Jerome Corsi will not agree to Mueller plea deal

All this reminds Me of the conviction of Kavanaugh. How'd that work out for ya?
Q said Corsi is not to be believed.

Q's future isn't looking too bright, Skye...

And Mueller will find some other toys to play with, he knows which toy box is his and which isn't. These are not his toys. Nope. Huh uh.
Good. He can die in prison. He should have been locked up years ago.
When did he get convicted?

Since when do conservatives care about convictions?

Does "Lock her Up! Lock her Up!' ring any bells? And chanted by the Attorney General no less.

Under a republican adminstration of course.
Well, calling for her to be indicted is not the same as saying she should die in prison, but you have a minor point. The purpose of the chant is to get the Justice Department to act on the overwhelming evidence of her crimes. Whereas, in this thread, we are discussing a man holding to his principles and proclaiming his innocence of the charges.

They aren't calling for her to be indicated. They're calling for her to be imprisoned. And again, these aren't random idiots. This was the Attorney General chanting it.

And she's never so much as been charged with any crime. Let alone convicted of anything.

So I ask again.....since when do conservatives care about convictions?
The Attorney General has the authority to do it, so do you have proof of this?

Do I have proof that the Attorney General chanted 'Lock Her up"?

Of course.

Jeff Sessions repeats 'lock her up' chant - CNNPolitics

You'll ignore it, of course. As you don't care about proof.

They are calling for her to be indicted. Most indictments happen after an arrest, no? I'm sure she could afford to make bail.

No, they are calling for her to be locked up. Again, the chant is 'Lock Her Up!'

Its a three word chant. And the only part you aren't ignoring is 'her'.

Republicans don't give a fiddler's fuck about convictions. They want people inprisoned for crimes they're not even charged with. Let alone convicted of. Making your lamenting about convictions all the more adorable.
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I trust Q.

I totally and absolutely trust Q

that's is all when it comes to me ...ok?
Jerome Corsi revealed Monday that he was offered a plea deal on a count of alleged perjury by special counsel Robert Mueller, but will not accept the offer, saying he never lied to prosecutors about anything.

Video: Jerome Corsi Will Not Agree to Mueller Plea Deal


In other words Corsi won't lie for Mueller , good for him they won't like that so here comes the bs lies.

Riiiight... he just conveniently “forgot” about his emails discussing contacting Julian Assange.


Not to mention, I still haven’t seen anyone beyond Jerome Corsi claiming he is facing perjury charges. And since he’s a proven bullshitter, it’s entirely possible he’s fabricating this.
Good. He can die in prison. He should have been locked up years ago.
When did he get convicted?

Since when do conservatives care about convictions?

Does "Lock her Up! Lock her Up!' ring any bells? And chanted by the Attorney General no less.

Under a republican adminstration of course.
Well, calling for her to be indicted is not the same as saying she should die in prison, but you have a minor point. The purpose of the chant is to get the Justice Department to act on the overwhelming evidence of her crimes. Whereas, in this thread, we are discussing a man holding to his principles and proclaiming his innocence of the charges.
“Lock her up” is not calling for an indictment — it’s calling to skip a trial altogether and proceed directly to the penalty phase.
Good. He can die in prison. He should have been locked up years ago.
When did he get convicted?

Since when do conservatives care about convictions?

Does "Lock her Up! Lock her Up!' ring any bells? And chanted by the Attorney General no less.

Under a republican adminstration of course.
Well, calling for her to be indicted is not the same as saying she should die in prison, but you have a minor point. The purpose of the chant is to get the Justice Department to act on the overwhelming evidence of her crimes. Whereas, in this thread, we are discussing a man holding to his principles and proclaiming his innocence of the charges.

They aren't calling for her to be indicated. They're calling for her to be imprisoned. And again, these aren't random idiots. This was the Attorney General chanting it.

And she's never so much as been charged with any crime. Let alone convicted of anything.

So I ask again.....since when do conservatives care about convictions?
They certainly didn’t care as they cheered on Bush when he commuted the sentence of Scooter Libby after he was convicted on several felony counts.
why did he ... Corsi had to go against Q.....why......


and all those who didn't understand what is really going on....and took the wrong side......

all those well meaning ignorants who went against Q...... it's sad .....because some of them do have brains.....but in this case....they lose...

they are total losers....sad....real sad....

this could have been so different for them....oh well

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