Jesus Fish: Witnessing Tool or Weapon in the Culture Wars?


Gold Member
Aug 14, 2008
Interesting article by a believer about the Jesus Fish and other "witnessing tools."

Witnessing tools and resentment | slacktivist

Mainly, though, car-fish aren’t really intended for witnessing. They’re not witnessing tools, they are tribal symbols. The Jesus-fish on a car is not an invitation, but a declaration of tribal allegiance. It’s a signal that the driver of this car is an “Us” rather than a “Them.” And that Us-Them symbolism has far more to do with conflict than with any attempt at conversion.

This is true as well of many of the other things we tell ourselves are “witnessing tools.” One one level, they may be intended as conversation-starters, but on another level they’re also intended as conversation-stoppers — as attempts to win some implied argument. They’re not really designed for evangelism. They’re just the graffiti and propaganda of the culture wars.
Well, yeah. The intent was never anything other than a declaration of what they are.
Witnessing tool?

Are you kidding? I am a Christian. Recently my brother gave me a car. It had the fish on it. Not long after getting the car home, I took the fish off and I have not had a fish on any of my cars before nor will I afterward. Why? Well, when I get cut off and I let loose a single fingered salute or some other tirade, the last thing in the world I want the guy to see as I speed off is the fish that is supposed to represent my faith in Jesus Christ.

My witnessing tools are my life, my reputation, and my knowledge of the Bible. Dont need bumperstickers to show that I am a Christian. If you spend 2 minutes with me and cant figure it out then I need to check myself.
My witnessing tools are my life, my reputation, and my knowledge of the Bible. Dont need bumperstickers to show that I am a Christian. If you spend 2 minutes with me and cant figure it out then I need to check myself.

2 minutes? really? i am surprised by that.....i take you as one of the quiet ones
My witnessing tools are my life, my reputation, and my knowledge of the Bible. Dont need bumperstickers to show that I am a Christian. If you spend 2 minutes with me and cant figure it out then I need to check myself.

2 minutes? really? i am surprised by that.....i take you as one of the quiet ones

Not when I meet someone in person. I am not one to beat someone over the head with a bible but ask me how I am doing and I will tell you how the Lord has blessed me then politey invite you to church. If someone has questions about the bible or the Lord I will answer.

Like I have said on this board many times we are the light of the Lord people should be attracted to the light not repeled by it.
My witnessing tools are my life, my reputation, and my knowledge of the Bible. Dont need bumperstickers to show that I am a Christian. If you spend 2 minutes with me and cant figure it out then I need to check myself.

I read at a rate of 1.59 mins a word!!! And I did not know you were a christian until a few minutes agoe.

I guess you need to go check yourself!!:eusa_drool:

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