Jesse Ventura...fraud or moron?

statement in support of architects and engineers petition:
"the many visual images (massive structural members being hurled horizontally, huge pyroclastic clouds, etc.) leave no doubt in my mind explosives were involved [in the destruction of the world trade center

yeah explosives that dont break windows when they go off.
Thats some real kool science .

blah blah blah
none of that explain how and explosive devices can have the force required to cut major girders and yet not break adjacent windows.

just saw one of his shows where he "interviewed" a woman on the 9/11 commission. Instead of showing the actual interview he creatively edited so you didn't know if the answers she gave were to the questions he asked.

I say he's a fraud out to make money off the gullible.

too many elbow drops to the head back in the day.
do you think he believes his own conspiracy theories? If so why would he bother showing edited information...why not let the facts speak for themselves?

because after commercials he has 20 minutes...of course they edit that does not change the shocking answer the 9/11 commission's lawyer gave
I have no dog in this debate but I'd like to follow it to whatever conclusions we can arrive at, anyway

I ask that we keep the content factual, and try NOT to insult one another.

Think that is possible?

CAn we remind ourselves that a difference of opinion does not necesssitate a comment about the poster with whom we disagree?

Can we sustain that level of posting maturity for this thread, please?

I also would like to peruse this thread and hope for the same editec...
wow, just flat out lied, he's a liar, and on purpose too according to you right? Probably just wants our money too huh? Maybe gets a kick back from! You slime bag parasite. You have to reach for any discrepancy, or off the cuff remark to somehow try to discredit this gentleman. So he may have said shit out of his ass for being unprepared for an interview, and took a guess, (he did use the word probably didn't he?) so what? You do it here all the time on this forum jackass. It doesn't mean he's this big liar your making him out to be. Stfu with your bullshit whining already. He's a better man then you'll ever be, and you fucking know it, you jealous little bitch. Please tell us all again what a great pilot you are? Whose backing the terrorists now? You act like you'd pat honjour on the back for doing such a great job.
Your statement about the man is disingenuous and slanderous, and another one of your over the top reactions. Do you even know for sure what part of the flight maneuver he might have been referring to? I'll answer that for you ya crying lil bitch. No! You don't. I bet you wouldn't say that kind of shit to his face you pussy..

:lol: Awww.... Isn't that cute! Eots couldn't defend his butt buddy so jones has to fly in, make an ass out of himself and pretend the fucking liars at eots' site are just "mistaken" because they got caught "off guard". :lol: Pathetic!!! You fucking truthtards ignore everything that debunks your theories and your "experts", yet we're suppose to just believe you fucking liars? I don't think so.

I am not a pilot. I have flown. A lot. Looking at the recreation from the fdr, it is clear how big the turn was, how long the turn was, and how fast they were going. I knew from looking at that that the turn couldn't have been over a g. I did the math. I was right.

So how can i, a non pilot, know something for a certainty when a supposed expert lies his truthtard ass off and exaggerates the effect to the point of lunacy! Why? Because it sounds better. Like all truthtards, lying is a means to try and get the stupid fucks to try and believe you, so the more unbelievable it sounds, the more you truthtards believe it.

So go ahead, jonesie. Prove i am wrong. It is math. It is science. It is a known, provable thing. Either i am lying or your conspiratard sites are lying. Here is your chance. Now go run away like your butt buddy eots. You're all a bunch of no good pussies who can't fight the fight when it comes down to it.

you have not even indicted what flight you are speaking of

Really? I have to restate what your lying piece of shit "hero" said? He was talking about Hani Hanjour and flight 77. Try to keep up. You're embarassing yourself.

So how about it. Have you been able to find any flaws in the math? Science? Logic? No? Didn't think so. That's why you now have to pretend you don't even know what I am talking about. :lol: LAME!!!!!

So quit dancing, pussy boy, and show me where I am wrong. Either that or man up and admit your own site of "credible people" are lying to you.

Or just keep running like the little bitch you are. :lol: I love it when truthtards expose themselves for the cowards and utterly disgusting people that they are. They try to portray themselves as good and patriotic, but all they really are is scared and pathetic without an honest bone in their body.
Scared and pathetic describes you perfectly.

When are you going to quit trolling and either debunk the math or admit the conspiracy site is outright lying to you. He gave the interview in 2007. The interview is still out there with no correction. Why? Because the more outrageous the claim the more you truthtards jack off to the idea. Sad, but true.
Yeah thermite exists. I have some experience with explosivwes.
I just have problems with 911 conspiracy theories.

And Galaxy Quest is one movie you should watch. It is full of conspiracies.
I find it very telling about you when you dismiss the criminals in the governments lies, even when captured on MSM TV for all to see, yet you think your some hero when this gentleman might have misspoken, or you interpreted his opinion wrong.
More lies from a proven liar. I've already stated publicly that the government lies all the time and that we don't know the whole truth behind 9/11, so your lameassed attempts to explain what I think fall flat.

As for the lying piece of shit "pilot", he said it in 2007. No attempt has ever been made to correct it and there is no room for misinterpretation.

So how about addressing his lie? Or is all you have left petty insults and lies?

Mr. Jones said:
Another pathetic reach on your part. You are protecting the criminals who have brought the nation you live in to her knees.
So they've been convicted already, have they? Wow. So produce the evidence and the indictment. You're not being an unAmerican piece of shit and convicting someone without a trial or even any evidence, are you? You would fit right in with the Salem witch trials. :lol:

Mr. Jones said:
Answer the question, what maneuver was he talking about? You still don't know. You assumed something, ran with it, and made a fool of yourself yet again.
:lol: It always cracks me up when truthtards can't even be bothered to read the quote. It just shows they're not here to debate or find the truth but to jack off to their ideas of what happened that have no relationship to reality.

Read up on him. Capt. Russ Wittenberg. It isn't the only lie he tells, but it is the most glaring and the easiest to disprove.

Which, once again, none of you truthtards have even attempted to debunk. You've run all around the issues. Thrown shit around like a bunch of immature monkeys because you have nothing else of value. But you have yet to address the lie he told and continues to tell.

Isn't it about time you truthtards stopped dancing with one another and stepped up to the plate to tell the truth?
the 9/11 commission member was not even aware of the missing trillion announced on sept 10... Outrageous
That's because, like the rest of your bullshit lies, it just isn't true. 2.3 trillion dollars are not PROPERLY accounted for according to GAO standards. It's not "missing". It is a wonder truthtards are able to function in society with all the pathological lying they do.
why cant we see the 84 still classified surveillance tapes ?...why did it take 5 years to force them to release 5 frames
You've seen all the ones that had anything on them. The rest didn't show anything. You really ought to try and keep up with the facts. All this lying really makes you look like an ass.
the 9/11 commission member was not even aware of the missing trillion announced on sept 10... Outrageous
that's because, like the rest of your bullshit lies, it just isn't true. 2.3 trillion dollars are not properly accounted for according to gao standards. It's not "missing". It is a wonder truthtards are able to function in society with all the pathological lying they do.

link please
why cant we see the 84 still classified surveillance tapes ?...why did it take 5 years to force them to release 5 frames
you've seen all the ones that had anything on them. The rest didn't show anything. You really ought to try and keep up with the facts. All this lying really makes you look like an ass.

then why are they still classified... That makes no sense
Wow, just flat out lied, he's a liar, and on purpose too according to you right? Probably just wants our money too huh? Maybe gets a kick back from! You slime bag parasite. You have to reach for any discrepancy, or off the cuff remark to somehow try to discredit this gentleman. So he may have said shit out of his ass for being unprepared for an interview, and took a guess, (he did use the word probably didn't he?) so what? You do it here all the time on this forum jackass. It doesn't mean he's this big liar your making him out to be. STFU with your bullshit whining already. He's a better man then you'll ever be, and you fucking know it, you jealous little bitch. Please tell us all again what a great pilot you are? Whose backing the terrorists now? You act like you'd pat Honjour on the back for doing such a great job.
Your statement about the man is disingenuous and slanderous, and another one of your over the top reactions. Do you even know for sure what part of the flight maneuver he might have been referring to? I'll answer that for you ya crying lil bitch. NO! you don't. I bet you wouldn't say that kind of shit to his face you pussy..

:lol: Awww.... isn't that cute! eots couldn't defend his butt buddy so Jones has to fly in, make an ass out of himself and pretend the fucking LIARS at eots' site are just "mistaken" because they got caught "off guard". :lol: PATHETIC!!! You fucking truthtards ignore EVERYTHING that debunks your theories and your "experts", yet we're suppose to just believe you fucking liars? I don't think so.

I am not a pilot. I HAVE flown. A LOT. Looking at the recreation from the FDR, it is clear how big the turn was, how long the turn was, and how fast they were going. I knew from looking at that that the turn couldn't have been over a G. I did the math. I was right.

So how can I, a NON PILOT, know something for a certainty when a supposed expert lies his truthtard ass off and exaggerates the effect to the point of lunacy! Why? Because it SOUNDS better. Like all truthtards, lying is a means to try and get the stupid fucks to try and believe you, so the more unbelievable it sounds, the more you truthtards believe it.

So go ahead, Jonesie. Prove I am wrong. It is math. It is science. It is a known, provable thing. Either I am lying or your conspiratard sites are lying. Here is your chance. Now go run away like your butt buddy eots. You're all a bunch of no good pussies who can't fight the fight when it comes down to it.


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the 9/11 commission member was not even aware of the missing trillion announced on sept 10... Outrageous
that's because, like the rest of your bullshit lies, it just isn't true. 2.3 trillion dollars are not properly accounted for according to gao standards. It's not "missing". It is a wonder truthtards are able to function in society with all the pathological lying they do.

link please

"According to some estimates we cannot track $2.3 trillion in transactions," Rumsfeld admitted.

They're not saying the money is missing. They are saying transactions were made and goods delivered, but they cannot track them. This is further backed up by other interviews.


So, as you can see, the money isn't "missing". It was used and the transactions have not been properly documented and accounted for. This also happened long before Bush ever came into office.

So why is it you always ask for links, yet never offer links of your own to back up your bullshit? :lol:
the 9/11 commission member was not even aware of the missing trillion announced on sept 10... Outrageous
that's because, like the rest of your bullshit lies, it just isn't true. 2.3 trillion dollars are not properly accounted for according to gao standards. It's not "missing". It is a wonder truthtards are able to function in society with all the pathological lying they do.

link please
He is a hopeless lying pos that dances around what is asked of him, and doesn't understand that the liars are the ones whose conspiracy theory he believes. He probably doesn't even know what part of the Pentagon and workers were killed that the question is based upon. He is hopelessly lost, what a joke. And he came here to "make 9-11 truthers cry" LOL! Well, you've succeeded alright, only we're crying with laughter at you!
The money can't be accounted for, but it's not missing!! What a pathetic excuse, holy shit!! If his bank said they couldn't account for his money, I suppose he wouldn't complain and say it was missing LOL! You are a sad ass mfker parrot!! :lol::lol::lol: It's gone but it's not missing...ROFLMFAF!!
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