Zone1 Jesus did not intend for us to go by the Bible alone


Platinum Member
Apr 22, 2024
[If the following sounds familiar, it is posted elsewhere..]

I'm tired of this Bible alone nonsense.

The Bible was put together by.. what? whom? The Catholic Church in the 4th century. Everyone these days goes on about Scripture (great) but forgets/abandons the Church that gave us scripture (the New T)

That doesn't make one bit of sense

Jesus did NOT.. repeat.. did NOT say that the Bible was to be our Church (go ahead and try to find where He said that in scripture)

He said that he would build His Church, though.. Mt 16:18 (and even Hell cannot destroy it)

There is NO Church that goes back in history further than the Catholic Church.

So any purported "church" that comes along after the first century cannot be trusted as being the one Christ founded. That seems logical enough

But few believe it. And speaking of FEW

Jesus said that


find the Narrow Way to Heaven.

So.. something you'd think people would be concerned about..
Are you saying the Catholic Church is the other thing?
wow, you must have read the OP!

Jesus never, that we know of, said to read Scripture and that is all we need to do to be close to Him, to get to Heaven..

But he did say that the very gates of Hell could not prevail against his Church
wow, you must have read the OP!

Jesus never, that we know of, said to read Scripture and that is all we need to do to be close to Him, to get to Heaven..

But he did say that the very gates of Hell could not prevail against his Church

Completely wrong, but interesting nonetheless.

Completely wrong, but interesting nonetheless.
typical liberal: make a statement of opinion, as though it were not mere opinion but FACT

yet give no corroborating evidence to support the alleged fact..

sigh.. You liberals.. so predictable. You can't prove or even begin to prove I am "completely wrong" but I guess you figure just saying that I'm wrong suffices.

typical liberal: make a statement of opinion, as though it were not mere opinion but FACT

yet give no corroborating evidence to support the alleged fact..

sigh.. You liberals.. so predictable. You can't prove or even begin to prove I am "completely wrong" but I guess you figure just saying that I'm wrong suffices.

Jesus specifically stated that He is the Way to Heaven in John 14:6
You need to study your Bible.
Jesus specifically stated that He is the Way to Heaven in John 14:6
You need to study your Bible.
I dare say I've studied it more than anyone on this Board

But I don't take the Bible out of context, and the ultimate Context of which I speak is the Church that put the Bible together centuries ago
I dare say I've studied it more than anyone on this Board

But I don't take the Bible out of context, and the ultimate Context of which I speak is the Church that put the Bible together centuries ago
What text are you using for the premise of your OP?
What text are you using for the premise of your OP?
What text?

I don't get the question. The background for my position on Church matters is that I have studied Church history and Church teachings AND I have read the entire Bible, most reliable version thereof.

Oh wait, I was about to fly off to annoy other posters.. lol.. but I also have something else to inform me of what is true and what is not

well, 2 things

I have a brain
2) I have had innumerable EXPERIENCES with the natural, supernatural and preternatural
The Bible was put together by.. what? whom? The Catholic Church in the 4th century. Everyone these days goes on about Scripture (great) but forgets/abandons the Church that gave us scripture (the New T)

That doesn't make one bit of sense
There was an existing Bible by 100 AD with 1 book joining around that time (Revelations) but it was complete by that time.

The book of Jude was the last to join as it was written but uncirculated as where it was kept was in an isolated city. So it didn't arrive until 300AD.

Even Paul's "lost letters" were being circulated and included....they have since been removed in favor of the current letters of Paul which are more complete and contain all that was in the "lost letters" that never really were lost at all.

As far as the Catholic/General Church....before Constantine made Christianity an official church of the Roman Empire less than 5% of the world was Christian at that time with not much more than mission/plant churches in most of Asia (Turkey) and Europe and Egypt roaming into Northern Africa....(all the way into Spain)

They were a cohesive group (unlike today with the horrible things said about others). The Early Church fathers disagreed heavily and substantially in various aspects of theologies concerning prophesy but that in no way equals the vast distances today in denominational differences.

Because the Early Church was so small and ill equipped the transcribing of the New Testament immediately went into transcription errors as they sought to transcribe thoughts occasionally instead of precisely what was written in places.. but today most of these have been cleared up and today's manuscripts are more accurate than even the earliest of copies of the New Testament that were in existence around 100 AD. (Revelations being written around 66-67 AD and the NT largely being completely written by 60AD)

So....I'm not exactly sure what you are going on about. The Bible is a miracle in itself standing as a witness to God's Power and Sovereignty as well as his Love for mankind.
What text?

I don't get the question. The background for my position on Church matters is that I have studied Church history and Church teachings AND I have read the entire Bible, most reliable version thereof.

Oh wait, I was about to fly off to annoy other posters.. lol.. but I also have something else to inform me of what is true and what is not

well, 2 things

I have a brain
2) I have had innumerable EXPERIENCES with the natural, supernatural and preternatural
Yeah, well I view the Bible as my ultimate source of Authority, and clearly you see the Catholic Church as yours, so there's no base of agreement.

I'll just dust my shoes off and carry on. Peace.
There was an existing Bible by 100 AD with 1 book joining around that time (Revelations) but it was complete by that time.

The book of Jude was the last to join as it was written but uncirculated as where it was kept was in an isolated city. So it didn't arrive until 300AD.

Even Paul's "lost letters" were being circulated and included....they have since been removed in favor of the current letters of Paul which are more complete and contain all that was in the "lost letters" that never really were lost at all.

As far as the Catholic/General Church....before Constantine made Christianity an official church of the Roman Empire less than 5% of the world was Christian at that time with not much more than mission/plant churches in most of Asia (Turkey) and Europe and Egypt roaming into Northern Africa....(all the way into Spain)

They were a cohesive group (unlike today with the horrible things said about others). The Early Church fathers disagreed heavily and substantially in various aspects of theologies concerning prophesy but that in no way equals the vast distances today in denominational differences.

Because the Early Church was so small and ill equipped the transcribing of the New Testament immediately went into transcription errors as they sought to transcribe thoughts occasionally instead of precisely what was written in places.. but today most of these have been cleared up and today's manuscripts are more accurate than even the earliest of copies of the New Testament that were in existence around 100 AD. (Revelations being written around 66-67 AD and the NT largely being completely written by 60AD)

So....I'm not exactly sure what you are going on about. The Bible is a miracle in itself standing as a witness to God's Power and Sovereignty as well as his Love for mankind.

I've read about half of this, but will have to read the rest later. for one, I am tired of arguing w/ protestants who don't listen, which is 98% of them.. For another, I haven't found anyone who understands Church history half as well as I do so I suspect there is much misinformation in this post.. but I will read the whle thing b4 I conclude that absolutely.
Yeah, well I view the Bible as my ultimate source of Authority, and clearly you see the Catholic Church as yours, so there's no base of agreement.

I'll just dust my shoes off and carry on. Peace.

Jesus said that the CHURCH would prevail, not the Bible, although the Bible is very much a part of the Church

Again, Protestants can believe what they want. I am tired of trying to get anyone to even listen to what I am saying.. People are so closed minded when it comes to their religion.. act like I couldn't possibly know anything about the Catholic Church that they don't already know.. and that is RIDICULOUS since they know almost NOTHING.

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