Jesse Lee Peterson: Trayvon a Thug

"Jesse Lee Peterson gives the racists in the Republican Party deniability. He let's them say, 'What I'm saying can't be racism because black people are saying it."
George Curry, editor in chief of the National Newspaper Publishers Association News Service and the Chicago Tribune's former New York bureau chief.


Condoleezza Rice with George Curry
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All of these articles are second-hand sources quoting the Huffington Post

However, it does seem that he said this.

Anyone can go to the Huffington Post article and see that he said it in the interview for the Huffington Post. He said it. It's funny that some people want to avoid answering if they agree or disagree with that quote of his I posted. :)

You know that this is a "damned if you agree, damned if you disagree" quote.

If I agree, I get hit with every racist attack from every different post on the board, especially since what he said was harsh.

I I disagree, I still get slammed by every race-baiter and race merchant on the board that will use this to vindicate Trayvon Martin, the Thug.

You've handed the Race Merchants an easy "win," since any intelligent discourse will be smothered before it can even begin.

Trying to play the cool innocent victim while calling Travon, "the Thug."
Anyone can go to the Huffington Post article and see that he said it in the interview for the Huffington Post. He said it. It's funny that some people want to avoid answering if they agree or disagree with that quote of his I posted. :)

You know that this is a "damned if you agree, damned if you disagree" quote.

If I agree, I get hit with every racist attack from every different post on the board, especially since what he said was harsh.

I I disagree, I still get slammed by every race-baiter and race merchant on the board that will use this to vindicate Trayvon Martin, the Thug.

You've handed the Race Merchants an easy "win," since any intelligent discourse will be smothered before it can even begin.

Trying to play the cool innocent victim while calling Travon, "the Thug."

hey, it was a "black guy"

in your other thread on white privilege?

double standards????????
apparently Jesse Lee Peterson is one of the few black people that has any integrity

REALLY? Why are you right wingers such scum bags? The man has NO integrity.

Anyone who had a OUNCE of integrity would not make a damning statement about a person he didn't know, never met and who can't defend himself. What Jesse Lee Peterson said is as low as a human being can get.
apparently Jesse Lee Peterson is one of the few black people that has any integrity

REALLY? Why are you right wingers such scum bags? The man has NO integrity.

Anyone who had a OUNCE of integrity would not make a damning statement about a person he didn't know, never met and who can't defend himself. What Jesse Lee Peterson said is as low as a human being can get.

You misspelled "Barack Obama".

apparently Jesse Lee Peterson is one of the few black people that has any integrity

REALLY? Why are you right wingers such scum bags? The man has NO integrity.

Anyone who had a OUNCE of integrity would not make a damning statement about a person he didn't know, never met and who can't defend himself. What Jesse Lee Peterson said is as low as a human being can get.

why don't you ask Barack about a typical white person

PS I keep forgetting

according to your bros I have white privilege.

Any thing I say is correct

fuck you nigga
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apparently Jesse Lee Peterson is one of the few black people that has any integrity

apparently Jesse Lee Peterson is one of the few black people that has any integrity

Have I missed adding you to the threat, "The list of overt racists"? Mea Culpa if I did. I'm certain you need to be placed on a new thread: The list of overt fucking asshole morons too stupid to recognize how stupid they appear to rational, normal human beings.
apparently Jesse Lee Peterson is one of the few black people that has any integrity

REALLY? Why are you right wingers such scum bags? The man has NO integrity.

Anyone who had a OUNCE of integrity would not make a damning statement about a person he didn't know, never met and who can't defend himself. What Jesse Lee Peterson said is as low as a human being can get.

You misspelled "Barack Obama".


"I don't know, not having been there and not seeing all the facts, what role race played.

"But I think it's fair to say, No. 1, any of us would be pretty angry; No. 2, that the Cambridge police ACTED stupidly in arresting somebody when there was already proof that they were in their own home; and, No. 3 ... that there's a long history in this country of African-Americans and Latinos being stopped by law enforcement disproportionately."
Barack Obama


"...the portrayal of Trayvon Martin was "some innocent little kid, tip-toeing through the tulips" was an "absolute lie." "Trayvon Martin WAS a thug. His parents know that, you know that, I know that"
Jesse Lee Peterson

Can your tiny little brain discern any differences Jethro?

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