Jeffery Epstein reportedly arrested for sex trafic

They both love those little girls. God Bless Trump. Heads are exploding as we speak [emoji95][emoji95][emoji95][emoji95][emoji95]
They both love those little girls. God Bless Trump. Heads are exploding as we speak [emoji95][emoji95][emoji95][emoji95][emoji95]


Jeffrey Epstein Reportedly Arrested for Sex Trafficking - LIVE BREAKING NEWS COVERAGE
Jeffrey Epstein Reportedly Arrested for Sex Trafficking - LIVE BREAKING NEWS COVERAGE

Draining the swamp is what took place all the elites control those huge corporations pea sized brains can't seem to comprehend.

Also from Cernavich

Mike Cernovich on Twitter
View attachment 268185

Another updated source on this story

Report: Jeffrey Epstein Arrested in New York for Sex Trafficking of Minors

View attachment 268188

Slick Willy next?
The piece of shit child molesting rapist
45's asshole buddy and fellow pervert Jeffery Epstein has been arrest on Child Trafficking Charges.

Trump pal Jeffrey Epstein arrested for sex trafficking dozens of minors: report.

A notorious friend of President Donald Trump has reportedly been arrested.

Billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein was arrested for allegedly sex trafficking dozens of minors in New York and Florida between 2002 and 2005, and will appear in court in New York on Monday, according to three law enforcement sources,The Daily Beastreported Saturday. “The arrest comes about 12 years after the 66-year-old financier essentially got a slap on the wrist for allegedly molesting dozens of underage girls in Florida.”
So you believe the same about Bill Clinton right? I mean he has been seen with this guy more than Trump. Or is that DIFFERENT?
He will try and pardon him. He likes criminals and dictators.

Jeffrey Epstein Reportedly Arrested for Sex Trafficking - LIVE BREAKING NEWS COVERAGE
Jeffrey Epstein Reportedly Arrested for Sex Trafficking - LIVE BREAKING NEWS COVERAGE

Draining the swamp is what took place all the elites control those huge corporations pea sized brains can't seem to comprehend.

Also from Cernavich

Mike Cernovich on Twitter
View attachment 268185

Another updated source on this story

Report: Jeffrey Epstein Arrested in New York for Sex Trafficking of Minors

View attachment 268188

Connected to the child porn in InfoWars?
Interesting! President Trump said that Bill Clinton has a lot of problems coming up regarding Epstein and Pedophile Island.

When the shills talk about Trump’s relationship with Epstein, show them this video. Lawyer from the Epstein civil case states Trump was the ONLY person who cooperated with the investigation and offered information to help.

Sick bastard. It's about damn time. Maybe he will actually serve time like all the other criminals this time and not just on weekend nights. Flight records show Bill Clinton flew on Epstein's plane 26 times. Epstein is a Jew so this doesn't surprise me as Jews are notorious for their perversion and exploitation of Minors.

Somebody should send extra guards to guard the guards that are guarding Jeffrey Epstein.

BREAKING: Florida Billionaire and Clinton Friend Jeffrey Epstein Arrested in New York For Sex Trafficking of Minors

Jeffrey Epstein arrested in New York, charged with sex trafficking

Wonder if Trump will give him a pardon?

Epstein is a wealthy hedge fund manager who once counted as friends former President Bill Clinton, Great Britain's Prince Andrew, and Trump, who was his neighbor in Palm Beach at the time.

How about Hillary eating that underage vagina?
Interesting! President Trump said that Bill Clinton has a lot of problems coming up regarding Epstein and Pedophile Island.

When the shills talk about Trump’s relationship with Epstein, show them this video. Lawyer from the Epstein civil case states Trump was the ONLY person who cooperated with the investigation and offered information to help.

I love how these filthy Libs are bypassing the real problem of Bill and Hillary lover not the age children and they’re all focusing on Donald Trump. Liberals are the biggest scum hypocrites on earth
He happens to be a Jew. The Catholic priests are “notorious” pedophiles to be accurate. The fact that Clinton is friends with him, does quality that he is a POS though.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Yeah I heard that new liberal priest loves them little boys. His second in command under him was already arrested for bringing little boys in to the Vatican with a supply cocaine always.

Yyyyyeeaaahh ummmmm...... this just in, flying is legal.

Even when it's to Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, China, Brunei, London, New York, the Azores, Belgium, Norway, Russia and Africa.

That's from your own link btw:

>> but logs do not show Clinton aboard any flights to St. Thomas, the nearest airport capable of accommodating Epstein's plane. They do show Clinton flying aboard Epstein’s plane to such destinations as Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, China, Brunei, London, New York, the Azores, Belgium, Norway, Russia and Africa. <<​

We all know that he was Clinton’s main donor and friend who went to the pedo island often and you have to put up a picture with him and Trump. Just proves liberals are the scum of the earth.

Yyyyyeaaaah ummmm..... how is there a picture of him and Rump, when your own link (in my last post) says:

>> “There was no relationship between Jeffrey Epstein and Donald Trump,” he said. “They were not friends and they did not socialize together.” <<


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