Jessie Ventura Joins Jane Fonda As The Most Hated Celebrity By Special Ops Community

Talking shit at one of my teamer's funerals wouldn't have endeared him with the rest of us. He's lucky he got away with just a punch in the mouth.
Yeah, except he didn't do that. The incident never happened. Ventura didn't say the crap Kyle claimed and was never punched by Kyle.

Your reaction is why Ventura won the lawsuit...Kyle made shit up and that has hurt Ventura's reputation and directly impacted his life.

I've heard some of the nonsensical bs Ventura says.

I tend to believe Kyle over a wacko like Ventura.

Let me ask you this, is going after his widow going to fix his career? Ventura ruined his career long before he met Chris Kyle.
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Jessie Ventura was not a SEAL. He was a UDT, which was one of the precursors of the SEALS.

Chris Kyle was not the most truthful of men. He claimed to have killed 2 men trying to carjack him, but no such deaths were discovered and no place even close to where he said it happened has any knowledge.
He claimed he killed many looters in the aftermath of Katrina, but no one else backs that up.

Yes it is possible that he was telling the truth yet none of his stories can be substantiated, but it doesn't seem likely.

Since Ventura won the defamation suit, that means no one could back up Kyle's story of punching Ventura.

That being said....Ventura is an ass for pursuing the suit after Kyle was murdered. Kyle's widow didn't defame Ventura and it's her money he's taking.

The verdict was almost certainly correct, but the suit should have been withdrawn.
why should his widow benefit from a lie any more than kyle would have?

if a bank robber is gunned down fleeing the seen of the crime they don't just go ahead and give the money to his widow, do they?
Jesse Ventura:

Failure as a wrestler.
Failure as a color commentator.
Failure as a governor.
Failure as a Navy SEAL.
Failure as an American.
Failure as a human being.
I'm happy for Ventura. He was defamed by Chris Kyle (CK), in Kyle's effort to publicize his book and make money, and he owed Jesse restitution. That was proven in a court of law.

If CK's story had been true, he could have gotten many people who were at the wake and in the bar to testify, but that didn't happen.

Jesse got the former seal who owned the bar in question to testify that no such incident occurred in his bar.

One of the two is lying, and it is apparent and has been proven in court that CK was the liar. And yes, Jesse needed to go to court to prove it.

Here is a video interview where CK talks about the incident, in the first minute he looks down 3 times as he gets ready to answer, like he is ashamed of what he is about to say.

There is a law against slander and defamation of character for a reason, and we should not give people a pass when they do it. Rick Pitino, a college basketball coach, cooperated with police and recorded a woman trying to extort money from him, trying to say that their casual sex encounter was a rape. She's was convicted and is doing time now. That is the only way to discourage women from crying rape when it was not a rape. If you can, prove it was not a rape, convict them, and send them to jail for lying to the police. The same is true if they use it as a threat to extort money from a celebrity.

In this case, I think CK was trying to make a name for himself to publicize his book (last I saw, he made $6 million on the book), which was published by Harper Collins which is owned by Rupert Murdock's company News Corp. It's big business, but there is a line between right and wrong, and CK crossed the line. Now he has to pay the price. Jesse has lawyers to pay.
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Kyle was a schmuck that lied publicly.

Now the courts have said as much.

Kyle and Ventura are both self-promoters with a casual relationship with the truth and a tendency to embellish.

That said, it was poor form for Ventura to keep up with this lawsuit after Kyle had been killed.

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