Jena 6 is a fraud, and if black people cant be honest about it, fuck them


I love Andrea & April
Mar 7, 2007

Yeah you heard what i said, and i meant it.

Enough with the white guilt nonsense.

Blacks need to take responsibilities for their communities, its not whiteys fault for the their problems.

Stop being victims, stop making excuses for themselves

Duh, i guess its easier to blame white then to take any personal accountability
When in 2007, you still have areas in a public school that are explicitly "whites only" and Black students are threatened with death and assault for being there, who else do you blame? I don't condone the violence that followed, but to say that the White students and parents in Jena are without fault is a bit absurd.
I recently observed the playgound at my neighborhood elementary schools(2) and didn't see any racial groupings per se. I see white kids playing with white kids and black kids playing with black kids, ususally pairs which mean friends, and then kids of both races playing with each other, also in pairs or small groups all over the playground, a smattering of Asians and Mexicans too. Nothing to alarm me.

In the middle school much the same, only more gender groupings, girls with girls and boys with boys.

In the high schools, however, things are different. By that time, from listening to trash talking white teens, racism has been firmly established. Since I'm nearly 70 and nondiscript, teens don't pay me any attention and say things about the blacks that are right out of the KKK playbook. It's disheartening because they learn this from home or peers or visual media.

Sometimes I think a muzzle brake on "Hollywood" is sorely needed but thats considered censorship. Still it's not like it was before desegregation. Sports has brought the races more closer IMO.


I recently observed the playgound at my neighborhood elementary schools(2) and didn't see any racial groupings per se. I see white kids playing with white kids and black kids playing with black kids, ususally pairs which mean friends, and then kids of both races playing with each other, also in pairs or small groups all over the playground, a smattering of Asians and Mexicans too. Nothing to alarm me.

In the middle school much the same, only more gender groupings, girls with girls and boys with boys.

In the high schools, however, things are different. By that time, from listening to trash talking white teens, racism has been firmly established. Since I'm nearly 70 and nondiscript, teens don't pay me any attention and say things about the blacks that are right out of the KKK playbook. It's disheartening because they learn this from home or peers or visual media.

Sometimes I think a muzzle brake on "Hollywood" is sorely needed but thats considered censorship. Still it's not like it was before desegregation. Sports has brought the races more closer IMO.



Ever listen to what blacks say about whites? Or what Mexicans say about whites? I hear what Mexicans say all the time because they think I can't speak Spanish; which, always gives me serious satsifaction when they finally realize I do.

Point is, let's not make this out to be so one-sided. It most assuredly isn't, and racism isn't worse when whites do it. It's the SAME crap.

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