Jesse Lee Peterson: Trayvon a Thug

apparently Jesse Lee Peterson is one of the few black people that has any integrity

apparently Jesse Lee Peterson is one of the few black people that has any integrity

Have I missed adding you to the threat, "The list of overt racists"? Mea Culpa if I did. I'm certain you need to be placed on a new thread: The list of overt fucking asshole morons too stupid to recognize how stupid they appear to rational, normal human beings.

I have white privilege

you god damned dirty ape

@ closed caption
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I liked Alan Keyes, remember him?

I Do indeed...and The "BLACK AVENGER"...From the 1990's... KEN HAMBLIN I spoke to him several times on air...HE was a Harley softail rider...Not to be Confused with Alan...Point is? There are plenty of black Conservatives out there...

Yep, there are a lot of black Benedict Arnolds out there.:lol:

Are you one of the liberals who puts people into a box and expects them all to think alike? That is clearly racist to assume how a person must think because of skin color. And when any minority has the gall to form their own opinions, they are called names.

Shame that liberals don't understand those of us who believe in the people more than the government.

Just because some realize that the welfare state has hurt minorities over the years and want them to soar the way they did - without liberal government keeping them down - doesn't make them traitors. It makes them people who understand what it means to go after the American dream. Waiting for government to improve your life for you by convincing you that half the population hates you is the liberal nightmare. Come on, rise above that and stop calling people names for taking advantage of freedom and liberty. Does it bother some liberals that many of us minorities actually know we are all equal and we go about building better lives instead of falling for the victimhood bullshit?

The reason the Trayvon Martin shooting became big news was because the race baiters take every opportunity to push hate and division. Never mind the truth of the matter. They are shameless the way they use such tragedies to their advantage and if it means changing the facts to suit their purposes, they have no scruples to stop them from doing so. The story they put out and the facts were contradictory. Why are some people so easy to fool? Too many were quick to judge and the hatred escalated based on a false narrative put out by a few radical black leaders. They wanted people upset and angry and probably liked the death threats that came after some people allowed their anger to get out of control.

What is wrong with so many people who do not have the capacity to calmly wait for facts and think things through before commenting? It's an epidemic.

At least Peterson waited till the dust settled and he had a chance to look at all the facts before commenting. I'd say that is better than those who ran with rumors and have yet to accept any facts that don't support their slanted view.
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Yes they are and they all deserve the death penalty with or without legal sanction.

Stupid and psychopathic.

Yeah, this old hippie is a HARDENED THUG! :cuckoo::cuckoo:


(That is, of course, Bill "Spaceman" Lee.)

He looks like Whitey Bulger. Another nice old guy.

You need to see your optometrist.
Black people trying to intimidate white people to gain power. Zimmerman had no choice.

Race hustlers to blame. This is coming from a black person too.

Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson To Piers Morgan: Trayvon A 'Thug,' Not 'Innocent Little Kid' - YouTube


It's coming from an asshole who makes inaccurate blanket generalizations about Black people, who just happens to be Black. Here's an example of what this stooge says:

"One of the things that I would do is take all black people back to the South and put them on the plantation so they would understand the ethic of working," Peterson told The Huffington Post's Black Voices on Tuesday afternoon. "I'm going to put them all on the plantation. They need a good hard education on what it is to work."

You can probably guess the demographic he appeals to; that particular demographic likes when Black stooges talk like that statement above. ;)

Why are there NO sources other than ONE Huffington post link on the ENTIRE internet to back up this claim?

Ask and you shall receive. This collection of links will give you a number of different paths to read what this boot licking, self hating, lawn jockey stated. Its of no surprise that he is quite popular on Stormfront.

blacks should be put back on plantations jesse lee peterson - Bing
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It's coming from an asshole who makes inaccurate blanket generalizations about Black people, who just happens to be Black. Here's an example of what this stooge says:

"One of the things that I would do is take all black people back to the South and put them on the plantation so they would understand the ethic of working," Peterson told The Huffington Post's Black Voices on Tuesday afternoon. "I'm going to put them all on the plantation. They need a good hard education on what it is to work."

You can probably guess the demographic he appeals to; that particular demographic likes when Black stooges talk like that statement above. ;)

Why are there NO sources other than ONE Huffington post link on the ENTIRE internet to back up this claim?

Ask and you shall receive. This collection of links will give you a number of different paths to read what this boot licking, self hating, lawn jockey stated. Its of no surprise that he is quite popular on Stormfront.

blacks should be put back on plantations jesse lee peterson - Bing

Oh, he wish they wuz in the land of cotton
and the civil rights law were forgotten.
All of these articles are second-hand sources quoting the Huffington Post

However, it does seem that he said this.

Anyone can go to the Huffington Post article and see that he said it in the interview for the Huffington Post. He said it. It's funny that some people want to avoid answering if they agree or disagree with that quote of his I posted. :)

You know that this is a "damned if you agree, damned if you disagree" quote.

If I agree, I get hit with every racist attack from every different post on the board, especially since what he said was harsh.

I I disagree, I still get slammed by every race-baiter and race merchant on the board that will use this to vindicate Trayvon Martin, the Thug.

You've handed the Race Merchants an easy "win," since any intelligent discourse will be smothered before it can even begin.

Why would you be so concerned about being "slammed" on a public site where anonymous individuals engage in voicing opinions?

That's why everyone here has a "screename" to protect their anonimity and their privacy.

You asked "why there was no other source than the Huffington Post on the Internet that had this story?" You got what you asked for.

So, if you have an "intelligent discourse", why not state it? Unless you are afraid to.
Black people trying to intimidate white people to gain power. Zimmerman had no choice.

Race hustlers to blame. This is coming from a black person too.

Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson To Piers Morgan: Trayvon A 'Thug,' Not 'Innocent Little Kid' - YouTube


It's coming from an asshole who makes inaccurate blanket generalizations about Black people, who just happens to be Black. Here's an example of what this stooge says:

"One of the things that I would do is take all black people back to the South and put them on the plantation so they would understand the ethic of working," Peterson told The Huffington Post's Black Voices on Tuesday afternoon. "I'm going to put them all on the plantation. They need a good hard education on what it is to work."

You can probably guess the certain type of people he appeals to; that particular group of people likes when Black stooges talk like that statement above. ;)

I have to believe that he made this statement for shock value, and of course to make it known that he agreed with Gingrich.

Unless he is so stupid that he does not realize that if "ALL" the blacks get rounded up and put on plantations", that will include him too.

Bottom line is that the bigots who he appeals to don't view him any differently when they are among each other.
"Jesse Lee Peterson gives the racists in the Republican Party deniability. He let's them say, 'What I'm saying can't be racism because black people are saying it."
George Curry, editor in chief of the National Newspaper Publishers Association News Service and the Chicago Tribune's former New York bureau chief.


Condoleezza Rice with George Curry

Democrats are presently and have always been the party of racism and bigotry. They need useful pea brains like you to help keep their projecting strong and growing, keep up the bad work.... :thup:
"Jesse Lee Peterson gives the racists in the Republican Party deniability. He let's them say, 'What I'm saying can't be racism because black people are saying it."
George Curry, editor in chief of the National Newspaper Publishers Association News Service and the Chicago Tribune's former New York bureau chief.


Condoleezza Rice with George Curry

Democrats are presently and have always been the party of racism and bigotry. They need useful pea brains like you to help keep their projecting strong and growing, keep up the bad work.... :thup:


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