jessie jackson arrested


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2013
The filibuster is preventing the totally corrupt Democrats from looting the taxpayers

found all with martin luther king the third . fighting ther voter i d thing. all these guys are a joke.
The filibuster is preventing the totally corrupt Democrats from looting the taxpayers

I disagree. The D's could get rid of the filibuster, but they don't want to.

The existence of the filibuster allows them to retain the illusion of party unity, even though they know they couldn't get all of their own members to vote for the Screw the People Act.

I wonder if Al Sharpton was with him.
Notice they didn't beat and try to kill Capitol cops?

I wonder if Al Sharpton was with him.
Notice they didn't beat and try to kill Capitol cops?
Jesse is way too old now. He is a REAL RACIST prick too.
Let’s say the Democrats did what some want and got rid of the filibuster have any of them considered what would happen if the Republicans took back the House and Senate next year and the Presidency in 2024? You do realize they would be able to repeal and pass anything they wanted basically unopposed because the Senate would have no power to stop them. Every few years the party in control could pass what it wanted and repeal what it didn’t like unchallenged not a good idea in my opinion.

I wonder if Al Sharpton was with him.

"Reverend" Al doesn't get out of bed for less than 20 grand.

I wonder if Al Sharpton was with him.
Notice they didn't beat and try to kill Capitol cops?
You don't remember when Jesse Jackson said that Obama should have his nuts cut off, do you.

I wonder if Al Sharpton was with him.
He must be short of cash. He has had himself out of the limelight for quite awhile now... he obviously is out seeking cash infusion again from the likes of Soros etc.

I wonder if Al Sharpton was with him.
Notice they didn't beat and try to kill Capitol cops?

They don't have to. They let their brownshirt BLM and antifa members do all their dirty work.

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