Jessie Ventura Joins Jane Fonda As The Most Hated Celebrity By Special Ops Community


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Jul 21, 2009

Jesse Ventura wins $1.8m defamation suit against Navy SEAL sniper Chris Kyle | Mail Online

Jessie Ventura won his defamation suit against the widow of former SEAL sniper Chris Kyle.

In my book this places him along side Jane Fonda.

This guy is the lowest of the low. To think he was actually flapping his gums at a wake for another dead SEAL, saying more deserve to die. Ventura claims that Kyle revealed this episode in his book and it cost him millions.

I think his lawsuit will cost him even more.
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Ventura testified that Kyle fabricated the passage about punching him.
Legal experts had said Ventura had to clear a high legal bar to win, since as a public figure he had to prove 'actual malice.'
Looks like he proved it.

I haven't read the book but I wonder what else he might have fabricated.

See, if Hillary Clinton had lost a defamation suit like this you guys would be all over it wouldn't ya'?
Ventura testified that Kyle fabricated the passage about punching him.
Legal experts had said Ventura had to clear a high legal bar to win, since as a public figure he had to prove 'actual malice.'
Looks like he proved it.

I haven't read the book but I wonder what else he might have fabricated.

See, if Hillary Clinton had lost a defamation suit like this you guys would be all over it wouldn't ya'?

He didn't lose. He won.

If the guy wanted a trial before his peers I doubt he would have won in the first place.

A jury of former SEALs would have returned a verdict of not guilty.

Ventura's name is mud.

End of story.
Did Ventura need the money? Did he hate the Seals even though he claimed to have been one? Why would he intentionally hurt the wife of a deceased Seal? Maybe he is just going nuts.
Did Ventura need the money? Did he hate the Seals even though he claimed to have been one? Why would he intentionally hurt the wife of a deceased Seal? Maybe he is just going nuts.

He's a big mouth liberal.

He can't help himself.
He was definitely a SEAL as that outfit doesn't take kindly to folks who claim to be members of their fraternity who really aren't. The make-believers get one warning to cease and desist. If they do, fine, but if not a few former SEALs will happen to run into the offender somewhere and convince him otherwise.
He's an egomaniac, which is why he's a conspiracy loon these days as well; he knows better than most everyone else, dontcha know...

What a total scumbag this man is. His soul is corrupted.
This is sad. Ventura WAS a first rate soldier and a great American. I wonder if all of the steroids rotted his brain. Shame.
Jessie WON his Defamation suit. Sniper Kyle Defamed him. Those are the facts. You Flag Wavers will just have to live with that.

Anyone read his book? Now you can't be certain he didn't "embellish" that too!

Jessie is in NO WAY the same position as Jane Fonda. Hanoi Jane posed for pics on an enemy gun emplacement.

Show me where Jessie did the same. You can't.
The author of the book was murdered last another veteran. Makes ya wonder just how many vets he (the author) pissed off...and why.
Most of the people who talk trash about Ventura have contributed no military service nor will they ever hold a prestigious position like governor.

Don't matter if he's always talking about conspiracies, he will be right and wrong about different issues just like any human.

Jesse Ventura wins $1.8m defamation suit against Navy SEAL sniper Chris Kyle | Mail Online

Jessie Ventura won his defamation suit against the widow of former SEAL sniper Chris Kyle.

In my book this places him along side Jane Fonda.

This guy is the lowest of the low. To think he was actually flapping his gums at a wake for another dead SEAL, saying more deserve to die. Ventura claims that Kyle revealed this episode in his book and it cost him millions.

I think his lawsuit will cost him even more.
so... you're mad at ventura because somebody else lied about him and he called them on it and won the argument in a court of law?

how in the hell does that make sense?
Kyle was a schmuck that lied publicly.

Now the courts have said as much.
The author of the book was murdered last another veteran. Makes ya wonder just how many vets he (the author) pissed off...and why.

That kind of was the height of stupidity more than it was pissing someone off.

He gave a mentally ill vet a gun to treat his mental illness.

How fucking stupid is that?
Jessie Ventura was not a SEAL. He was a UDT, which was one of the precursors of the SEALS.

Chris Kyle was not the most truthful of men. He claimed to have killed 2 men trying to carjack him, but no such deaths were discovered and no place even close to where he said it happened has any knowledge.
He claimed he killed many looters in the aftermath of Katrina, but no one else backs that up.

Yes it is possible that he was telling the truth yet none of his stories can be substantiated, but it doesn't seem likely.

Since Ventura won the defamation suit, that means no one could back up Kyle's story of punching Ventura.

That being said....Ventura is an ass for pursuing the suit after Kyle was murdered. Kyle's widow didn't defame Ventura and it's her money he's taking.

The verdict was almost certainly correct, but the suit should have been withdrawn.
Jessie WON his Defamation suit. Sniper Kyle Defamed him. Those are the facts. You Flag Wavers will just have to live with that.

Anyone read his book? Now you can't be certain he didn't "embellish" that too!

Jessie is in NO WAY the same position as Jane Fonda. Hanoi Jane posed for pics on an enemy gun emplacement.

Show me where Jessie did the same. You can't.

Talking shit at one of my teamer's funerals wouldn't have endeared him with the rest of us. He's lucky he got away with just a punch in the mouth.

He would have been better off dropping the whole thing. Time has a way of healing old wounds and Ventura reopened one.
Talking shit at one of my teamer's funerals wouldn't have endeared him with the rest of us. He's lucky he got away with just a punch in the mouth.
Yeah, except he didn't do that. The incident never happened. Ventura didn't say the crap Kyle claimed and was never punched by Kyle.

Your reaction is why Ventura won the lawsuit...Kyle made shit up and that has hurt Ventura's reputation and directly impacted his life.
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The author of the book was murdered last another veteran. Makes ya wonder just how many vets he (the author) pissed off...and why.

That kind of was the height of stupidity more than it was pissing someone off.

He gave a mentally ill vet a gun to treat his mental illness.

How fucking stupid is that?

PTSD isn't the same as mentally ill.

Sudden loud noises can cause an episode, which varies in severity. Usually a loud boom would cause me to hit to floor. It lasted for about a year for me. Some people don't even see combat and experience it.

For more than two years after the incident at Parry Peak, his family sought help through the Veterans Health Administration. They found themselves adrift in a system struggling to meet the demands spurred by a decade of war and the aging veterans of past conflicts. A U.S. Senate committee reported in 2011 that 40 percent of VA mental health care providers couldn't schedule an appointment for a new patient within the mandated two-week window; 70 percent said they did not have enough staff or space to do their jobs. In Dallas, the VA psychiatric ward was briefly closed to admissions in 2008, after too many veterans in its care committed suicide.

Each day, 22 veterans take their own lives. But here is the paradox: The U.S. government is, in fact, pouring record funding into post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD—$423 million projected this year, up 36 percent just from 2009. To help explain why the system still fails a disturbing number of veterans, some experts offer an answer as unpopular as it is politically radioactive: Clinics are clogged with too many veterans who don't need to be there and are siphoning resources from those like Eddie, who do.
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