask Trump to comment on it so they can at least implicate him on any possible crimes or fake news they dream up in the future.
When the truth isn't an issue.....a person with a vivid imagination can make all sorts of shit.
Yeah....I'm sure it was Trump's deal all along.
At least you fuckers on the left are desperately trying to blame yet another Clinton crime on Trump.
The truth is Trump was on the manifest once with Epstein during a plane ride.....and that's about as close as he's ever been to knowing the prick.
He's Bill Clinton's buddy, but Trump only knows the guy because of the circle they run in.
I'm sure they've been to the same parties every once in awhile, but that's as far as it goes.
In 2002, Trump told New York magazine Epstein "enjoys his social life."

"I've known Jeff for fifteen years," Trump said. "Terrific guy. He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side."

Trump's longtime friend Jeffrey Epstein arrested for sex trafficking minors in Florida, New York Trump has known this guy so he's guilty of child-molestation?

Good luck proving that in court.

I imagine this is yet another smear campaign by the usual suspects.

BTW, Obama is good friends with The Muslim Brotherhood and The Weather Underground.

Both of them are terrorist organizations.

Is Obama a terrorist? Or is this just guilt by association?
Slow down there. I didn't say Trump was guilty of anything. I am merely pointing out that Trump's relationship with Epstein may have been more than you alluded to.

What is your interest in misrepresenting Trump's relationship with Epstein, anyway?
I could ask you the same thing.
I'm sure this is all known to the District Attorney in New York....but they were trying to figure out a way of fingering Trump without implicating Bill Clinton. I'm seeing stories coming out today showing pictures of Trump standing in a group that Epstein is also standing in....but we've known for years that Epstein and Bill Clinton are both into the same kind of shit.
Well, from my perspective I hope they nab them all.
I doubt that.
They've known for at least 3 years what Epstein has been doing with Bill Clinton.
The only reason they're going after Espstein now is because their media has gotten the memo and is pushing a fake news agenda to get Trump.
These leftist assholes TOOK ALL OF what they did and TRIED to pin it ALL on Trump now you know why they wanted to SHUT DOWN ALTERNATIVE MEDIA WE TOLD YOU DUMB FKS this was cominngg!! IT DID AND IT HAS AND IT ALL IS NOT FINISHED!!

your criminial heroes are falling bitchves Clinton Obama lmfao!!! SUCKERSSsss

Sunday Live Show: Epstein Arrest Equals House of Cards Collapse

View attachment 268315

REMINDER: Bill Clinton Took 'At Least' 26 Flights on Epstein's Lolita Express and Ditched Secret Service

Exactly how fucking STUPID do you have to be to post a Hateway Plundit link that refers directly to a Fox Noise link that already debunked the Hateway headline, literally FIVE POSTS ABOVE YOUR OWN??

:laugh2::laughing0301::laugh: :lmao:

Holy SHIT you are a fucking MORON.
U embarassed you suppoRted and voted for the fkrs too Ewwwww your lover OBAMA is coming next BAHHAHHHAHA

I'm embarrassed to be in the same species with a creature actually stupid enough to post shit that you do, shit that's already been debunked multiple times before you posted it.

Now THAT's fucking stupid.
Yeah....I'm sure it was Trump's deal all along.
At least you fuckers on the left are desperately trying to blame yet another Clinton crime on Trump.
The truth is Trump was on the manifest once with Epstein during a plane ride.....and that's about as close as he's ever been to knowing the prick.
He's Bill Clinton's buddy, but Trump only knows the guy because of the circle they run in.
I'm sure they've been to the same parties every once in awhile, but that's as far as it goes.

Why is it so hard for you to understand that if there was an island of underage sex slaves, that there was more than one crime committed by a lot more than just one person?
So what in the fuck does this shit have to do with Trump......other than you're trying to blame him yet again for something the Democrats and their friends are guilty of?

I remember when I was in H.S. Wayne Nance was one of my classmates. Turns out that he was a serial killer. Am I guilty by association?

Can you read? TRUMP ADMITS he has partied with him.

Yes, and in the civil case against Epstein, trump was the only person who cooperated with the investigators. And offered to help.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

Which one? The one that got Epstein kicked out of Mar-a-lago? You know that if he knew he was screwing underage girls and didn't say anything until AFTER he got arrested that's not exactly Saintly.
And you can prove this?
From what I understand Trump knew the guy was a weirdo...but he didn't have proof that the guy was doing anything wrong. He had just heard rumors like everyone else.
In 2002, Trump told New York magazine Epstein "enjoys his social life."

"I've known Jeff for fifteen years," Trump said. "Terrific guy. He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side."

Trump's longtime friend Jeffrey Epstein arrested for sex trafficking minors in Florida, New York Trump has known this guy so he's guilty of child-molestation?

Good luck proving that in court.

I imagine this is yet another smear campaign by the usual suspects.

BTW, Obama is good friends with The Muslim Brotherhood and The Weather Underground.

Both of them are terrorist organizations.

Is Obama a terrorist? Or is this just guilt by association?
Slow down there. I didn't say Trump was guilty of anything. I am merely pointing out that Trump's relationship with Epstein may have been more than you alluded to.

What is your interest in misrepresenting Trump's relationship with Epstein, anyway?
I could ask you the same thing.
I'm sure this is all known to the District Attorney in New York....but they were trying to figure out a way of fingering Trump without implicating Bill Clinton. I'm seeing stories coming out today showing pictures of Trump standing in a group that Epstein is also standing in....but we've known for years that Epstein and Bill Clinton are both into the same kind of shit.
Well, from my perspective I hope they nab them all.
I doubt that.
They've known for at least 3 years what Epstein has been doing with Bill Clinton.
The only reason they're going after Espstein now is because their media has gotten the memo and is pushing a fake news agenda to get Trump.
That may be, but at least they are going after him again since Acosta and Barr helped the scumbag out of a jam the last time. If Trump is as innocent as you claim, then no worries.

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