Jesse Jackson accused of sexual harrassment


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
I wondered if this guy was going to skate for life.
Be interesting to see if others come forward now.

Jesse Jackson accused of sexual harassment by The Root journalist

The Root writer and producer Danielle Young has come forward with sexual harassment allegations against the Rev. Jesse Jackson that she says occurred at a prior employer, a “popular” media company.

In an article titled "Don't Let the Smile Fool You. I'm Cringing on the Inside," Young says a meeting at the previous employer's company on an unspecified date ended with a “keynote speech” by Jackson. After his speech, which she says was about the responsibility of black journalists, she joined her colleagues in line for a photo with Jackson.

>> On Jesse Jackson: President Trump would 'not qualify' to get into Heaven

“One by one, we stepped up, shared a few words and thank-yous with Jackson, snapped photos and went back to our desks,” she writes. “Simple enough, right?”
Jesse Jackson accused of sexual harassment by The Root journalist
Wonder if others will be too afraid to come forward, for fear of the fallout for accusing a black man of sexual harrassment?
Also, will the civil rights community circle the wagons, or throw him under the bus?
I'm certainly no JJ fan; however, this is a very low level of sexual harassment compared to other cases that have been in the news. The lady didn't even think much about it when it happened accorded to the OP's link.

Of course the article didn't say which part of the thigh JJ touched. Was he getting close to being a pussy grabber?
I'm betting he'll get black privilege, and nothing of serious harm will come to him.
What is it with all these lefties and sexual impropriety?

Oh, yea; they're lefties.
Let's hope the next generation of Black Leaders is an improvement over Farrakhan, Reverend Al, and Gay-Jew-White hating Jesse. BTW what ever happened to this lawsuit by a harassed Gay staffer of Jesse Jackson?

Jesse Jackson Accused Of Sexual Harassment, Discrimination By Gay Ex-Employee Tommy Bennett | HuffPost

I remember that story now that you mention it!
The climate right now is different though, and Jackson could find himself in a lot more hot water. However, I won't be surprised if this is all swept under the rug.
It's a statistically proven DOJ/FBI fact that these violence-epidemic negro-utter-moron, wanna-be humans CANNOT keep it in their pants. Carpet-head males make up 6.5% of America's population and commit 79% of America's rapes. Which obviously proves that black humanoids are ill-suited to civilized society and we need segregation again. For the safety of America's 87% of non-blacks.

I'm a very fair white dude; all I ask is that race of violence and hatred stay away from me and that's all. For my own safety, I won't even allow one of those tree-swinging reprobates on my own property. Also because their victim-grievance-mongering makes me physically vomitous.
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