Jerry Brown to Vatican: World Needs a Brainwashing on Climate Change


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
So many levels here. So many levels.


World needs ‘brain washing’ on climate change, Jerry Brown says at Vatican
Hmmmm... that's a new one, a left wing dingbat appealing to religious leaders for help in a brain washing campaign, normally the left handles the brain washing duties all on their own.
Question for our liberal friends:

Your goal is to stop man made pollution, right?

If yes, why isn't that enough? Why do you need a fake, unproven link to climate in order to crusade against pollution?

Virtually 99% of humankind would be on your side in an effort to stop pollution, but you lose 70% of them when you try to tie pollution to climate.

Could it be that the real leftist goal has nothing to do with pollution or climate? Could it be that the real leftist goal is complete control of human activity?

Think about that, you on the left who still have the capacity for independent thought.
Did pot head Jerry really use the term "brain washing"? Maybe democrats would be winning elections again if it was possible.
The left asking for divine intervention. That in and of itself
is note worthy.

Jerry won't be welcome in the state of Washington, they fired
the coach for kneeling and praying.

Meanwhile, those morons approve of the NFL kneeling to bring attention
to themselves.

That's the problem with the dems. They make it so difficult to understand
their politics/stances. I need a scorecard and a program. I need to know when
it is ok to frown when someone kneels or when to cheer.

I need to know when I can pray and too whom or when praying is taboo.

I've already given up dining out. No one has ever told me what bathroom
I'm suppose to use...The one with the sign "Sometimes a Man" or the one
with the sign, "Sometimes a Woman."
Question for our liberal friends:

Your goal is to stop man made pollution, right?

If yes, why isn't that enough? Why do you need a fake, unproven link to climate in order to crusade against pollution?

Virtually 99% of humankind would be on your side in an effort to stop pollution, but you lose 70% of them when you try to tie pollution to climate.

Could it be that the real leftist goal has nothing to do with pollution or climate? Could it be that the real leftist goal is complete control of human activity?

Think about that, you on the left who still have the capacity for independent thought.

come on libs, waiting for a response from at least one of you.
So the most loathsome creature in California and the most loathsome creature in Christianity have joined forces? What a match made in heaven, these two pigs deserve each other.
From what i read most of the posts in this thread are running in error. What my Governor said was to start with a clear mind. But the really big thing is most every industrialized nation is working to eliminate the excess CO2 production in their nation. The only group that is vehemently opposed is America's rethuglians.
From what i read most of the posts in this thread are running in error. What my Governor said was to start with a clear mind. But the really big thing is most every industrialized nation is working to eliminate the excess CO2 production in their nation. The only group that is vehemently opposed is America's rethuglians.
Because that’s how science works, you know, by brainwashing. It’s almost sounds like that other thing…. what is it? Oh, yeah, a cult.
From what i read most of the posts in this thread are running in error. What my Governor said was to start with a clear mind. But the really big thing is most every industrialized nation is working to eliminate the excess CO2 production in their nation. The only group that is vehemently opposed is America's rethuglians.

Try to pay attention to what I am about to say:

Man made pollution is bad, everyone on earth agrees with that

If the goal of the left is to stop man made pollution, why do you need to create an unproveable link between pollution and climate? Why isn't it enough to just fight against pollution?

Could it be that the real goal of the left has nothing to do with pollution OR climate? That the real goal is to control all forms of human activity in the name of "saving the planet"?

Please actually think about it before answering.
From what i read most of the posts in this thread are running in error. What my Governor said was to start with a clear mind. But the really big thing is most every industrialized nation is working to eliminate the excess CO2 production in their nation. The only group that is vehemently opposed is America's rethuglians.

you are totally wrong about "every industrialized nation" China and India and most of south America are pumping pollutants into the air at tremendous rates and are doing nothing to stop it.
From what i read most of the posts in this thread are running in error. What my Governor said was to start with a clear mind. But the really big thing is most every industrialized nation is working to eliminate the excess CO2 production in their nation. The only group that is vehemently opposed is America's rethuglians.
China, India, Russia.
'Jerry Brown to Vatican: World Needs a Brainwashing on Climate Change'

It's not like the Left hasn't tried.... :p

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