Jesus died for your sins ??


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 21, 2020
Phoenix, AZ
I don’t get it ??
So every child rapist , murderer , serial killer or anyone who committed any violent act that resulted in the injury or death of anyone is 100 percent cleared ??
Even 2,000 yrs after Jesus ?? You can kill 60 folks and just say you’re already cleared by Jesus
Wtf ???
You’re a good man because Jesus died for your sins ??
Go stab to death your mom or rape that lady
I don’t get it ??
So every child rapist , murderer , serial killer or anyone who committed any violent act that resulted in the injury or death of anyone is 100 percent cleared ??
Even 2,000 yrs after Jesus ?? You can kill 60 folks and just say you’re already cleared by Jesus
Wtf ???


Jesus redeems the sins of those who believe in Him and trust Him as their personal Savior. It's not a universal salvation. If you believe and trust in Him, you do not THEN go out and rape, murder and become a serial killer.
I know you wrote this for shock effect, but no. Mary gave permission; it wasn't rape; you can't murder a life that you created. That's not murder.
So as a father who helped create lives, I can kill them without getting thrown in jail?

Mary gave permission. Then she's a slut. And God has no morals for doing a young married virgin woman.

Jesus redeems the sins of those who believe in Him and trust Him as their personal Savior. It's not a universal salvation. If you believe and trust in Him, you do not THEN go out and rape, murder and become a serial killer.
No you can just rape and kill before you have your come to Jesus moment and all is forgiven
Seems like an odd choice that God the Almighty made by killing His own son to teach the sinners of the world a lesson.

By that action, didn't the sinners essentially all get off scot free while God's only son died a horrible death? Couldn't God the almighty have just smited all the sinners and been done with it?
Seems like an odd choice that God the Almighty made by killing His own son to teach the sinners of the world a lesson.

By that action, didn't the sinners essentially all get off scot free while God's only son died a horrible death? Couldn't God the almighty have just smited all the sinners and been done with it?

We all sin, so no God couldn’t do another flood or genocide…
I know you wrote this for shock effect, but no. Mary gave permission; it wasn't rape; you can't murder a life that you created. That's not murder.

Most of the epic OT bible stories begin with the slaughter of innocents. Between that and blood sacrifice, doesn't it sound rather primitive and pagan to you?
Why not?

Why couldn't He (they) have created a more perfect human?
there is a requirement for the spirit to become "more perfect" themselves, pure - to be given a chance for admission to the Everlasting ... or just perish.

1st step is losing anything involving the desert religions.
Most of the epic OT bible stories begin with the slaughter of innocents. Between that and blood sacrifice, doesn't it sound rather primitive and pagan to you?
No-----seems like history to me. You forgot about free will. "Blood sacrifice" ? like
meat eating?
Seems like an odd choice that God the Almighty made by killing His own son to teach the sinners of the world a lesson.

By that action, didn't the sinners essentially all get off scot free while God's only son died a horrible death? Couldn't God the almighty have just smited all the sinners and been done with it?

nope----the system of creation that includes the creation of man includes FREE CHOICE
for man. Try to expand your mind
Sorry but I don't want to worship any god who says a child rapist or a murdering son of a bitch can get the same rewards as a truly good person.
I do not think that either Christianity, or Judaism or Hinduism ----makes such on offer
Meat eating is not what blood sacrifice is. Do you think Abraham was going to eat Isaac?
Your comment is truly idiotic. Read the story of Abraham in the context of HIS
background. As to the "SACRIFICE" of a ram-----the word "sacrifice" is a synonym
for slaughter------aka BUTCHER. Eat it? Probably. Temple "sacrifices" were
meant to be eaten

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